The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, September 16, 1904, Image 8

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LARGE STOCK> We are offering strong values in men’s, youths’ and boys’ clothing, correctly tailored; also a handsome line of new dress goods, all the new woolen and cotton fabrics will be on sale at our store next week. We challenge a like showing of these goods. Our notions will be the new things for this season’s wear. Millinery stock will be surprisingly cheap and up-to-date. We have a special arrangement with the best shoe makers to furnish our customers the kind that is worn and made of the material that lasts. Our stock comprises all that is up-to-date, and we will make prices that command your attention. Baggs & Perry’s Department Store, Camilla, - Georgia. Genuine Barnesville Buggies made by J. G. Smith & Son, and Summer’s Buggies. White Hickory and Brown Wagons., A Letter From a Former Cair.i! taite. By permission the Enterprise is permitted to publish the follow ing diacriptive letter of the beau¬ tiful scenery around Colorado Springs, the adopted home of one of Camilla’s bright girls, which will be read with pleasure by many of her former playmates and friends: Colorado Springs. Dear Aunt Fan: Since I received your lasl letter I have been treated to two such pleasant trips. I will tell you about them. The first trip was on a wild flov/er excursion; and it was most delightful. We went on the train Jfty-eight, miles into the moun ttai r, 3 and when returning the , train halted and allowed the pas¬ sengers to gather wild flowers. I came home with my arms filled with Colorado’s state flower—the Columbine, both white and laven¬ der shades. This trip was given me by a Miss Holland, who is boarding with us at this time. The other trip was one through “The Garden of the Gods” and “Gleneyrie” taken in a carriage with Mrs. Williams, This trip is almost beyond description. The formation of the rocks are simply wonderful. Several different figures can be distinguished as plainly as if they had been car¬ ved into the rock by the sculptor. Just as we entered, the driver pointed to a large rock in the form of a frog seated on another rock, about seventy feet high. A little way on we came to “The Baggage Room.” Here are sev¬ eral rocks in .the shape of trunks and parcels, stacked one upon an other as they would be in a real baggage room. Next came “Mush-room Park” There were many large rocks 10 feet high, quite slim, and cover ed with a wide, Hat top. On otic of these is another frog. Soon we reached “Balanced Rock:” a rock 26 feet high, 22 feet square on the top, 13 fett square near the base, and only rests on a space 4.1 feet square. Is it not rightly named? Facing “Bal¬ ance Rock” is “Steamboat Rock” just like a steamboat. The top is reached by some manufactur¬ ed steps. There they have put i telescope through which one is allowed te look and see the sum¬ mit of Pike’s Peak. This tele¬ scope brings the railroad track ; and even persons who happened to be by the car windows were seen distinctly. After leaving Steamboat, tht driver pointed out several figures in the rocks. Among them a washerwoman bending over her tub, and a figure of an Indian. You could see even the feathers upon the costume and everything was perfect. Uncle Sam was oi a couch with his plug hat on his head, and the American eagle near, just ready to make his flight. The tallest rock in the garden is a sheer shaft 385 feet high. Now don’t you think you would be willing to visit Colorado for a while to see all of these sights? Your affectionate niece, Hattie Twitty, Ice, Ice. We now have our Ice tickets in Coupon Books. 200 ib Books, 5 lb delivery $1.50 300 “ “ 10 lb 2.00 500 “ “ 25 lb 8.00 1000” “ 50 lb 4.50 1000” “ 1001b “ 4.00 Buy coupon books and save money as old price will prevail on ice wagon. Wagon will make two trips daily except Sunday. Complete round in forenoon and special delivery in afternoon. C, E, Watt, Manager. HISS BLOOD-SOUND HEALTH. - Plain Seasons Why Hancock's Liquid Sul phur is so Effective. Many prevalent disorders show an acid condition of the blood. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur being an ti-acid, corrects such ailments and is of special value in the cud; of acne, itch, herpes, ringworm, pimples, prickly heat catarrh, canker and sores in scalp, eye lids, nose mouth and throat. So effective a skin tonic is Hancock’* Liqvid Sulphur—N ature's greatest micide—that, used in bathing, it gives vigor to the action of the skin and a# fords a sense of healthfully toned aration. Leading druggists sell it. Send for descriptive booklet to Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. —— ; —* -o-*--- Notice . All those indebted to me foi mules must settle on Oet., -tet, as lam cl in pel led t> have the money on that day. Any notes running over ten days will be closed up. T. P. Embry. Loans. Five year loans negotiated on farm lands at lowest rates. When you come to make application bring your chain of title. Edwin L. Bryan, Att’y at Law, Moultrie. Ga. 1 . W ’ if jMSmlil iJP—W—■ Lamar’s Lemon Laxative is the original lemon medicine. a It is made of lemons and other harmless bat powerful for vege¬ table ingredients, is a safe, sure and speedy cure 1 Ifflf *•**#«" * Indigestion, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headache. V**m*#* It cleanses the system of all impurities, tones up the stomach and bowels, puts the liver and kidneys in perfect order--in short “makes you new.” It is gentle but prompt and powerful in action, pleasant to take and always reliable. i iStSi FOB SALE BY ALI. DRUGGISTS. jH&SSH Si. LAMAR, TAYLOR & RILEY DRUG CO., Manufacturers, Macon, Ga. i® #Q ; mm : llll N-! j Petition t or Charter. GEORGIA—Mitchell Comity. 1 To The the petition Superior of Court E. Williams, of said county. Collin Reynolds, Charlie Toombs, Willis Cox aU( ] j g Williams, all of said county, whovra. ]. That they are members of the Mitchell county chapter of the National Union Negro Society of America, the object of which is to upbuild the race in the lines of industry and honest and up right business principles, and to eneour age home-building among them; and in order to properly manage the affairs of said chapter, they desire for themselves and their associates to become incorpm ated under the name and style of The Mitchell County Chapter of the National Union Negro Society of America. 2. petitioners aslc to be incorporated for twenty years with the privilege of re newal at the end of that term. 3. The object of said proposed cor p 0 ritr p m j s pecuniary profit and gain to its stockholders. Said corporation pro poses to cany on a mercantile and agri¬ cultural business, and ask power to buv and sell realty and personalty, to have a corporate seal, sue and be sued, make by-laws, and have all powers incident to the business and pursuits above set forth. 4. The capital stock of said corpora¬ tion is One Hundred and Twenty Dol¬ lars, all of which has actually been paid in; said capital stock is divided into shares of the par value of Five Dollars, The corporation members shall have the refusal of any shares of stoek before same shall be sold to any one not already a stockholder. The principal office of said corpor¬ ation shall be in said county, with such branch offices as the corporate body may see fit to establish elsewhere. Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, with all the rights, and immunities, and subject to all the lia¬ bilities fixed by law. E. Williams, Collin Reynolds, Charlie Toombs, Willis Cox, i S. Williams, Petitioners. Filed in office. Sept. 13th, 1904, S. E. Cox, clerk. A CONTINUAL STRAIN. Many men and women are constantly subjected to what they commonly term “a continual strain" because of some fi¬ nancial or family trouble. It wears and distresses them both mentally and physi¬ cally, affecting their nerves badly and bringing on liver and kidney ailments, with the attendant evils of constipation, hiss of appetite, sleeplessness, low vital¬ ity and despondency. They, cannot as a rule, get rid of this “continual strain,’ but they can remedy its healta-destroy ing effects by taking frequent doses oi Green’s August Flower, It tones up the liver, stimulates the kidneys, insure; healthy bodily functions, gives vim and spirit to one’s whole being, and event¬ ually dispels the physical or mental dis tress caused by that “continual strain’ Trial bottle of August Flower, 26 c; reg ular size 75c. At all druggists.