The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, September 16, 1904, Image 4

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Business Prosperity For Camilla. The prospects for business prosperity for Camilla and for all Mitchell county was never bright¬ er than are presented thus early in the openiag of the fall season. Crops throughout the county have been reasonably good and prices are remunerative, thus putting more money in the chan¬ nels of trade ifean ever before, thereby increasisg ifche volume of business along ail .lines. Our merchants nave selected large stoeas of merchandise of every description foam which all can supply their wants and there is no reason why every business man should not feed stimulated by the hopeful prospects and ev¬ ery branch of trade quietened by the impulse of prosperity. The gins are worked 4s their utmost capacity, notwithstanding the fact that they have almost been doubled since last season, and the streets of our town .have thrown off the dullness of «iaa 2 - mer and are thronged with -tmey people every day. Cotton is com¬ ing in rapidly and is bringing .a good price; old accounts are be¬ ing rapidly paid, and in many in¬ stances notes are being paid be¬ fore they are dae, which shows : conclusively that the farmer is prosperous and when this is true it naturally follows that the mer¬ chant and everybody else will be prosperous too. There are no rumors of mort¬ gage foreclosures and if the sher¬ iff had to depend upon civil busi¬ ness for a living he would have to throw up his commission. The writer has been publishing the Enterprise, the official newspa¬ per of the ccunty, for eight months and has not advertised a sheriff’s sale during the entire time. What bettor showing of prosperity can any town or coun ty make? Tax Rate For Mitchell $9.50. The County Commissioners were in session on last Tuesday and levied the tax for 1904 as follows: Pauper fund .20 Jury .50 Bailiffs and witnesses fund .70 County officers $1.00 Public improvement 2.30 Total for county purposes Si 70 State levy 4 .80 Total for state and county §9:50 This is comparatively a low rate, when we take into consider¬ ation the fact that provision had to be made for the payment of the $15,000 jail that has been contracted for and upon which work will soon be commenced, as the material is now fast arriving and being placed upon the ground. It is thought by many that the commissioners have been very conservative in their estimate, and really think that under all the circumstances that they should have put the total amount at $10, so as to have avoided any .shortage in funds next summer and fall. The commissioners are deter¬ mined, however, to use every pre cau sion against unnecessary ex* penses, and will adopt a cam¬ paign of rigid economy in all county matters. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Has world-wide lame for mar¬ velous cures. It surpasses any other salve, 'otion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible for Piles. Cure guar¬ anteed. Only 25c at Lewis Drug Co. __ ni Everybody who has anything worth showing will show it at the big State Fair at Macon in October, CAMILLA ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY* WALTER A. ALLEN EDITM AND PUBLISHER Entered at Camilla, Ga., post of¬ fice as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR - $ 1.00 SIX MONTHS - .50 Official organ of Camilla, (la., • • And Mitchell county • • TELEPHONE NO. 64. Advertisement* and Communications must reacli us i»ot later Hum Wednes¬ day noon, to insure publication. All communications or other articles ad¬ vocating anybody"* candidacy for office will be charged for at the rate of 5c per line. “Local Lines,” 5c pr line for each in¬ sertion. Address all business oommunication and make all checks payable to W. A. Allen, Camilla, Ga. Editorial and news items should be ad¬ dressed to The Entkbcribe, Camilla, Ga. Estimates for advertising furnished on application. All advertising contracts due after first insertion, unless other¬ wise stipulated. FRIDAY. SEPT 16, 1904. COTTON MARKET. Thursday, September 1st, 1904. SQUARE BALE. Corrected by Baggs & Puny. Good middling........ 10 3-16 Middling................101-16 Low middling ....----- 9 13-16 The Enterprise is in receipt of one of the neatest booklets, entitled “Albany and Dougherty county, Georgia,” ever issued from the southern press. It is intended to advertise Albany and Dougherty county as a contribu¬ tion to the “Greater Georgia” movement, and as it treats of the section of which Mitchell is a part, it is but natural that she will receive benefits from its cir¬ culation. Messrs. H. T. McIn¬ tosh and J. A. Davis, Jr., who are its publishers, deserve much credit for the work they have ac¬ complished iu the get up of this handsome booklet which will be a splendid souvenir to send to your friends in other sections. The Methodist congregation at Statesboro condemn the recent lynching of the two negroes at that place, in strong resolutions and calls upon all members of the church who participated in that revolting drama to either come forward and make public ac¬ knowledgment and repentance or else withdraw their member¬ ship from the church. Let’s everybody get behind the movement to build a railroad from Ashbtirn via Sylvester and Camilla to Bainbridge. The sub¬ ject has been one of agitation for more than two years. Some work has been done on the line, but the way for Camilla tosecuie it is for everybody to get behind it with a will. Georgia day at the St. Louis Exposition will be held on Sept 29th, and the Governor wants as many Georgians as possible to be in attendance. There will be more free shows at the big State Fair at Macon in October than Carter had oats, and they say he had a sight of them. What is Life? In the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slight, pain results. Ir¬ regular living means derange ment of the organs, resulting in Constipation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King’s New Life Pills quickly thorough. re?aJjusts this. It’s gentle yet Cd. Only 25c at Lewis Drug Hick Powell Shot. On Monday night, Sept. 5th, Mr. Hick Powell was shot by John Norman in a difficulty which occurred about three miles from Hoggards Mill, on the Hog gards Mill and Bainbridge road. Several arrests were made, but upon investigation Norman claim ed to have done the shooting in self-defense, but waived commit¬ ment trial and was released un* der a bond for^200. Powell will recover from Ins wounds. Has Sold a Pile cS Sbaafcsrlaia'a Cough Bessedy, I have sold Oiaataberluiii’s Cough Remedy for more tkau twenty .years and it, lias given entire saasafaction. I have sold a pile of it and .recommend it highly.— Joseph McEwmsey, Linton, Iowa. Yon will find this Remedy a good friend when troubled wsrts -a cough or cold. It always affords ,<pd3k’jrdUef and is pleasant to take. For-sale tt>y iLewis Drug Co. Get a rain coat Do you need and don’t get wet. any Crockery?— —Bailey. Bailey. Boys’ Suits. That’s all.—Bai¬ ley. Ladies’ Winter Get Hat Underskirts. a — Bailey. Bailey’s. ===z=zA Snap in HEADWEAR! ^Three Leaders; A black, silk lined, Alpine bat, $3 value for....................$1.25 A black, raw edge, wide brim, $2 value for.........................99c A brewn, Panama shaped, Alpine hat, $3 value for........ $1.50 There are other styles here if these don’t suit you. We Are Headgear Headquarters. Have you seen those $25 suits I ara selling for $15! It’s a Broadway, tailor made, tricot lined suit, all-wool and silk mixed gray goods with a blue kair-lme. They are peaches. Look at our line of Ladies’ Walking Skirts. They are beau= ties. 27 inch white sheeting 4 1=2 cents a yard. Berm a n ’ s . C a m ill a Georgia W S* STUDEBAKER WAGONS TO CLOSE OUT CHEAP. Pope & Bennet. Else where in this afternoon’s Herald appears the professional card of Pope & Bennet, a newly fjrmed law firm, which will suc¬ ceed the well known firm of D. H- Pope & Son here and Sam S. Bennet, of Camilla, and the new firm proposes to take care of the large practice of Pope & Son here and of Sam S- Bennetat Camilla. For the present Mr. Bennet will continue his residence ac Camil¬ la, but he will spend much of his time here and his friends here hope that he may soon be able to move to this city. Both. Mr. Pojre and Mr. Bennet are capable and popular barris¬ ters and their friends predict a brilliant career for the new firm. —Albany Herald. The premium list is not only attractive, but it has premiums for everything you can think cf. The Bar. From Thoinasville Times Enterprise. Apropos of the recent prohibi¬ tion election in Leon county, the people of that section may well congratulate themselves on hav¬ ing followed the example of this community and done away with open bar rooms, when they read the following from an exchange: “A poet has said of the saloon tliat it is appropriately called st BAR. A bar to heaven, a door to hell: Wlsoever named, named it well. A bar to manliness and wealth; A door to want and broken health. A bar to honor, pride and fame, A door to sin and grief and shame, A bar to hope, a bar to prayer, A <k*.r to darkness and despair. A bar to honored, useful life, A door to brawling, senseless strife. A bar to ail tliat’s true and brave, A door to ever}- drunkard’s grave. A bar to joys that home imparts, A door to tears and aching hearts. A bar to heaven, a door to hell, Whoever named it, named it well.