The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, August 26, 1904, Image 6

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%&#&*& Professional Cards. J. L. UNDERWOOD, Attorkey-at-Law and Read® Estate. Office in Bennett’s Building, Broad | street. F. L. LEWIS, Physician and Sukgeos. Office at Drug Siore of Lewis Drug-:-! Go’s., dining the <Iav. Resilience j; at night. Prompt attention given®' ft to all calls. —---- 1 1A Bush, R D Bush £ 1. A. BUSH & SONS, AttobnE ys-at-La w, Camilla, Ga. Commercial law a specialty ....%) SH. C. Dasher, Jr. W. H. Hoag»aJ.| | DASH ER & HO 5G A RD, Attorneys-at-Law, Camilla, Ga. |Office in Enterprise Building. |D. A. SPENCE, I Dental Surgeon, , Pelham, Ga. Office in new City H 11. reasonable The best quality charges. of Your work pa-|f atp tronage solicitated. - -------- Dr. J. -—-1 L. Brown, •Physician and Surgeon, f V‘ Camilla, Georgia, g i Residence phone 4. Office phone 30. Fire Insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. represents the following Fire In¬ surance Companies: Liverpool and London and Globe. Hartford Fire. Home insurance C»of N- Y. Greenwich Insurance Co YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED ♦«*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦** * Up-to-date Goods at the Old Reliable .1. W. Joiner’s $ Jewelry Store, Albany, * Georgia. I! ......a comm Lint or, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,Silver j; and Plate Wares, • • Cutlery, Notions, Fancy Ar¬ ticles, Stationery, etc. All kinds of Repairing Watches, Clocks, i Jewelry at short order and at lowest pri- < > ces. I respectfully (solicit a portion of the public patronage. J. W. Joiner, Washington St. ALBANY. - - GA n Jmrist Vi' In The Camp? M\5 MS ^GREATEST L v a ' kJonex book ' Chaplain oftoeow . ' CST COMMENOATIONa BY A.+dOST EMINENT //, /, DUTWE.RN f M£N ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Direct Route to the St. Louis Exposition. Two Trains Daily. In connection with W. & A. R. R. & N. C. & St. L. Ry from Atlanta. Lv Atlanta 8;35 a. m. Ar St. Louis 7;08 a. m. Lv Atlanta 8:30 p. m. Ar St. Louis 7:36 p. m. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS FROM Georgia, Horida And Tennessee. Route of the famous DIXIE FLYER. Carrying from the only morning sleeping ear Atlanta to St, Louis. This ear loaves Jacksonville daily 8:05 p. m. At¬ lanta day 8; St. 25 Louis a. m. to giving‘you located. the entire in get For rates from your city, World’s Fair Guide Book and schedules, Sleep¬ ing Car reservations, also for book show¬ ing Hotels and Boarding houses, quoting their rates, write to Fred ». Miller, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. 1 Brown Building, Atlanta, Ga. TREE PLANTING. Information for Those Who Want to Beautify Premises. A good tree well planted wili usually grow whether the work is done in the fall or spring. In the fall the soil is us¬ ually in the best condition, and the tree has time to get accus* totned to its new position, the winter rains settling the soil among the roots so that it is ready to start into growth at the first appearance of spring. Fall plan¬ ting differs from spring planting in two respects. In the first place, there is no need for the bucket¬ ful of water put in on the roots, which id of so much value in spring planting; and second isf raising a mound of earth around the newly planted tree to protect it from the rigor of the winter’s storms and the depredations of the field mice. The trimming of the broken or bruised roots with a sharp knife is necessary, and the spreading out all the roots. Do not plant over an inch or two deeper than the tree stood in the nursery. Take pains to w’ork the soil well in among the roots. Treat a young tree as a living thing, not as a post, and you will seldom lose one. Always prune the tops in the spring, never in the fall.—Ex. A Sweet Breath. is a never failing sign of a healthy stom¬ ach. When the breath is bad the stom¬ ach is out of order. There is no remedy in tlus world equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for curing indigestion, dispepsia and all stomach disorders. Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White Plains, Ky., writes: “I have been a dyspeptic for years; tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse. By the use of Kodol I be¬ gan to improve at once, and after taking a few Bottles am fully restored in weight health and strength and can eat what¬ ever I like.” Kodol digests what you cat and makes the stomaolt sweet. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. The Galvestion Daily News (Dem.) says: “ The present Re¬ publican administration contra¬ dicts itself again by maintaining that the Filipinos must be hel 1 and governed by whites because they are not capable of govern¬ ing themselves, while holding that the negroes of the South must be backed up in their efforts to control the public service where they are in the majority regarlless of their unfitness to tule.” Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diar¬ rhoea Eemedy and Perhaps a Life Saved. “A short time ago I was taken with a violent attack of diarrhoea and I believe I would have died if I had not gotten re¬ lief,” says John J. Patton, a leading cit¬ izen of Patton, Ala., "A friend recom¬ mended Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I bought a twenty-five cent bottle and after taking three doses of if was entirely cured. I consider it the best remedy in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by Lew¬ is Drug Company. According to the newspaper dispatches Brooklyn detectives, fireman, and extra policemen were called out to quell a race rict that occurred in the heart of the city. Evidently Brooklyn¬ ites have some of that “race prej¬ udice” for which their city pa¬ pers are just at present scoring the South. The editors say noth¬ ing of this outbreak. It really does make a difference \vhos8 ox is gored.—Savannah New?. A Summer Cold. A summer cold is not only annoying but if not relieved Pneumonia will be the probable result by Fall. One Min¬ ute Cough Cure clears the phlegm, draws out the inflamatiou, heals, sooths and strengthens the lungs and bronchial tubes. One Minute Cough Cure is au ideal remedy for the children. It is pleasant to the taste and perfectly less. A certain cure for Croup, Cough, and Cold. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. The Merchants. Few people realize, says an ex¬ change, the position that a mer¬ chant occupies iq a community. They think of him only as a nec¬ essary fixture to a town, a sort of utensil for the public, but when it comes to paying him, a nuisance. The farmer thinks the merchant has an easy time of it, that he makes a profit on every thing he sells; he doesn’t realize that the merchant sells on a close margin, has long hours and must be as punctual as the sun; he is expected to sell honest goods at the same prices that peddlers and mail order houses sell short weight, adulterated or inferior grades; he is expected to always sell good butter and to pay fancy prices for produce, no matter what condition they may be in; that he is the prey of commission men, and that his flour is expect¬ ed to make the finest bread whether baked properly or not. The farmer does not realize that the merchant who wins must be a hustler, a man whose head teems with new ideas and new projects; that he must be a diplomat, a Keen, conservative buyer, and an economizer—not economizing by saving nails out of boxes or sell¬ ing tea leads, but by cutting down expenses, keeping his stock neat and salable, by advertising himself as an honorable and effi¬ cient merchant. A Perfect Painless Pill iw the one that will cleanse the system, set the; liver to action, remove the bile, clear the complexion, cure headache and leave a good taste in the mouth. The famous little pills for doing such work pleasantly and effectually are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. Bob Moore, of La¬ fayette, Ind., says: “All other pills I have used gripe, and sicken, while De Witt’s Little Early Risers are simply perfect.” Sold by Lewis Drug Co. The New York physicians de¬ clares that overwork is responsi¬ ble for more deaths than disease. Puls an End to it all. A grievous wad oftimes comes as a result of unbearable pain from over-taxed organs. Dizzi¬ ness, Backache, Liver complaint and Constipation. But thanks to Dr. King’s New Life Pills they put an end to it all. They are gentle but thorough. Try them. Only 25c. Guaranteed by Lewis Drug Co, Camilla Enterprise, SI a year. I J. B. Co. * Wilson ? sz Are offering splendid bargains to the public in Hardware and Plantation Supplies. A full line of Cutlery. : See our line of Stoves: all sizes and prices to suit the ^3 : times. SSZ - .................. - .................. = - ' -full line Fts—ycC o - : Dry Goods, Notions and Furnishings. Ss We want your trade and will take pleasure in showing you goods and quote you the ^2 ~ lowest prices. ^ _ : J. B. Wilson Company. I i GOOD SPIRITS. Good spirits don’t all come from Ken¬ tucky. Their main source is the liver —and all the fine spirits ever made in the BlueJGrass State could uot remedy a bad liver or the hundred-and-one ill effects it produces. You can’t have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your liver must be in fine condition if you would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of step, vig¬ orous and successful in your pursuits. You can put your liver in fine condition by using Green’s August Flower—the greatest of all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dys¬ pepsia or indigestion. It has been a far vorite household remedy for over tliirty five years. August Flower wili make your liver healthy and active and thus insure you a liberal supply of “good spirits.” Trial size, 2ae; regular bottles, 75c. At Lewis Drug Co. The action of the Georgia com¬ missioners at the St. Louis expo¬ sition in agreeing to give to the Georgia Industrial Home all the furnishings of the state building there, after the close of the expo, sition, will be applauded by the by the people generally. It was the voluntary act of the commis¬ sioners.—Macon Telegraph. Subscribe for the Enterprise. Notice! ...THE... j < Camilla Pressing Club, FIRST-CLASS WORK i -<^Your Patronage Solicited by ) A. W. WILLIAMS, Practical Repairer, i Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing T«:7 vrrr Gent’s clothing of all kinds, j /Ill I dye any goods any color. Special scr todies’ clothiEg , 5 peo ta .t y . Flint River & North-eastern Ry. Co. Effective February 4th 1004, 10t30 a. m, No 1 Daily Miles Miles No 2 Daily No i A. U. STATIONS P M 10 30 0 Lv Pelham Ar 25 4 10 10 40 1 ACL Junction 24 4 00 11 05 6 Cotton 18 3 18 11 10 2 Riley 15 3 13 11 13 1 Hinson 13 3 10 11 23 u Floride 11 9 00 11 35 21 Akridge 9 2 50 11 50 2 Sale City 6 2 35 12 00 1 Jonesboro 1 2 25 12 10 2 Tuton Junction 0 2 15 12 20 3 Port Arthur 3 2 10 12 30 3 Ar Tichnor Lv 0 200 Connections: JMo. 1 Pelham Ga., Atlantic Coast Line No 2 Tichnor GaGeorgia Northern Ry. J. W. Byrd, Gen. Man. D. M. ifoGERs, Gen. Snpt, FOR SALE:— 500 acre farm near Camilla. Money loaned at low rates of interest. J. L. Underwood. Wintersmith’s CP @ B | GOARASTUD | CURE CHILLS DENGUE, AGUE, LACRIPPE, BILIOUS FEVER AND All MALARIAL ILLS. 50c «r& At y*.r Dm » « « » **■ U H <tm ga« •• «Hd For sale by Lewis Drug Co.