The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, September 09, 1904, Image 8

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ANNOUNCEMENT! QO<$’0<g>0®0®0<t.O<»0$>0<i>04,0<$>OQ’0 i-0 Our buyers have returned from the markets where they have been selec¬ ting an immense fall stoek which is now coming in and we are preparing for a large business. Our department store is getting to be a scene of beauty, filled with the latest, creations in up-to-date wears. Watch our stores—we will lead in prices and styles. Yours for Business BAGGS & PERRY Camilla Georgia. Baconton Items. Our school opened Monday with a larger attendance than we have ever before had. Though the number generally runs larger as the term advances, stilt we’ve never before had such an auspi¬ cious opening. The board of trus¬ tees and several other visitors witnessed the opening ceremo¬ nies, and wore decidedly pleased with Prof. Farmer’s initiative talk. * Miss Mao McCollum left last Tuesday for Wrightsville, where she will resume her work as mu* sic teacher. Mr. M. M. Brooks, of Albany, was btre with relatives Sunday. Miss Bessie Lundy, of Isabella, is here attending school. Miss Willie Adams, of Baker, was here to the ice cream supper Thursday evening. Mr, Quincy ,T. Pinson, of Al¬ bany, spent Saturday and Sun¬ day here. Mrs. Ella Pinson and Mrs. An¬ nie Belle Wilder were here fiom Albany last week. Mrs. Cora Moore, of Albany, is visiting at the hotel. Mrs. Cole Grantham has gonv to Moultrie as a kindergarten teacher. Miss Clint Frasier has returned from visits to Meigs and Camilla. Miss Emma Hearn has return¬ ed from a visit to friends in Val¬ dosta. Mr. Swiuton Boynton, of Flint, is attending school here. Messrs. J. D, and Ernest Fra¬ sier, of Raiford, were here Satur¬ day. Mrs. W. S. Hearn has returned from a visit to Thomasville. In “School Girl’s” letter of last week there were some errors in prrt that con'd not have been in the original copy. For instance, “Mis. E. B. Mullins” was spoken of as going to Meigs, when it was Mr. E. B. Mullins—there is as yet no “Mrs. E. B. Mullins,” and the word “enthused” was used when it should have been “enthusias¬ tic.” Messrs. Robin Cochran and Hoy Stripling, of Flint, were here Sunday. Mr. Warner Nelms went to Al¬ bany Tuesday. Mrs. Annie Mercer, of Albany, is here with ielathes. Miss Bessie Culbreath has re¬ turned from a visit to Baker. Mr. G. Y. Browne, of Eaton ton, is here this week. Col. R. J. Bacon returned from a business trip Monday morning. Mr. R. T. Cochran, of Flint, was here Sunday, Miss Lilly Collins, of Camilla, catne Sunday to.take charge of her grades. Misses Alma Henley, Beulah Pinson and Willie Van Vickie will leave next Monday. Sept. 12lh, for Cuthbert, where they will at iend Andrew Female College. Misses Jewel and B rtales Jen¬ kins will leave Sept, lath, for Aliihdgeviilc to attend the G. N. & I. C. After a most pleasant corres¬ pondence work of two years with the “Enterprise,” this is the last ,n tter that ‘School Girl” will turn in, for she will leave next Tues¬ day. Sept. 13th, for the G. N. & I. C. in Milledgeville. During her correspondence, various ed¬ itors have held the chair—they have all been kind to ‘‘School Girl.” Her readers have been so kind as to give complimentary comment on many of her letters cor E*,- all „it this in,- she to is grateful and now a& her eyes and steps turn toward this new field of labor, there is real sorrow in remember¬ ing that this is her last letter as an Enterprise correspondent. Though it may be hard, still she most now say good bye. School Girl. i Ice, Ice. j I We now haVe our Ice tickets in Coupon Books. 200 lb Books, 5 lb delivery $1.50 oaq „ t ( in ik •« ! son “ “ 9 - <1 3.00 J 1000“ “ 501b •* 4 50 1000“ “ 1001b “ 4.00 Buy coupon books and save money as old price will prevail on ice wagon. Wagon will make two trip3 daily except Sunday. Complete round in forenoon and special delivery in afternoon. C. E, Watt, Manager. DaWItt s sat Salve For Pitas, Burns, Sores* Subscribe for the Enterprise. CITATION. GEORGIA— Mitchell county. To all whom it may concern: D. B. Turner having in proper form applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Thomas R. Mullins, late of sard county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Thomas R. Mullins to be and appear a t my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to D. B. Turner on Thomas R. Mullins estate. Witness my hand and official signa¬ ture, this 5th day of of September', 1904. J. G. Wool), Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA— Mitchell county. J. N. Cochran, guardian of Jessie Lou Coeliran has applied to me for a dis¬ charge from his guardianship of said Jessie Lon Coeliran. This is therefore to notify all persons concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in October next, eLse j N Coeliran will be discharged ; | from his guardianship as applied for. J. G. Wood, Ordinary. i Guardian Sale. Georgia, Dougherty County. Agreeable to the terms of an order of the court of Ordinary- of said county, will Ire sold before the court house door in said county, at auction, on the first in October 1904 next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property towit: All the one-tliird un divided interest of Weyrnan Strother in and to that parcel or tract of land in the 9th di8trict Of Mitchell County, Georgia and bounded as follows: Beginning at the *° n th-west comer of the lauds of W. A. Glonseron lot number 159, said dis tried, and running northward to a point at tlie inner angle of the “L” shaped laud of Anthony Ward on lot number 136, of said district, thence west to the Albany, and Thomasville road, thence northward along said road to the land line between the Strother place and the Gum Pond place, the same being a well defined line running parallel to the Ba¬ con ton and Bowlsville road, and lying southward tlierefrom at a distance at' about seventy yards from aforesaid road thence running west along aforesaid lino to its inter-section with a north and south line drawn through the center of lot number 138 of said district, thence south along aforesaid line to Raccoon creek, thence eastward along said creek to said Thomasville and Albany road, thence northward along said road to its inter-section with an east and west line drawn through said beginning corner, excepting out of the land thus described --------------- —— ---........ Stanley’s Business College, j Macon, : Georgia. 1 I Success is yours if you attend a good business college. We will qaalify and ' you secure you a position. Write for catalogue. } <3. W. H. Stanley, President, j THOMASVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE Thomasville, Pa. If you are interested in a Busi¬ ness Education, you will do well to investigate the merits and metheds of the above-named In¬ stitution. bor full particulars, address. Anson W- Ball, President. a parallelogram in the northwest corner of said tract containing two acres, the same having been deeded to the Shiloh Methodist Church; the tract therein de¬ scribed being known as the Strother place, and comprising portions of lots Nos. 157, 158, 159, J36, 1ST and 139, in said district. Said Strother place con¬ taining six hundred acres, more or less. Also the said interest of said Strother as aforesaid in and to western half of city lot No. 80, on Commerce street, in the city of Albany, Dougherty county, Georgia. Terms of said sale will be cash. This Sept. 6th, 1904. Comeil B. Strother, Guardian of Weyman Strother. Guardian’s Sale. GEORGIA —Mitchell county. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in October, 1904, at the court house in said county, between the usual hours of sale the following real estate: All of the undivided interest of Wil¬ liam Henry Hurst and Hardy Hurst in what is known as the Hurst place about two miles east of Pelham, Ga. The srift place being lot No. 216 in the 10th Dist. said county, except sixty two and one half (62 1-2) acres, more or less, in the northwest corner of said lot. Sold for distribution and division among joint tenants and heirs and for maintenance and support of minors. This September 5th, 1904. J. L. Green, Gaurdian , for William Henry Hurst and Hardy Hurst. Do You Want a Refrigerator? If so I can supply your w»nt 3 at small cost. Sample Refrige¬ rator to be seen at the Camilla Trading Co’s, stores. I guarantee them to give satis¬ faction. Give me your aider. Council Williams,