The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, September 23, 1904, Image 1

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@flpfi " Mam mmmfi Vo 1 S. Xo 22 GREAT PURCHASE SALE ON Shoes, SHOES, Shoes. I have just received 1,400 pairs of shoes for men, ladies and children. I bought them, cheap.for spot cash and! am going to sell them the same way. Just think of it Fine M en's shoes, all l eather, re gula r price $1.25 to $2.50 , my special prjcei_onfly 98 cents. Fine Ladies' shoes, a ll leather , regul ar price $2.00, my s pecial price onl y . . « . . 50 cents. Don’t put it off another day, but come at once and get first pick. I have on hand a big line of dress goods and a fine line of clothing, men’s and boys’ suits. I will sell them Cheap. Remember the Cincinnati Bargain House is a guarantee for cut prices. Make your headquarters while in the city at The Cincinnati Bargain House, 214=216 W. Stb st. and IIS €. Court st, Cincinnati, 0. Camilla Branch, Broad St. next to Bank, B. Lubin, Manager. WHITES ON GUARD DOWN IN WILCOX. Clash With Negroes Momentar¬ ily Expected. Hawkinsville, Ga., September 20.—The people of Pitts, a town 27 miles below Hawkinsville, are thoroughly aroused over a mo¬ mentarily expected clash with the negroes. A committee of citizens from Pitts has just left here with full supply of ammunition for the scene. The trouble began over the killing of a negro on Sunday, by Cecil Johnson, a white man. The negroes held a meeting Monday night in a church, about tw T o hun¬ dred being present with guards round the building and have pre¬ pared to hold another secret meeting tonight. The people of Pitts are a law abiding class, but are determin¬ ed on speedy action when the oc¬ casion arises. Every citizen is well armed and on guard tonight for the ,vorst. Offers of help in case of need have been made by other towns along the Hawkinsville and Flor • ida Southern. Pinecliff Dots. Aunt Jane wasn’t at home last week and failed to get the dots in. Mr. O. B. Harrison, of Quincy, Fla-, made a visit to his friends ■and relatives last week. Miss Priscilla Smith is visiting (friends in Flint. Misses Pearl and Mary Beck, of Camilla, spent Saturday and Sunday with their cousin, Miss Toy Beck, of Pinecliff. Mr. Austin Bullard, of Pine¬ cliff, is attending school in Ca¬ milla. Miss Mollie Cooper visited rel¬ atives at Pebble City last week. The building of the new Mis¬ sion xry Baptist church at Pine¬ cliff, will commence the first Mon¬ day in October. Mrs. W. H. Bullard attended preaching at Pinecliff Sunday. The tackey party at Mrs. S. J. Joiner’s last Friday night week, was enjoyed very much by all. Miss Eva Smith won the prize. Aunt Jane Notice. My oooks are open for the col¬ lection of advalorem tax for the year 1904. Call and settle same and save cost. J. L. Cochran. 3-w. Clerk of Council. Camilla. On,, Septa S 3 , l S> O-t , The Coon Perambulating. Editor Enterprise:—I will try to tell you some things as I see them, I am now in Baconton and have been here for three weeks and I see that the people of Ba¬ conton are pushing things with a vim for Baconton and the ninth district, of our county. Mitchell is to be a great county some day in the near future, and any man with one eye can see it without glasses. We regret to say that at this writing, Tuesday morning, our friend Marion Jenkins, is very sick at his home in Baconton. with Brights disease and Typhoid fever. But we hope he will re¬ cover his good health again soon. Barnwell & Mayers are having several very comodious tenement houses built on their pecan farm at Baconton. They als > intend to build for themselves a very tine residence. The gypsies are in Baconton. Mrs. W. S. Hearn is spending some time in Thomasville, with her son and daughter. Uncle Tommy Hearn is in At¬ lanta viewing tiie land of his boyhood days. He left Atlanta forty years ago and this is his first visit. Uncle Tommy is in his (ighty- first year. The Coon is in Baconton for a while. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Davis were in Baconton this week. Hnw about that “Before Day Club” in Camilla? Let us hope that it is a mistake, but if it be true that the negroes of Camilla and Pelham have become so reck¬ less as to organize a ‘‘Before Day Club,” we hope we have enough good negroes living in each town who knows who have in the past been their friends and who are still their friends when they are right, to look after and keep down such organizations, for the white people know that there is no good in them for the white race and the negro, especially the better class of them, know that it means no good for any body. Mr. R. J. Bacon, Sr , left for Atlanta Tuesday, to have an op¬ eration performed on his eves. Flint River Coon. Has Sold a Pile oi Chamberlain’s Cough Eemedy. I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for more than twenty years and it has given entire satisfaction, I have sold a pile of it and can recommend it highly.—J oseph MoElhiney, Linton, Iowa. You will find this remedy agood friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It always affords quick relief and. is pleasant to take. For sale by Levrjtk Drug Co. Baconton Iteirs. The friends of Mr. Minor Jack son are glad to know that ho is able to be uJl up. Mr. Jackson has r.™ for some time been very ill ill with ,„,fh fever. It is indeed gratifying to Baconton High School to know that her pupils have entered, well, the various colleges of the sta , Miss Jewel Jackson left Satur day for Cuthbert, where she will enter Andrew Female College, Air. Gups Culbreth, of Albany, was in town Sunday. The friends of Mr. M. E. Jen¬ kins are serry to hear of his con¬ dition. He has for several days been very ill, and by the physi¬ cians, has been considered very dangerous. Mr. Coyne Deen, of Pretoria, spent Sunday in Baconton. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Reynolds went to Syiverter Monday, to at tend the funeral of a little niece. Mr. Robert Winchester spent Sunday in Abany. Mrs. Frank Mercer, of Baker county, died Tuesday night, and quite a number of rela'ives and friends from Baconton attended the funeral Wednesday. Mrs. Mercer’s health has for several years been very bad. Mr. R. C. Winchester and sons, will leave soon for Florida. The citizens of Baconton regret that Mr. Winchester expects to moyp. Messrs. Lawrence and Charlie Jenkins have spent most of their time, for the last week, at the home of Mr. M. E. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Radford, of New¬ ton. were in town Friday. "School Boy. A CONTINUAL STRAIN. Many men mid women are constantly subjected to what they commonly term “a continual strain” because of some fi¬ nancial or family trouble. It wears and distresses them both mentally and physi¬ cally, affecting their nerves badly and bringing on liver and kidney ailments, with the attendant evils of constipation, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, low vital¬ ity and despondency. They, cannot as a rule, get rid of this “continual strain,” but they cau remedy its healta-dostrov ing effects by taking frequent doses of Green’s August Flower, It tones up the liver, stimulates the kidneys, tnsuns healthy bodily functions, gives vim and spirit to one’s whole being, and event¬ ually dispel* the physical or mental dis¬ tress ^used by that'■‘continual strain” TyiaJt bottle of Aligns* Flower, 2ae; reg size 75c. At ail druggists, Subscribe for the- Enterprise, Ice, Ice* We now have our Joe tioki ts in 00 t8 ’ 200 Books, 5 lb delivery $1.£0 300 “ «• 10 lb. “ 2.00 “ “ 25 1b “ 3.00 “ 50 lt> 450 1000“' ‘■ < - 1001b “ 4.CO Buy-coupon books and save J^oney as- price will prevail on ice wagon. Wagon will make two trips daily exoept Sunday. Complete round in forenoon and special: delivery in afternoon, " AIT , Manager. Put on Your irurmm ■pmumhwmwh mmtMamjanMuuujLUjajuMaMMumMMKLM-mLMiuuuiaM Clothes! I! You haven’t any==we can supply youk Ready-made trouts— ers in the latest designs Stripes, Solids, and Mixtures. New line of Hats*, just received. A large variety of Styles and Shades Pearl, Grey, Black and Tan. Sox! All Kinds. tbc Butkr-Busb (cy Phone 6/. - Camilla, Ga. Stanley’s Business College, j Macon, ; Georgia. Success is yours if you attend a good business, coJttegy. We will qaafify you and secure you a position, Write for catalogue, , G. WtH. Stanley, m mem m eu * ** * ~* 0m m e* tm* " ™ * um e* r**e « tt * moe* , w m fa te*"* $1,00 o Year THOMASVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE Thomasville, Ga. If you are interested in a Busi¬ ness Education, you will do well) to investigate the merits and methods of tho above-named In-, stitution. bor full particulars,, , address. Anson W. Ball, President. POPE & BENNET, ■ * »s Attomeys-at-Law, ■>* ■ Camilla, Ga., MBti*H*B»R*R»fl*H*R*H*R*R*R*-?