The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, August 26, 1904, Image 7

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Application for Charter. GEORGIA—Mitchell County. To the Hon. P!ilip Cook, Secretary of State: Geo. C. Coclvran, J. C. Wilson, G. B. Baggs and E. M. Davis, all of the coun¬ ty of Mitchell and State of Georgia, bring this as their petition pursuant to the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of Georgia, approved Decem¬ ber 20th 1898, and respectfully shows: 1 That they desire to form a corpo¬ ration for the purpose of carrying on the banking business. 2 The name and style of the propos¬ ed corporation shall be the “Citizens Bank of Camilla. ” 8 The location and principal place of business thereof shall he in the town of Camilla, said state and county. 4 The amount of capital stock is $80, 000 in 300 shares of One Hundred Dol¬ lars each. 5 The nature of the proposed corpo¬ ration shall be that of a bank, its gener¬ al purpose being to discount bills, notes, or other evidences of debt; to receive and pay out deposits with or without in¬ terest; to receive on special deposit mon¬ ey, bullion, foreign coin, and stocks, bonds and other securities; to take and receive security by mortgage, or other wise, on property of every sort, both real and personal, and generally do and perform all other such matters and things not herein before enumerated as are or may be incident to the business of banking. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in¬ corporated under the laws of this state, with all the privileges and powers and subject to the liabilities inipo ed by law. Geo. C. Cochran, Jno. Q. Wilson. G. B. Baggs, E. M. Davis. Georgia, Mitchell County. Before me, J. G. Wood, Ordinary of said county, personally appeared Geo. C. Cochran, G. B. Baggs, J. C. Wilson and E. M. Davis, who on oath say that fifteen thousand dollars of the capital subscribed to the Citizens Bank of Ca¬ milla, for winch said bank deponents are now seeking iueorjwration by the Secretary of State, has been actually paid by the subscribers, and that the same is in fact hold, and is to be used solely for the business and purposes of said corporation. Geo. C. Cochran, Jno. C. Wilson, E. M. Davis, G. B. Baggs. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this loth day of August.. J. G. WOOD, Ord. M. C. Ga. STATE OF GEORGIA. Office of Secretary of State. I, Philip Cook, Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, do hereby certify that the attached two pages of type¬ written and written matter contain a trap and correct copy of the Application of the Citizen’s Bank of Camilla for a charter, the original of which Applica¬ tion is of file in this department. In Testimony Whereof, I have here¬ unto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this J6th day of August, in the year of onr Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Four and of the Inde¬ pendence of the United States of Amer¬ ica the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth. Philip Cook, Secretary of State. 0$0^0<^0<S>0<®>U<&0§>0^0®0<£0'$C 3>o'* | The World Renowned % t Battle Ax Shoe, f o ® t The Butler-Bush Co. f FOR SAL E—A first-class mower dead cheap. Apply to Ernest M. Davis. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR. The Best Blood Purifier Known —Invaluable as a Wash. Sulphur is nature’s greatest germicide. Its value has known for centuries, but it was never successfully produced as a li¬ quid until the discovery of the method of making Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur. It is the best blood purifier known. Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur will save doc¬ tor’s bilks and make clear, brilliant com¬ plexions. Taken internally, it is inval¬ uable in the spring. Used as a wash, it kills germs, and cures and heals eczema, acne, itch, dandruff, prickly heat, dip theria, catarrh, cuts, burns, scalds, and all inflammations and sores. Ask your druggist for it, or write for booklet to Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co. Baltimore, Md. DeWItt's B Sain For Piles, Borne, Seres. List of General Laws. Following is a complete list of the general laws enacted by the general assembly recently ad¬ journed : To amend section 821, of the code of 1895, so as to allow the tax collector instead of the tax receiver to issue fi. fas. against any unreturned wild lands. To amend subsection It, of section 4052, of volume 2, of the code of 1895, relative to the du¬ ties of the justice of peace. To fix and regulate fees of no¬ taries public so as to prescribe a uniform fee of $1.50 in each case for protesting notes and other commercial papers. To recognize, foster and aid the Georgia Industrial home, at Macon, and like institutions for caring for orphans, by providing that homeless waifs may be com¬ mitted to such institutions by or¬ dinaries and superior court judges. To amend section 892, of the code of 1895, so as to provide for the issuing of all fi fas for taxes,. in place of fi fas lost or destroy¬ ed by cities towns and villages. To authorize the governor to pay to the heirs of any deceased veteran or widow of confederate veterans the pension accrued and due at the time of his or her death. To authorize the pension com¬ missioner to pay over to the or¬ dinaries of their respective coun¬ ties the pension that may now be due or that may hereafter accrue to any pensioner who may die before the same can be paid. To fix the situs of debt due to non-residents for the purpose of attachment. To amend paragraph 1, secticn 3, article 3, of the constitution, relative to the number of mem¬ bers of the house of repre¬ sentatives, so as to provide for members for new counties that may be created. To amend paragraph 2, section 1, article 9, cf the constitution so as to provide for the creation of eight new counties, making the limit 145. To make appropriations for the support of the state government and its institutions for the year 1905—the general appropriations bill. To levy and collect a tax for the support of the state government and its institutions for 1905- the general tax act. To vest in ordinaries or county commissioners the right to con¬ struct bridges over navigable streams. To amend the laws relative to the protection of fish so as to pre¬ vent seining from March 1 to Ju¬ ly 1, during the spawning season. To pay off and retire the\alid bonds of the state as they mature by providing a sinking fund of $100,000 for 1905. To make an appropriation of $10,000 to the state department of entomology, and to enact laws looking to keeping the Mexican cotton boll weevil out of Georgia. To provide for a board of trus¬ tees of one from each congres¬ sional district, two from the city of Athens and two from the state at large for the state normal school at Athens. To appropriate $1,000 addition¬ al to pay rewards for the capture in 1905. To increase the salary of the governor of Georgia from $3,000 to $5,000 a year. To repeal an amendment act of 1899 relative to defendants in city courts having a right to demand indictment by grand jury. The following measures origin¬ ated in the state senate. To amend section 1541 of vol¬ ume 1 of the code of 1895, so as to require the names of one-third of the total number of qualified voters in a county to be signed to a petition for a local option election. To provide that all insane con¬ victs shall be kept and cared for at the state prison farm instead of at the state sanitarium. To increase the salaries of judges of the supreme and supe¬ rior courts to $4,000 and $3,0000 a year, respectively* and to pro¬ hibit them from using free passes or franks of any kind. To authorize cities, towns and counties to charge a license tax upon the sale of domestic wines. To prohibit traffic in nontrans ferable signature tickets issued by common carriers, except by the authorized agents of such carriers. To prevent the dormancy of judgements by making certain entries and records of the exe¬ cution docket. To provide how cities and towns may create debt3 other than bonded debts, under paragraph 1, section 1, article 7, of the consti¬ tution. To regulate the business of lending money on personal prop¬ erty—the “money shark” bill. To amend section 735, volume 1, of the code, relative to the dis¬ position of property purchased by municipal corporations at tax sales. To amend section 1764 of the code of 1895 so as to make cer¬ tain kinds of wire fence lawful fences. To amend section 1497, volume 1. of the code, relatives to grant¬ ing license by the state board of pharmacy. To make it a misdemeanor for any person to buy or sell a vote in any primary election, and to provide that either party shall be compelled to testify against the other. To authorize the state board of medical examiners to issue licen¬ ses to the licensee of other states without examination. To amend section 826, volume 1, of the code, so as to relieve it of ambiguity. Suicide Prevented. The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide had been discovered will interest many. A run down system, or despondency invariably precedes suicide and something has been found that will prevent that con¬ dition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self de¬ struction take Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It’s also a great Stomach, Liver and Kidney regulator. Only 50c. Satisfac¬ tion guaranteed by Lewis Drug Company. From the Statesboro News: All of the present trouble in the country was brought on by Reid and Cato who killed and burned a whole family, and the country people are going to run out all the mean negroes- Here in town the trouble was brought on by two negro women who kicked two white girls in the ditch. Now let the negroes learn a valuable lesson at this time. DeWitt is the Name. When you go to buy Witch Hazel Salve look for the name DeWITT on every box. The pare, unadulterated Witch Hazel is used in making DeWitt’s Witch Hazal Salve, which is the best salve in the world for cuts, bums, bruises, boils, eczema and piles. The popularity of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, due to its many cures, has caused numerous worthless counterfeits to be placed on the market. The genuine bears the name E. C. DeWit A & Co., Cliicago. Sold by Lewis Drug Uo. A grand daughter of Jefferson Davis is lo be married to a rela - tive of General Grant. Tfc* following lo ono Lamar’s Lemon 1 of many unootlciteO (•«- Laxative cures J tlmonlalo: Constipation, Bil¬ Dothan, Ala., iousness, Indiges¬ April 16, ’04. tion and Headache. I have used La- Acts promptly mar’s Lemon Lax¬ and powerfully on ative in my family the bowels yet is and would not be gentle and pleas¬ without it. It is ant in action certainly a valua¬ does not gripe or ble medicine. sicken. It can’t J. A. May, hurt you-—it can Chief of Police. help you. On mU at all gmmd drug itortt, SO Sum far so cants. OWNID AND MANUFACTURED BV 1 LAMAR, TAYLOR & RILEY 0RU6 COMPANY, Maeon, 0a. nY STAND Is at the Depot. am here to furnish to the Public^V Brick, Rough and Dressed Lumber At prices that are Fair. See me and save money. I carry a nice, new line of GROCERIES. My motto shall be: “Fair Dealing and Prompt Service.” Command me and your goods shall be delivered at your door. Phone 42. J. F. Clark. John H. Hunter. Wm. K. Pearce. Frank C. Battey. Hunter, Pearce & Battey, Cotton Factors Naval Stores Factors. Over 30 Years] in Business* Experienced and Expert Handlers of Upland Cotton, Sea Island Cotton, Naval Stores. One of the largest factorage concerns in the South. Each commodity handled in a separate department. Strictest attention to each. Sell Upland and Sea Island Bagging, Ties and Twine. Liberal advancements made on consignments. Money loaned to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on approved security. Shipments Respectfully Solicited. 126 5 ay 5f. ^a51". 5avanna(-|, dja. IHdtamntl JHadthte UKUrrJt# gmwBer iWl’F’fl ©umjjtmjt. We are prepared to furnish you any kiud of dressed lumber. We have our own dry kiln and planers. Get our prices before buying. We rebuild all kinds of machinery. Special attention to repair* work. Pipe Fittings, Castings, Brass Goods, Iron and Steel Always on Hand. -'^ttoa.-^Come and See our New Plant.^u^^ Satisfaction Guaranteed ! YOURS TRULY, Mechanical Machine Works & M’f’g Co:; , * PELHAM, GA. , ,