The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, August 26, 1904, Image 5

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I TS EB B KSB C g ^aig The Best is Always Cheapest. l^s> den Seed! Now is the time to plant fall gardens. With this in view, we have just received a foil assortment of the best seed obtainable on the market. Cabbage and Turnip seed in any quantity. All others in 5c and 10c papers. Will be pleased to have you call and examine our stock. Your Fi'iendsi, LEWIS DRUG COMPANY. mmammmmmmmmamaim HOME NEWS. local. Social. -*iin Personal Everything in fancy groceries at the Butler-Bash Go. Mr. B. F. Whitworth was on the sick list this week. Mr. A. B. Joiner was among Wednesday’s visitors to the city. See us before yoa buy a shot¬ gun. Camilla Supply Co. Airs, and Mrs. ,1. B. Wilson returned la»t Tuesday from a vis¬ it to Tennessee. Miss Julia Spence is visiting in Pelham this week the guest of Miss Emily Hand. Mr. W. M. Faircloth, of west Mitchell attendel to business in the city Wednesday. Don’t fail to get a 50c pound of tobacco for 19c at the Cincinnati Bargain House. Mrs. Elizabeth Culpepper, of Newton, is the guest of Mrs. Green Spence this week. Miss Bertha Faircloth, of Gainesville, Fla., is the guest of Mrs. R. D. Bush this week. Mr. J. B. Lewis returned Wed¬ nesday morning from a visit to the Exposition at St, Louis. Misses Marie Mosely and Lilly Ragan, of Atlanta, are the guests of Miss Ethel Perry this week. See Camilla Supply Co. for Rubber and Leather Belting, Lace Leather and Belt Hooks. Mr. D. M. Comfort, of Boston, was shaking hands with friends in Camilla the first of this week. Mrs. G. B. Cochran, and little boys, returned last Saturday from their summer outing over in Carolina. FOR SALE—Good evaporator and furnace for making up your syrup; can put it down at patch or anywhere and go to work. Terms, reasonable. Apply ‘Beck. to T. R, Bennett orThos. B. Ira (lain Coats—Butler-Bush Go. Miss Mazie Currie, of Bain bridge, is visiting her aunt Mrs, J. L. t'nderwood. Mrs. Carry Hail, of Moigs, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Taylor a few days last week. The Battle Axe shoe—Butler Bush Co. Mr. James Swindle, left Wed¬ nesday morning for Macon, where he will enter Stanley’s Business College. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Carmen, of Cairo, was in the city week visiting the latter’s brother Mr. C. L. Taylor. Sole sellers Ram’s Horn tobac¬ co.—Butler-Bush Co. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Coachman are visiting in Camilla this week, the guests of Mrs. mother, Mrs. J. B. Butler. Mr. Willie R. Adams and moth¬ er returned to their home in New¬ ton on Wednesday of last week after a pleasant visit to Mrs. C. 1. Taylor. Mrs. J. F. Holder, of Jefferson, Ga., is spending some time in Camilla, the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Spence, on Scott street. Alias Calista Bush returned Wednesday afternoon from an extended visit to relatives and friends in Bainbridge, Colquit and Arlington. See Belt Special in north show window. 50c belts at 19c. Camilla Supply Co. Mr. J. W. Pope, who has been spending some time in the moun¬ tains of north Georgia and La Grange, returned Tuesday much improved in health. Alias Mamie Turner returned this week from an extended visit to relatives in Alissouri and Illi¬ nois, taking - in the big fair at St. Louis, on the trip. For fresh garden seed read the Lewis Drug Company’s new advertisement in this issue. Nice crackers, delicious can¬ ned goods- Butler-Bush Co. Bailey has a new ad in this issue. Messrs. Irwin and Tuck Callo¬ way, of Albany, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. C, Spence. Mrs. J. M. Spence and her guest, Mrs J. N. Holder, spent Wednesday with friends in New¬ ton. Mr. aud Mrs. Mansfield, after a pleasant visit to their sister, Airs. Faircloth, returned to their home in Savannah last week. Thousands are sick every year with some form of Bowel Com • plaint. Thousands are cured by taking Du. Seth Arnold’s Bal¬ sam. Warranted to give satis¬ faction by Lewis Drug Co. Judge W. N. Spence, accom¬ panied by his sister, Miss Law son Spence, and his daughters, Misses Susie and Toy, with his little son, Master Henry Turner, left Monday morning for St. Louis, where they will visit the big Exposition. Mrs. J. M. Spence gave an en¬ tertainment to the little folks Wednesday afternoon in honor of her little neices Erin and Kath¬ leen Holder, of Jefferson, Ga., who with their mother, Mrs. J. N. Holder, were her guests this week. They left yesterday for their return home. Mrs. W. H. Morgan left last Sunday for Coffee Springs, Ala., where she will visit her brother Air. T. W. Dollars, and to receive the benefits of the springs which have a noted reputation as a health resort. Before returning , home Mrs. Morgan will also visit her sister Mrs. J. N. Daniels, at Alidland City, Ala. If you want your life insured call on Thos. B. Beck and insure in the New England Mutual. Why? Because it is the oldest company in U. S. A. and is re¬ liable, giving all the advantages possible to its applicants. Mr. Dan Carroll, of Albany, spent part of Tuesday in Camil¬ la. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Perry have returned from their summer outing. Miss Neva J. Brim berry is on a visit to friends in Boston this week, Dr. W. L. Curry, of Pelham, was among yesterday’s visitors to Camilla. Mr, Robert O’Neill, of Barn bridge, is the guest of Judge I, A. Bush this week. The Lewis building is nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy in about three weeks. The Butler-Bush Co. believe in printer’s ink. Watch their advertisement and then see them do business. ORDER YOUR FALL SUIT THROUGH The Butler=Bush Co., Agents M. Rose & Co. & S. H. Churchill Co. Chicago. Fits Guaranteed. Mrs. S. E. Cox Dead. At about one o’clock on last Monday night the immortal spir¬ it of Mrs. S. E. Cox, ascended*to the God who gave it a dwelling place here on earth for many years. Her death was not a surprise to her family and friends for she had been a great sufferer from cancer for sometime, and for the past few [weeks the sad end was expected to come at any moment yet it is hard for the husband to give up the companion of his life’s journey, while her chil¬ dren who know full well what it is to be bereftof mother and her ten¬ der solicitous love, are bowed down in inexpressible sorrow. The funeral services were held Tie Citizen’s Bank of Camilla has applied for charter and will open and ready for business by October 1st. i|Mr- I. Berman has had the debris cleared away from his burnt building prepartory to putting up a nice two-story building. Camilla is good market for your cotton. The price this week ranged between 10 and 11 cents in square bales and 11 and 12 cents for round bales. Rev. and Mrs. A. McLaughlin, with their little daughter left last Monday afternoon for their old home near Red Springs. N. C,, where they will spend a short vacation among relatives and friends. The Enterprise wishes for them a safe and pleas¬ ant trip. at four o’clock Tuesday after¬ noon at the Baptist church of which she had been a consistent member for many years. The interment was-made at Camilla’s new cemetery, the remains be¬ ing followed to the grave by a large number of relatives and friends. Mrs. Cox leaves a husband and several children, besides a host, of friends to mourn her death, to all of whom the Enterprise ex¬ tends condolence. ~ FORSALE. Forty thousand feet, of good rough lumber in assorted sizes, six miles east of Camilla- Apply to M. F. Brimherry, Camilla,