The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, August 26, 1904, Image 2

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COTTO N. As you begin to market your Cotton, the thought naturally arises, where must I buy rny | Winter Supplies? We are daily receiving New’ Goods for each Department of our business. Our buyer has ^ mm been diligent during the Summer months and we can save you money and furnish what you need II conteS^severaf car “of Furniture and House Furnishings, just received »i TK Almost anything you need for a home can be found in this department and the prices right, Notice our Departments, They are Complete. Ladies Dress Goods and Notions. Gents Furnishings. Ladies and Men Shoes, Queen King Kin Quality, Quality, Stacy*-Adams. Clothing, Hats, Hardware, Sporting Goods, Furniture and House Furnishings, Groceries, &c. SPECIAL AliEAC l ESs New Home Sewing Machines, Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, Clauss Razors and Shears, Lesh’s Anti*Rust Tinware, Chattanooga Plows, Cane Mills, Kettles and Evaporators, DeSOTO FLOOR. CAMILLA SUPPLY COMPANY. J. C. T. TURNER, R. J. BENNETT, B. LEWIS, President. Viee-Pres. Secretary and Gen. Mgr. Mgr. and Sales #1181 Scientific Farming, From the Augusta Chronicle. Some old-fashioned farmers are inclined to belittle the teach • ing at agricultural colleges, but it would be more to the purpose if these doubting Thomases kept pace with those institutions. It is true that, about twenty years ago, there was much nonsensical literature in some quarters, on farming operations. But all that is changed. The Government Year Bookisanadmirableand val¬ uable production, and no amibi tious or intelligent farmer should be without the Experimental Sta¬ tion bulletins. The other day Prof. Harvy, of the Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical Col¬ lege, addressed a farmers’ in¬ stitute at Aberdeen. He showed that the men at the experiment stations were practical authori¬ ties. They were experts on all subject? connected with the farm and its products, and he implored farmers to “Get rid of the idea that just any body could farm suc¬ cessfully, and showed that it requires really more intelli¬ gence to make a success in farming than in any other line. He stated that the first condition of successful agri¬ cultural practice was correct drainage and water control. No one should undertake to build up land until the water was under control, as a big rain could do more damage than could be repaired in five years. He called the atten • tion of the young men to the fact that land bought now and improved as suggested by him would make them inde¬ pendent by the time they were middle aged men.” If one supposes that the Miss- •ssippi college is a failure, such an individual must know that the professors have converted the imorest land in the State to one of the most fertile. Henry Gra¬ dy was right, when he urged the farmer “to manure his land with brains.” Of course the other kind of manure is essential, hut brains must direct its applica¬ tion. It is an old story, but al¬ ways instructive, how Mr. P. J. Bercbmans took the poorest tract of land in Richmond county and by labor and brains, made it better than most gold mines. The old lands of Georgia proper¬ ly “manured with brains” would double the wealth of the State in one decade. Taken With ramps. Wm. Kirinse, a member of the bridge gang working near Littleport was O'ken suddenly ill Thursday with cramps and a kind of cholera. His case was so se¬ vere that he had to have the members of the crew wait npon him and Mr. Gifford was called and consulted. He told them he had a medicine in the form of Cham berlain’s Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remeday that he thought would help him out and accordingly several doses were administered with the result that the fellow was able to be around next day. The incident speaks quite highly of Mr. Gifford’s medicines.—Elkader. Iowa, Argus. This remedy never fails. Keep it in your home, it may save life. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. Cotton Growers Unite. Moutieello Courier. The greatest efforts are to be mode to secure unity among cot¬ ton growers at the St. Louis meeting in September. Power¬ ful pressure is being brought to bear along this line in North Carolina and there are intima¬ tions that it will be quite success ful. Strenuous efforts are to be made to have the farmers hold back their cotton and to prevent the rush to sell which has here¬ tofore so frequently beaten down prices. A Texas editor has hit the right spot wnen ho says: “The sor¬ riest fellow on earth is the fellow who will sit around and cuss his own town. If I lived astride the north pole, I would call it home and be ready to boost it up. If l couldn’t say anything nice about ic, I would say that my ice bill didn’t come high. I would not stay in a town I had to cus — not while the world is big as it is now. . The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignificant outs or puny boils Hove paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Bucklen’s Arnica Salve ever handy. It’s the best Salve on earth and will prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores, Ul¬ cers and Piles threaten. Only 25c, at Lewis Drug Company’s. When the sword is rusty, the plow bright, the prisons empty, the graneries full, the steps of the temple worn down and those of the law courts grass-worn; when doctors go a-foot. the ba¬ kers on horse-back, and the men or letters drive in their own car¬ riages, then the empire is well governed.—Chinese Saying. Cholera Infantum. This disease has lost its terrors since Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar¬ rhoea Remedy came into general use. The uniform success which attends the use of this remedy in all cases of bowel complaints in children has made it a favorite wherever its value has become known. For sale hy Lewis Drug Co. Loans. Five year loans negotiated on farm lands at lowest rates. When you come to make title. application bring your chain of Edwin L. Bryan, Att’y at Law, Moultrie. Ga. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Mgwto what you eat. : fPj against ^^ECT losses your Property by fire ixzd with a policy in the 2ETNA, OF HARTFORD, CONN. 1 ► One of the best and most reliable Fire In¬ ! surance Companies in America, ‘ W. A. ALLEN, Agent, Camilla, Georgia. AVERT <& COMPACT? 51 ft 53 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, Engines, All Boilers “I” Saw Mills Kinds of Machinery. .5 U) G a c: 1 .8 1 .2 I— .u, ‘ ‘2 H8 .c: {'5 £5... LARGE ENGINES AND BOILERS SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators, All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular saws, Saw Teeth Locks, Steam Governors Mill Supplies, Engine as d Mill repairs Send or Catg WWHAM_~_ \ § - ‘1'???» pm: umxfl-K 53:2» l 1 : z; i \x"? ' , g p/,\ “m \ / ,- .H w 34:1; n ‘x‘ ., \WA‘S‘! ' $21] .. ‘ ' ‘2 Eva; am 1i:*_:'.“.~<9'{ ‘ :. 1 4- . ”3;, - 'fifiwwmas- > } ”wwflm _:_W {2: $53 kg '2 .0 {a {'75 EU) {6 )3 {4 i-