The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, September 02, 1904, Image 8

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A Mid-Summer Bargain Sale! 1,000 yds, white and colored Lawns, all good, stylish patterns, going at a reduced price. Ladies’ children’s and Men’s slippers going at all-round cost prices. 1,5/9 pairs of Men’s and Boy’s pants that will have to be sold at sacrificing prices. Men’s and Boy’s ........Suits to go at cost......... Seeing is . B g§|i!S§i§ Come and See! Our up-to-date Line of Gent’s Furnishings will also go in this cut price sale for we will have to make room for a large stock that will arrive in a few days. For your summer trip, get onecf Baggr & Perry’s suit cases, hand satchels or trunks for the occasion. They can suit you. We are closing out millinery and ribbons at your price. Get the “habit.” Embroidery sold at the same cut price. We have everything you want in furniture at factory prees. We have the best carload of stoves in the world. You know you need one. We expect to reduce our stock within the next few days even if we lose. Our loss will be your gain if you will grasp the opportunity. Come to see us prepared to take away some of the best bargains. Baconton Items. I'rof. F. F. Farmer, of North Georgia, at rived in Baconton Saturday in order to become ac¬ quainted with the eui roundings before the opening of school Monday. Baconton is congrat¬ ulating herself on a very wise choice and is not a little enthused over the prospect for the ensuing year. Mr. Harry Jackson left Sun¬ day last for Thomasville where he will go into business. Mr. Eyone Dean, of Pretoria, was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Pinson spent last Tuesday in Albany. Mr. C. M. Winchester will re¬ turn to the Technological School in Atlanta to resume his studies for the coming session. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Lunday, of Isabella, visited their daughter, Mrs. L. C. Fleming last week. Mr. Will Fleming and son, Master Max, were here Sunday. Mis. Cochran, of Sylvester, was a guest at the home of her daugh¬ ter, Mis. G. H. Reynolds, this week. Mr. T. C. McCullough, of Thom¬ asville, was here Tuesday. Mrs. Andrew Ramsey, of near Columbus, is visiting relatives here. “School Girl” wishes to con¬ gratulate “Aunt Jane" on such systematic and regular corres¬ pond*, nee. Mr, J. D, Peacock, of Jesup, is with relatives here. Mrs. Lula Brimberry and laughter, Frances, left fur Cuih cert'W eduesday, where the form¬ er wiit resume her d ities as ma¬ tron at Andrew, also her studies in music. Frances will enter school there. Mrs. J. B. Henley and Miss Alma Henley spent laetThursday in Camilla. Mrs. E. B. Mullins spent last Thursday in Meigs. Miss Mattie Winchester has returned from a most pleasant trip to the World's Fair. Mrs. M. E. Jenkins has been quite ill for some time. Miss Beulah Nelms .was here Sunday from her home in the country. An improvement has been made in Broad St., in that the sidewalk leading by the North side of E. D. Glosier’s store and in front of that occupied by E. B. Mullins has been improved. “Winnie,” a colored girl who from childhood has been in the service of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. .lenuins, on the charge of insan¬ ity, is tow in the county jail awaiting removal to Milledgeville. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Evans spent Friday in Albany. Dr. J. P. Sharp and Prof. F. F. Farmer visited Flint Tuesday in the interest of the school. Prayermeeting was unusually impressive Sunday evening. Talks by Cols. Eacon and Lane, Prof. Farmer, Messrs Reynolds and McCollum were especially good. “The Trio” from the eighth grade i9 separated. “Sad, but oh, how true!” Two will leave for Andrew Female College Sept. 12, while the othei will enter school here Monday morning to complete her regular High School course. One of our tenth grade girls will also go to Andrew while another will enter the G. N. & I. C. in Milledgeville. Misses Ruth and Zula Wilson, of Camilla, and Mr. Bradford of Pelham, were here Sunday. Misises Willie and Wallace ' d ams of Baker, were here last week. Miss Bessie Culbreath is spen¬ ding some time in Baker. Mrs. Fannie Strom was buried at Mt. Enon cemetery Sunday, i Mr. Morrow, of Quitman, is visiting relatives here. At the time of this writing there is ?> prospect of an ice cieam sup¬ per at Maj. Bacon’s Thursday evening in the interest of the Baptist church. ‘‘Darns Rumor” has it that wedding bells here will not al¬ ways be muffled.* Mrs. Frank Mercer is spending some time in Baker. Mrs. J. S. Miller and son, Rog¬ er, have returned from a visit to Eatonton. Miss Leola Miller has returned from a visit to Sylvester. Mr. M. E. Jackson is rallying from a relapse of typhoid fever. Mr. W. G. Culbreath of Alba¬ ny, was here on Sunday last. Baeonion is the place. School Girl. A Clean Conscience. Will not clean your conscience but will clean your silverware, jewelry, etc., and make it look new and only takes a few minutes to clean all you have. It has been tried by my customers right here in town, and everyone who has tried it agrees with me that it is higher than Haraan. I use it every day in my work and find it the best preparation of the kind I ever used. You can do your own cleaning and polishing in a very few minutes. Sold with the understanding that you re¬ turn same and get your money back if not pleased, Only 25c a box. C. L. Taylor. The weigh <-f a man with a maid is usually S', unding gold and tinkling silver. WESTSVER, ” •' * 3§2SiiOES EHTLEME IA^'>nd (i B. THEY SHOW THE “X>*j THE HIGHEST PRICE - X'* vORDER IS BECAUSE*f5Y THE NOT f\y PRICE OYLR$ ?o*'ke DOWN 31 KEEPS P Sa THE QUALITY AN 0 UP SKILL STEPHEN PUTNEY SHOE CO battle: axe. and westover shoe builders MANCHESTER,VIRGINIA U.S.A. For Sale By Butler=Bush Co. Stanley’s Business College, j Macon, : Georgia. Success is yours if you attend a good business college. We will qaalify yon and secure you a potation. Write for catalogue. •I G. W. H. Stanley, President THOMASVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE Thomasville, Oa. If you are interested in a Busi¬ ness Education, you will do well to investigate the merits and metheds of the above-named In¬ stitution. bor full particulars, address. Anson W. Ball, President. Do You Want a Refrigerator? If so I can supply your wants at small co9t. Sample Refrige rator to be seen at the Camilh Trading Co’s, stores. I guarantee them to give satis faction. Give me your order. Council Williams.