The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, September 23, 1904, Image 2

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Professional Cardsj ft H J. I.. UNDERWOOD, ATTORNEY-AT-LaW AMD ReAI.W | § Estate. * v; Office in Bennett's Building, Brwnlg || -'rvet. |F. « i.. LEWIS, PHYSICIAN 8 1:IV)EON. AND ■ ifflie at Drug Si ore of Lewis Drug Jj i b’s., du ing the day. attention Residence^ gieen|' at niglit. Prompt §? 10 all calls. ______s * S A Bush, R D Bush ft 1. A. BUSH & SONS, Attorneys-at- La w, Camilla, 0a. Commercial law a specialty. fM. i . Dasher, Jr. HOWARD, W. II. Hoggaa«l.j| DASH HR & A ttukneys-at-Law, ft CAMILLA, Oa. S Z< 'dice in Enterprise Building. g Id. A. SPENCE, § % Dental Svhokox, Pelham, Ga. Office in new City H II. ^ The best quality of work at*; reasonable Solicit charges. ate.l. Your i>a-gji '* tronuge 5 Dr. J. L. Brown, ft ?, Physician and Surgeon, '$ Camilla, Georgia, i Residence phone 4. Office phone 30. ft ft Fire Insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. Pep resents the following Fire In¬ surance Companies: Liverpool and London and Globe. Hartford Fire. Home Insurance Oof N. Y, Greenwich Insurance Co YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED 2 ♦ Up*to*date Goods at th* Old Reliable J. W. Joiner’s Jewelry Store, Albany, ■ Georgia. ......A 30MPLSTS UHI OF...... Watches. Clocks, Jewelry,; Silver i and Plate • • Wares, i Cutlery, ticles, Notions, Stationery, Fancy etc. Ar¬ i All of Repairing Watches, Clocks, I Jewelry the cos. public I at respectfully patronage. short order Isoliclt and at a lowest portion pri- of l J. W. Joiner, i Washington St. * ALBANY, - - GA- ^ 4 aCiiris r In Tme Camp” : , . vi.tcai&oi vr . •.-•-rfV Vw.i,-vs-* - f*nMM?wrukTi--- fts? a .Jim msBraosz?. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Direct Route to the St. Louis Exposition, Two Trains Daily. In connection with W. & A. R. R. & N. C. & St. L. Rv from Atlanta. Lv Atlanta. 8:25 a. m. Ar St. Louis T ;0S a. m. Lv Atlanta 8:30 p. m. Ar St. Louis 7:86 p. m. THROOG11 SBERPING CARS FROM Georgia, Florida And Tennessee. Route of the famous DIXIE FLYER Carrying the only St. morning Louis. This ear from Atlanta to leaves Jacksonville daily 8:05 p. m. auta 8:25 a. in, giving you the lay in St. Louis to get located. For rates from your city, Fair Guide Book and schedules, ing Oar reservations, also for book ing Hotels and Boarding houses, - their rate-, write to Preti D. Miller, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. I Brown Building, Atlanta, Ga. A Nation’s True Glory. At thia time, when the repub¬ licans seem disposed to measure a nation’s greatness by the size of its army and its navy, and its future by its wealth, it will not be out of place to recall the words of Bishop Whipple, which pres¬ ent a higher national ideal. The words are worth remembering. Bishop Whipple says: “The true glory of a nation is an intelligent, hone t, industri¬ ous, Christian peopb. The civili¬ zation of a people depends on their individual characters; and the constitution which is not the outgrowth of this character is not worth the parchment on which it is written. You look in vain over past for a single instance where the people have preserved their lioerties after their individual character was lost. It is not in the magnificence of its palaces, not in the beautiful creation of art lavished on its public edifices not in costly libraries and galla ries oi pictures, not in the num¬ ber or wealth of its cities, that we find a nation's glory. The ru¬ ler may gather around him the treasures of the world, amid a brutalized people; the seriate chamber may retain its faultless proportions long after the voice of patriotism is hushed within its walls; the monumental marble may commemorate a glory which has forever departed. Art and letters may bring no lessons to a people whoso heart is dea l. The true glory -of a nation is the liv¬ ing templo of a loyal, industrious, upright people. The busy click of machinery, the merry ring of the anvil, the lowingof the peace¬ ful herds, and the song of the harvesthome, are sweeter music than the paeans of departed glo¬ ry, or the songs of triumph in war. The vineclad cottage of the hillside, the cabin of the woods¬ man, and the rural home of ihe farmer are the true citadels of any country. There is a dignity in honest toil which belongs not to the dirplay of wealth or the luxury of fashion. The man who drives the plow, or swings his ax in the forest, or with cunning fingers plies the tools of his craft is as truly the servant of his country as the statesman in the senate, or the soldier in battle. The safety of a nation depends not alone on the wisdom of the statesman, or the bravery of its generals. The tongue of the statesman never savod a nation lottering to its fall; the sword ol a warrior never stayed its des¬ truction. Would you see the im¬ age of true national glory, I would show you villages where the crown and glory of the peo¬ ple are in common schools, where the voice of prayer goes heaverf ward, where the people have that most priceless gift, faith in God.” A Boy’s Wild Ride For Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King’s New Discovery foi Consumption Coughs, and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured death’s agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: <l I now sleep soundly every' night.’' Like marvelous cures of Consumption, Pneumo¬ nia, Bronchitis Coughs, Colds tnd Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung trouble. Guaranteed bottles 50c and §1. Trial bottles free at Lewis Drug Co. If the price of cotton holds up to ten cents for the balanc e of the season there will be no scar¬ city of money ir. Southwest gia. A Kansas editor is printing Bible in his paper on the grounds that it is news to most of his sub¬ scribers.—Hot Springs Hornet- Fifteenth Amendment Dead. Nothing that has the name of Ja vis more dead than the Fif¬ teenth amendment. The north recognized its demise long ago, and saw clearly that its adop¬ tion was a mistake—a gigantic blunder that was saved from be¬ ing one of the greatest crimes of the age by the ignorance of the men responsible for it. The pro¬ vision qf the Fourteenth amend¬ ment to which the platform refers has followed the Fifteenth amend¬ ment into the grave. Hereafter, as in the ante-bellum times, the states will determine who shall and who shall not vote, and no penalty will be imposed for dis¬ franchising illiteracy in Missis¬ sippi, Massachusetts or else wh ‘re.—Washington Post, Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, in brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J> Havens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kid¬ ney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. Atb- ih ho tridd Electric Bit¬ ters. It pui him on hi3 feet in short order and now he testifies: “I am on the road to complete recovery.” Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaran* teed by Lewis Drug Co. Living Beyond One’s Means. Every boy and girl should be disciplined thoroughly in the matter of living within one’s means. The greatest part of business rascality- embezzle¬ ments, cheating, gambling, steal¬ ing—is caused by living, or a de¬ sire to live, beyond one’s income. It is not enough to live as we can afford to live, but to be content with that. There are millions of people who do live within their means, but who get no joy out of life, because they are always sour and surly because they can not live more extravagantly.— Ex. What is Life? In the last analysis nobody know s, but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slight, pain results. Ir¬ regular living means derange¬ ment of the organs, resulting in Gonstipation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King’s New Life Pills quickly re-adjusts this. It's gentle yet thorough. Only 25c at Lewis Drug Co. Guns! Guns! 1 We have just received a full line of m GUNS! Ill Consisting of the very best single and double barrel guns at pri¬ ces that will please* Also a full line of Hunting Coats and Leggins. We sell New Club Shells-light and heavy loaded. Call on us and let us fit you up for the Hunting Season. Our ’Phone is No. 48. J. B. Wilson Company. jimiiiatiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiumiiimiMfv The Philadelphia Record says: “What the tariff has not done for this otherwise unblessed nation is not worth mentioning. In or.e of the latest publications of Chair¬ man Cortelyou’s literary bureau it is pointed out that fifteen years ago we imported $2,000,000 worth of corsets a year; now our im¬ ports are less than §400,000. while we manufacture $12,000, 000 worth. The tariff did it. Fifteen years ago our corset ma¬ kers did not know enough to pro¬ duce better than one dollar grades, and really stylish and well-carved stays had to be brought from Belgium, France and Germany. Think of it! The “hausfran” is no longer required as a model to fit corsets for Amer¬ ican waists—the tariff did it! If the elephant in the G. O- P. cir¬ cus henceforward makes a pub¬ lic appearance without being laced in genuine American stays he will be guilty of unpardonable ingratitude.” Emergency Medicines. It is a great convenience to have at hanb reliable remedies for use in ease of accident and for slight injuries and i il ments. A good liniment and one that is fast becoming a favorite if not a household necessity is Chaimberladn’s Pain Balm. By applying it promptly t > a cut, bruise or bum it allays the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. Double Daily Passenger Service. -to Montgomery, Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, Thornas ville, Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Charleston, Brunswick. Jacksonville and all P LORI DA PoI NTS. Through Pullman cars on alf through trains and to New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, RiclwnoMd, and all points east over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk, to St. Louis, OimriiHrati, Louis¬ ville, Chicago. Kansas City. Birmingham, Nashville, New Orlearw, and- all points west and northwest. No, 72, Leave Camilla going North an 10:3ft a. me No, 54, Leave Camilla going North at 6:04 p: m. No. 71. Leave Camilla going South at 5:00 p: nn No. o». Leave Camilla going South at 8:45 a. m. Connection at S ivannah wi*ft Ocean Steamship Line anti. M. & M. T Computer for - Sow York, Boston and Baltimore. No. 32 leaves Shomasville <1 % at fi:!5 a m., connects at .fe»up with through sleeper tor Wash¬ ington, Philadelphia, New York and thi -Ea-t. No 40 leaving Thomasvllle at 2;3S p nr makes con¬ nection at Waycross for the same eastern points. No 57 leaving at l;t5 a m carries Uhrongh sleep¬ er to St Louis. No 33 leaving at *i;S0 a m oormeVs at Montgomery with through, sleeper for all western points. ,Kor further information ca.Von nearest Ticket Agent or address* T. J. BOTTOMS, T P-A, J. A- TAYLOR,T-P.A-, Thcmasville, Ga Montgomery, Ala W. H. LEAHY, D- P A-, W. J CRAIG, G P. A., Savannah, Ga, Wilmington, N. C H- M- EMERSON, Tra Mgr-, Wilmington,,N-C- pain and causes the injury to heal in about the time usually required, and as it is an antiseptic it prevents jpiy danger of blood poisoning. When Pain Balm is kept at liand a sprain may be treated before inflamation sets in, which insures a quick recovery. For sale by Lewis Ding Co. Among the many startling things to be seen at the coming state fair will be Reckless Rus¬ sell. This is a one-legged bicy¬ clist who leaps on hi3 wheel from a great height down into the air, across a wide gap and thence to the ground. .He knows he wall break his neck some day, but thinks he will get through tne Macon engagement a!! right. Fine white china cup with han¬ dles, 3 for lOe. at the Cincinnati Bargain House,. Wanted. MEN AND WOMEN in this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old established house of solid finan¬ cial standing. Salary to men §21 weekly, to women 812 to $18 weekly with Expenses advanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Florae and buggy furnished when necessary; position permanent. Address, Blew Bros. & Co.. Dept. A. Mo¬ ron Bldg., Chicago. III.