The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, September 16, 1904, Image 6

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Professional Cards.* J. L. UNDERWOOD, Attorsusy-at-Law asd Reai.S Estate. Office in Bennett’s Building, Broad| street. F. L. LEWIS, Physician and Scroeon. Office at Dnig Store of Lewis Co’s., duiing the tiny. at night. Prompt attention 10 all calls. v l A Bush, R D Bush 1. A. BUSH & SONS, Attorn e y»- at- La w, Camiixa, Ga. Commercial law a specialty. . . [H. C. Dasher, Jr. W. H. DASHER & HO IGARD, Attorneys-at-Law, Camilla, Ga. ^Office in Enterprise Building. ;D, A. SPENCE, Surgeon, ?]j Dental , Pelham, Ga. s) Office in new City H til. The best quality of work atjp reasonable charges. Your pa tronage solicitateJ. . Dr. J. L. Brown, Physician and Surgeon, ** Camilla, 4. Georgia, Office phono 80. i p | ! Residence phone Fire insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. represents the following Pi re In¬ surance Companies: Liverpool and London and Globe. Hartford Fire. Home Insurance C«of N- Y. Greenwich Insurance Co YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED t J Uy*to^aU Wd%nab!e Goods Goods at the ‘ J. W. Joiner’s Jewelry Store, Albany, • Georgia. ......A COMPLETE LINE Of...... Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,; Silver j| and Plate Wares, • • Cutlery, Notions, Fancy Ar¬ ticles, Stationery, etc. All kinds ot Repairing Watchee, Clocks, ► Jewelry at short order and at lowest pri¬ ces. 1 respectfully Isoliolt a portion of the public patronage. J. W. Joiner, Washington St. ALBANY. - - GA my JIaCmrist, CB $-Rev., J ,Wh In Jones. The Chap Camp" lain. ‘^RtATEST COMMENDATIONS BOOK OF &Y 1T1E iW / )r. -MOST- EMINENT* /III, /. V-' 1 •) IlfM SOUTHERN ME.N ELY ILU ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Direct Route to the St. Louis Exposition. Two Trains Daily. Iu connection with TV. & A. R. R. & N. C. & St. L. Ry from Atlanta. Lv Atlanta 8;25 a. in. Ar St. Louis 7;08 a, m. Lv Atlanta 8:80 p. m. Ar St. Louis 7:3(1 p. m. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS FROM Georgia, Florida And Tennessee. Route of the famous DIXIE FLYER Carrying the only morning car from Atlanta to St . Louis. This leaves Jacksonville daily 8:05 p. m. At ‘anta tay in 8:25 St. Louis a. m. giving’you located. the to get For rates from your city, World’s Pair Guide Book and schedules, Sleep¬ ing Car reservations, also for book show¬ ing Hotels and Boarding houses, quoting their rates, write to Fred JO. Miller, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. 1 Brown Building, Atlanta, Ga. As To Freight Rates. From the Constitution. Editor Constitution; The gen¬ eral public are reading with great deal of interest your ial work or, the railroad tariff. The problem is so plicated that the average man does not and cannot understand it. In Hawkineville the other day I heard that a railroad at Pitts, Ga., was offering to haul cotton t*o Hawkinevilie at 5 cents a bale, while the rate—5 miles nearer Hawkinsville from Pitts—on the same railroad was 50 cents a bale. We understand this was done in competition with and to defeat Cordele. Now, is there not a spirit of meanness about such business methods? Why is it that.the railroad commission of Georgia and the interstate commerce commission also cannot compel a uniform classification of freignt rates by mileage and without regard to railroad or water eompetion or long or short haul or superior fa¬ cilities for handling. It would seem that in 20 years time these commissions could have worked out such uniformities. Our busi¬ ness men in Eastman complain that they cannot get anything like as favorable a rate as Haw¬ kinsville or Dublin. Why not take this up and urge our railroad commission to unire with the railroads or compel them to adopt a uniform classification and abolish all distinctions in favor of locality. I hope that this is not a millenium wish and it may oe the railroad commis¬ sion has tried and failed; if so. let them use more coercive means until this much desired uniform¬ ity is accomplished. J. W. C. Eastman, Ga. September 1. Emergency Medicines. It is a great convenience to have at hanb reliable remedies for use in ease of accident and for slight injuries and ail¬ ments. A good liniment and one that is fast becoming a favorite if not a household necessity is Ohnimberlaia’s Pain Balm. By applying it. promptly to a cut, bruise or burn it, allays the pain and causes the injury to heal in about the time usually required, and as it is an antiseptic it prevents any danger of blood poisoning. When Pain Balm is kept at hand a sprain may be treated before iuflaiuatiou sets in, which insures a quick recovery-. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. The Dublin Courier-Dispatch utters this clarion note : “Every man in Laurens county who de¬ sires his children to take their proper place among the best cit¬ izens of the county should be an earnest advocate of the amend¬ ment to the constitution allowing local taxation for school pur¬ poses.” Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, in brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J • Havens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kid¬ ney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At leBgth he tried Electric Bit¬ ters. It put him on his feet in short order and now li8 testifies: “I am on the road to complete recovery.” Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaran teed by Lewis Drug Co. The State Troops have been to Manassas and maneuvered and now they are at home again. A Boy’s Wild Ride For l ife. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King’s New Discovery foi Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured death’s agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: “I now sleep soundly every night,” Like marvelous cures of Consumption, Pneumo¬ nia, Bronchitis Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung trouble. Guaranteed bottles 50c and SI. Trial bottles free at Lewis Drug Co. 1 Guns! Guns! 1 We have just received a full line of 7m GUNS! 7m Consisting of the very best single and double barrel guns at pri= ces that will please. Also a full line of Hunting Coats and Leggins. We sell New Club Shells—light and heavy loaded. Call on us and let us tit you up for the Hunting Season. Our ’Phone is N j. 48. J. B. Wilson Company. I $ 50 , 000.00 GASH GIVEN AWAY to Users of LION COFFEE In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums How Wool&ohs fDanrCoivBc) «cts Co. Would/ you second mnosAL onioTr bank. SP/CECO. TOLEDO, TKCASUVUt Like a Check Like This ? Uf. If® II.,,. mlVe nWaiQsfl S&UjUUviUU #4H AAA fin Cash to lion Coffee users in our Great World’s Fair Contest— 2I39 people get checks, 2139 more will get them in the Presidential Vote Contest Five Lion - Heads cut from Lion What will be the total popular vote cast Coffee Packages and a a- cent for President (votes for all can¬ stamp entitle (in addition to didates combined) at the election you November 8, 1904 ? the regular free premiums) to In 1900 election, 13,959,653 people voted one vote. The a-cent stamp cov¬ for President. For nearest correct esti¬ ers our acknowledgment to you mates received in Woolson Spice Com¬ that estimate is recorded. pany’s office, Toledo, O., on or before your November 5, 1904, we will give first You can send as many estL second prize for prize the nearest correct estimate, mates desired. to the next nearest, etc., as etc., as follows: Grand First Prize of $5,000.00 1 1 First Second Prise Prise ............. ........... ......•.•.•.• , ?:ooo:8o will be the who Is 2 Prizes—$500.00 each .. ®§8 awarded to one nearest 5 Prises— 200.00 “ “ .. both World's Fair and Presi¬ IO Prises— 100.00 .. ::::::'.::::|:ooo:oo correct on our 20 Prises— 50.00 “ .. 60 Prises— 20 00 “ :|:g88 88 dential Vote Contests. .. ; 250 Prizes— 10.00 “ .. 1800 Prises— 5.00 “ ...........9,000.00 .. We also offer $5,000.00 Special Cash Prizes to Grocers* 2139 PRIZES, TOTAL, $20,000,00 Clerics. (Particulars in each case of Lion Coffee.) How Would Your Name Look on On© of These Checks ? Everybody uses coffee. If you will use LION COFFEE long enough to get acquainted wi'th it. you will be suited and convinced'there is no other such value for the money. Then you will take no other—and benefit. that’s Hence why for we advertise. And we are using our advertising money so that Doth of us—you as well as we—will get a your JLioti Head# WE GIVE BOTH FREE PREfoiiUftfS AND CASH PRIZES Complete Detailed Particulars in Every Package of LION COFFEE WOOLSON SPICE CO.. (CONTEST DEP’T.) TOLEDO, OHIO. The Georgia State building the World s Fair, has been by the World’s Fair commission, for S2 500 and will be used for court house purposes in an I1U nois county, It will be roiled a distance of ten miles. it i s said that Hon. Henry G J Davis, the democratic f or Vice-President, will give • iS350 (X)0 h c ; fund ant * ^ ia ^ “ ls brother, Hiomas Davis will duplicate the amount.