The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, September 16, 1904, Image 1

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‘ MW @nfifirp 8%QQ V vol-:8. N0 21 Great Purchase Sale on , Shoes! Ilhaye.'gust received 1,400 pairs of shoes for men, ladies and children. I bought them cheap for-spot cash and am going to sell them | the-^ame way. Just think of it Fine Men's shoes, all leather, regular price $1,25 to $2.50, my special price only 98 cents. Fi ne Lad ie s' sh oe s, all leather, reg ular p ri ce $ 2.00, my s pecial price only .... 750 cents. !Don’t put it off another day, but come at once and first pick. I have on hand a big line of dress goods and a fine line of clothing, men’s and boys’ suits ♦I will sell them Cheap. Remember the Cincinnati Bargain House is a guarantee for cut prices. Make your headquarters while in the city at TOURS FOR BUSINESS, I The Cincinnati Bargain House, ~2T*=216 W Stb st. and IIS 6. Court st, Cincinnati, 0. Camilla Brand), Broad St. next to Bank, B. Lubin, manager. WH1TELY WILLIFORD TO HANG ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6TH. Judge W. N. Spence, of the A1 ^bany Circuit, called a special term of the Superior court yester¬ day morning for the purpose of trying Whitely Williford, the ne¬ gro who shot and killed Mr. Har¬ mon West in April of last year, at the same time shooting Mr. ' Turner Cox, but made his escape and was not apprehended until about two weeks ago when he,was ^captured at Chipley, Fla., and then turned over to the sheriff of Mitchell county, who placed him ;in jail at Bainbridge, out a few -days ago Judge Spence was noti¬ fied that rumors of the formation of a mob to go to Bainbridge af¬ ter the prisoner wae being circu¬ lated. Williford then hurriedly moved by the Judge’s order to another jail, and the Governor notified that if the prisoner was given military protection he would call a special term of his court at once and try him. Upon this Governor Terrell or¬ dered the military companies from Albany and Americus to come to Camilla on yesterday morning where they would join the Thomasville company, who would have the prisoner in charge and aid them in giving the pris¬ oner all the protection that thi law guarantees to its citizens. Promptly at 9 oclock the court was called and organized, after which a recess was called until 11 o’clock when the prisoner arrived on the Thomasville train in charge of Deputy-Sheriff Haircloth, with the military escort under the command of Maj R. L. Wylly, who under hurried movements escorted the prisoner into the court room, when the trial was at •once entered into. Williford had no lawyer to represent him and the court ap¬ pointed Messre. S. S. Bennet and Scaife & Lane, the ablest council of the town, to defend him. Col, Wooten for the state announced ready, whereupon council for the defence made a motion for change of venu, upon the ground that the prison-r could not get a fair trial in this county because of the feeling that existed, but when the court officials and one pannel of twelve jurors had been examined on this question, the ’ Camilla; (3a.. Sept. 16, 1904. motion was over-ruled and the trial proceeded with. Some little time was consumed in securing a jury after which the evidence was taken, all of which showed beyond doubt that Willi¬ ford killed West, even his own statement admitted the killing but he claimed self-defense. The Judges charge was clear and forceful bringing out every point of law contended for by both the defense and the state, after which the jury retired to their room, where they deliberated over the evidence and the law for some time, but at about 8:90 they agreed upon a verdict th_t Whitely Williford was guilty of murder. The court then sen¬ tenced him to hung on the 6th, of October. Maj. Wylly, with his soldier boys still acting as an escort, left on a special train with the prison¬ er for Albany at about ten o’clock last night. This morning the town is as quite as ever and theie is no evidence that 120.soldiers patrol ed the court house and grounds yesterday and last night. The calling out of the malitia was simply a matter of precau • tion against a repetition of the Statesboro trouble. Pointed Paragraphs. (From the Chicago Record.) Taffy is the principal ingre* dient in an epitaph. If wishes were mules beggars might have more kicks coming. A good many so-called matri¬ monial knots turn out to be se¬ rious tangles. If there is a happy vein about you it must be in the vicinity of the funny bone. A wise man never attempts to guess the use of a fancy article made by woman. As neither Roosevelt nor Park¬ er was born in Ohio, what is the voter going to do about it? We are told that “accidents will happen in the best regulated families,” therefore, it is up to the wise guy to avoid families of that particular brand. When trouble! with constipation try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab¬ lets. They are easy to take and pro¬ duce no griping or other unpleasant ef¬ fect. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. The Ladies’ Pleasure Club. This is the name of an organ¬ ization formed by the ladies of Camilla last Wednesday after¬ noon at a meeting held at* the home Scott of Mrs. C. C. Spence, W.! on j street, at which Mrs. J. Butler, was elected as the Club’s! first president. The object of the Club as it’s name indicates is entertainment and pleasure for its members at) least during two afternoons in j each month. This is an advance stop in the social life of Camilla, for while the ladies here seem very prompt to discharge all social obligations, they need something to bring them in closer touch with one an¬ other, something that they will feel a common interest in. The names of twenty-four ladies were enrolled. The initial meeting was a very pleasant one indeed. After the organization, musical selections were rendered by Misses Susie and Toy Spence and Mrs. Clara Twitt.y favored the club with two sweet songs. Then came a gen - uine surprise in the shape of the most delicious refreshments, sherbet fancy cakes; frappe with cherries having been served ear¬ lier. The club adjourned to meet the 28th, inat, with Mrs. J. T. Owen. Handsome Drug Store. The work of enlarging and ren¬ ovating Dr. F. L. Lewis’ building is about complete and the Lewis Drug Co., moved in this week, and as a consequence Dr. Lewis and Messrs. Brazelton and Char¬ lie McNair, with their helpers have had a very busy week in¬ deed. The new- quarters of the Lewis Drug Co., is all that one could wish in the way of convenience, fitted up as it is with the latest patterns in polished oak cabinet shelvings and large commodious glass case counters, while the en¬ tire front is thrown open with large glass doors. The Enterprise believes it can safely say that this gives to Ca¬ milla one of the handsomest, if not the handsomest, drug stores to be found south of Macon. In fact it would be a credit to any city and all Camilla is proud of it and no one can pass it by with¬ out sloping to look and admire. □eWItt'sl^Salve For Piles, Bures, Sores. Macon has the only brick fair building in the world. r l he fire¬ proof circular art building will be t he center of attraction dm ing the big State Fair in October next. A gratuitous falsehood is one that gives itself away. » POPE & RENNET, At; orueys-at-Lii w, ■ Camilla, Ga. • What is More Pleasing H 0 he Eye Than a Well -—Dressed Man ? flak? 539 V ~ 0,17 { villi‘; :13”: V H. i“ Z '1‘ 1;”; ‘ Everything Stylish and Up=to=Date. Che But1er=Bush (& Phone 6/. = Camilla, Ga. | Stanley’s Business College. I Macon, : Georgia. I Success is yours if you attend a good Business college. We will qaalify | you and secure you a position. Write for catalogue. I O. W. H. Stanley, President. M $1.00 a Year THOMASVILLE business COLLEGE ThomasYtlle, Oa. If you are interested in a Busi¬ ness Education,, you will do well to investigate the merits and methods of the above-named In¬ stitution. For full particulars, address. Anson W. Ball, President. Ex-Governor Bob Taylor, fid¬ dler and lecturer, was married the third time on Wednesday af¬ ternoon of last week. No doubt about it— clothes don’t make the man, but they go a long ways towards it. A sword with a bright, shining scab hord will catch the eye though the blade be rusted, quicker than one of good metal, hav¬ ing a bent and batter¬ ed seabbord. We clothe men from head to foot and do it right, too.