The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, September 09, 1904, Image 5

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^ A A * A A AAAAtiiAiAliAlAlii »i i \ A I A* ** » AAAA A AAAiAAAiiAA AAAiAlAAii The Best is Always Cheapest. *S _v <§) Garden Seed! Now is the time to plant fall gardens. With this in view, we have just received a full assortment of the best seed obtainable on the market. Cabbage and Turnip seed in any quantity. All others in 5c and 10c papers. Will be pleased to have you call and examine our stock. Your Friends, LEWIS DRU G COMPANY. TVYTVT.fYVVWVTVTVYVYVVTVTYVTVVV*»nrVVVVTVVTVYVVTTYTVTTVVTTVT7T' VTVVTTTTTVTVYVTTTVTVTVTTV* ■ ■ HOME NEWS. « ■*1^^ Social. ■ Local. « ■ ■ • ■ Personal ■ m 0 Mr. Charlie W. McNair has ac¬ cepted a position with the Lcw 5 s Drug Co. Dr. D. A. Spence, of Pelham, was with friends in our city on Monday last. Fine white china cup with han¬ dles, 3 for 10c. at the Cincinnati Bargain House. Read the new advertisements in this week’s Enterprise. They will interest you. Miss Ladler Fitzgerald, of Rine Park, was the guest of Miss Janie Cochran,last week. Mr. \V. H. Bibb, of Thomas - ville. was the guest of relatives in Camilla last Sunday. Don’t fail to get a 50c pound of tobacco for 19c at the Cincinnati Bargain House. Mrs. Robert Woodam and ct-il dren left this morning for their home in Hawkinsville. Miss Mary Baggs, who has been confined to her bed for some time is much better now 7 . Mrs. W. C. Spence is at home again after a most delightful visit to her old home, Albany. Miss Sanie Spence, who is now teaching at Branchville, spent last Friday with homefoiks. The rain fail for the past weea has been heavy and damaging to cotton that is open in the field. Mrs. Sallie Twitty and little daughter, of Pelham, are the guests of Mrs. Heath, this week. Miss Clinton Frasier, of Bacon ton, was the guest of Mrs. C. T. Clark, the latter part of last week. Mr. Britt W. Davis. Jr., ot Valdosta spent the latter part of last week with friends in Camilla. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Mrs. M. Wilkes and daughter are in Camilla this week.—Meigs Correspondent Pelham Journal. Miss Lee Bennet, of Quitman, who was the guest of Mrs. W. C. Spence, left for her home Wed¬ nesday. Mr. Albert Haile returned last Friday afternoon from his sum¬ mer outing in his old home in Carolina. For Sale Cheap- One four room house and lot on Scottt St, Apply to H. C. Dasher Sr. D. T. or Misses Mellie and Sallie Jones, charming young ladies, of Pecan, Ga., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. F. Scaife. Miss Mamie Turner left yester¬ day morning for Macon, where she will be the guest of Mrs. Frank Mallory. Miss Lucile Culpepper enter¬ tained a number of her young friends with a “social” on last Friday evening. Master W. B, Bennett, return¬ ed to his home in Quitman, while here he was the guest of Master William Spence. Misses Laura Bennett and Au¬ drey Turner left last Friday af¬ ternoon for a visit to the exposi¬ tion at St. Louis. Miss Ethel Perry returned home last Saturday from a de¬ lightful visit to her sister, Mrs. J. L, Green, of Pelham. Little Miss Claude Davis, of Blakely, sister of Col. E. M. Da¬ vis. i 3 the guest of little Miss Bessie McNair this week. Messrs. Lee Hall and A. S, Johnson, passed through Camilla last Thursday afternoon enroute to their home in Newton, Ga, Every bottte warranted, but not one returned, is the report regarding Dr. Seth Arnold’s Balsam (the best Summer Reme¬ dy) from a large number of drug gists in the South. This balsam is warranted to you by Lewis Drug Co. Mrs. Mack Wilkes and daugh¬ ter, who were the guests of Mrs. J. T. Owen last week have re¬ turned to their home in Meigs. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Grif¬ fin and baby arrived in Camilla on last Thursday, and are the guests of Mrs. Griffin’s mother, Mrs. J. B. Butler. Mrs. H. C. Dasher, Sr., with her little grandson, returned last Tuesday from Boston, Ga., where she has been the guest of rela¬ tives for the past month. Miss Lota Spence, who has been some time in Tennessee at¬ tending the summer school at Knoxville, and also visiting in the northern part of the state has returned home Don’t let the good chance go by. One thousand pieces of enamel ware just received; all useful for house and kitchen. We wiP sell them cheaper than ever at the Cincinnati Bargain House. Rev. C. T. Clark returned last Friday afternoon from Undine, Ga., where he had been helping in a protracted meeting in the church at which he first com¬ menced his ministerial work. Mr. Tom Wood, of Cairo, has accepted a position with the J. B. Wilson Co as book-keeper and entered upon his duties last Fri¬ day. He and his estimable wife will now make Camilla their fu¬ ture home. Mr. John C. Turner left last Monday for Davidson, N. C-, where he will enter Davidson College. John C. is one of Ca¬ milla’s young noblemen, and the Enterprise predicts that he will take first place in his class. Don’t forget Imperial Polish¬ ing Powder at C. L. Taylor’s. This is very important for you to keep in memory, because you will say the same as Messrs. B. F. Whitworth and T. R. Bennett, that it is worth twice the price. From the Pelham Journal we clip the following personals:— Mrs. J- R- Clements visited Mrs. G. B. Cochran at Camilla Sunday. —Mrs. Clara Twitty, of Camilla, has been visiting Mrs. W. C. Twitty at her home on Curry St. this week.—Miss Ethel Perry, of Camilla, visited her sister, Mrs. J. L. Green, on Baggs Avenue this week. Birthday Party. Last Monday afternoon from four to six, Miss Marie Turner entertained a crowd of her little girl friends, quite a delightful evening was spent, in a big search for peanuts, in which Miss Maurice was the successful win¬ ner of the first prize, then a course of most delightful refresh¬ ments were served, after which the little girls thanking Marie for the pleasant time they had had, departed to their many homes. This will always be a pleasant re¬ membrance to them in their later years. Those present were: Misses Nell Baggs, Mary and Camilla Spence, Margaret Smith, Ola Allen, Ruby Maurice, Sophie Berman, Daisy Rachals, Janie and Jessie Rosser, Lula Mae Crosby, Ella Mae Mayo, Mary Julia Clark, Weldon Brown, Nor¬ man Miller and Pearl Dixon. The St. Louis Exposition. Camilla, doubtless, has sent more representatives to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, that is being held in St. Louis, than any town of its size in the state, As soon as one delegation returns and tells of the wonder¬ ful things that are to be seen at this great show, another will go, thus it has been that Camilla has bad representatives there nearly every week since the opening of the Exposition. More than thirty of her citizens have gone and others are yet to go. FOR SALE:— 500 acre farm l ~" u near Camilla. ™ m *. Money , , loaned at low rates of interest. J. L. Underwood. What a Difference. The Honorable Mayor holds his regular Monday morning matinees, at which offenders are required to deposit a. contribu¬ tion in the town treasury as a re¬ sult of a too ntimate acquain¬ tance with the open bar-rooms that are now flourishing like a green bay tree in our midst. Previous to the opening of the saloons it was a rate thing that the Mayor had occasion to hold court, but now a week does not pass without one or more cases being tried, notwithstanding the fact that it was said “blind ti¬ gers” were here and that they sold quantities of liquor, but, if they did, it did not furnish much business for the Mayor’s court and the editor had never been approached by an offender, with the earnest request that his name be omitted from the published report of the transactions of the Mayor’s court as has been done recently, which shows that par¬ ties are ashamed to have their names published as offenders of municipal law when they are not ashamed to appear on the streets in an intoxicated condition. If they don’t want their names in print they should not offend the law. Administi ator’s Sale. Georgia, Mitchell County. By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of said comity, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tresday in October, 15)04, at the court house in said county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property towit: Seven hundred and fifty-six acres more, or less, as follows: Lot of land number (886> three hundred and forty-seven, eighty- ix, (347) three hundred and also the nortli half of lot of laud number (387) thrive hundred and eighty-seven, also the south half of lof of land number (314) three hundred an ! fourteen, also six acres more, or less, lying half in the of south¬ lot of west corner of the north land number [348] three hundred a id forty-six, all in the 9th district of Mitch¬ ell county. The sale will continue from I day to day, between the. a ::e l.oars, un ; tilall of said property is sold. Terms, 1 cash> William B. Collins, Admin I istrator of C. W. Collin;.