The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, September 23, 1904, Image 8

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Y\ e are ottering strong values in men’s, youths’ and boys’ clothing, correctly tailored; also a handsome line of new dress goods, all the new woolen and cotton fabrics will be on sale at our store next week. Yl e challenge a like showing of these goods. Our notions will be the new things for this season’s wear. Millinery stock will be surprisingly cheap and up-to-date. We have a special arrangement with the best shoe makers to furnish our that is worn and made of the material that lasts. Our stock comprises all that vi e will make prices that command your attention. Baggs & Perry’s Department Store, Genuine Bsrnesville Buggies made by J. G. Smith & Son, and Summer’s Buggies White Hickory and Brown Wamnt ^ Communicated. Camilla Enterprise. Dear Editor: - As I promised the boys to give them a letter or two more, I always like to do what I say. On the south side of Gills Creek in Lancaster -county, 01 the same road of ye oiden times from Raliegh, N. 0., to Charleston, S. C.. (as I before wrote) about one-half or three- i quart^rg pf a mile the road crosses the Chester^ and Lancaster) road, 8fcan ^' d Creek church, known as a aeceder church (or iginally Presbyterian) during our late war, Gen. Kilpatrick’s noted road passed this road and just b f re reaching the cross roads cu' across and went in the direc tion of Lancaster Court House (to make a near cut from one road to the other) they passed through an old field of very red land, very compact and as the season was wet, the Cavalry horses will step in each others tracks as every old soldier knows that trained Cavai ry horses wiil, they in stepping left a ridge between. The land has never been worked since and it being level it is perfectly plain today and some think they can 0 him and severely heat him and would have killed him if it had not been for an old time darlty, who nursed him threw his arms around him and received a part o' the healing. Ti ey ail got mad and Started to take the town, but news had reached ahead and everybody had his gun and when they entered the square they weie riddled with bullets, and of ; 1 the running, the like was sel dom seen. No one ever Jgmw how nattv V;a8 k ^' an( j woun ded. Col. Cash was a noted duelest and he went to the Riddle House and went to his room and said, he was not responsible for the fuss, but at night he was notified th&t he would be mobbed and he left. I will always remember Sam Brew er, a noted negro horse swapper, who had come some twenty-five miles to swap horses, he hitched in the cedar thicket, it was full of washes, when the firing corn menced he ran down and jumped on his old plug and started off and he saw a large deep gully, he had doubts about hia horse jump ing it. but he told her to go and she cleared the gully and he said he did not stop under five miles, He said to me in a few days, to him a short time and said, look here, I’ve got no rum, but d—n you, you c m take my sugar and he threw a sack of sugar at him and got on his horse and rode off trying to study Frogology. I visited the place where I was born, on the Lancaster road near Fork Hill church. The new acad¬ emy is in a stones throw cf the spot, there is hardly any sign of the place, nothing that I can re¬ in >mber. It is the redest, waxiest and stickiest land I ever saw, I have often looked at my buggy tires and seen red mud several inches thick in a solid rim for some distance. Mr. Sims, the present owner, tells me that no turtle or cooter (as they are call¬ ed) can ever travel across those fields when they are fresh plough¬ ed and wet, that the red clay stick or a lheres to his bottom sur¬ face and Keeps adding more and more until his legs gets too short and finely gets so short he cannot travel, and unless he gets help he wiggles until he dies. Mr. Sims says he has found lots of them dead in that way. The old family grave yard, where my father and other rela¬ tives and friends were buried is near, but no trace or sign of any graves now and fine cotton grow¬ ing over the supposed place. We located it as near as we could and will soon wire it in. It makes me fe 1 sad “as Bill Arp would say’’ to ruminate over these things. With kindest regards to every¬ body. Yours truly, Capt, Albert Hail?. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Has world-wide tame for mar¬ velous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt R teum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible for Piles. Cure guar¬ anteed. O.ily 25c at Lewis Drug Co. Petition I or Charter. GE< )RGIA—Mitchell County. To the Superior Court of said The petition of E. Williams, Collin Reyuolds, Charlie Toombs, Willis and J. S. Williams, all of said countv. " ’ shows. 1. That they are members of U*t Mitchell county chapter of the National Union Negro Society of America , tfte object of which is to upbuild the nm in the lines of industry and honest and right business principles, and to eucaur age homo-building among them; a nd in order to property manage the affairs of ■ aid chapter, they desire for themselves and their associates to become iheorpoi - ated under the name and rtyle of The Mitchell County Chapter of’America. of tin-National Union Negro Society 2. Petitioners ask to be incorporated for twenty years with the privilege of re newal at the end of that term. :t. The object of said proposed cor poration is pecuniary profit and gain to its stockholders. Said corporation pro poses to carry on a mercantile and agri cultural business, and ask power to buy and st-11 realty and personalty, to have a corporate seal, sne and be sued, make The following is one Lamar's Lemon of many unsolicited tes¬ Laxative timonials: cures Constipation, Bil¬ Dothan, Ala., iousness, Indiges¬ April 16, ’04. tion and H^dache. I have used La¬ Acts promptly mar’s Lemon Lax¬ and powerfully on ative in my family the bowels yet is and would not be gentle and pleas¬ without it. It is ant in action certainly a valua¬ does not gripe or ble medicine. sicken. It can’t J. A. Mat, hurt you-it can Chief of Police. help you. On sol* at alt goad drug j to rat. SO daaat for so coat*. OWNED AND MANUFACTURED BY LAMAR, TAYLOR & RILEY DRUO COMPANY, Mao«n, Ga. * b >-laws, and have ail powrsincident to j ,i), ‘ business and pursuits ahoveset forth. The capital stock of stud corpora j tiou is <>uc Hundred and Twenty Dol lars - a!1 <rf w) deh has a«*o»By been paid in: • ss,irt capita! stock is divided into shares of the j»r vaim-eff. Five Dollars. The corporation members stiail have the refusal of any shares of stock before «*«ne shall be sold to any one not already a stockholder. A The principalstfSce of said torpor-. at 'on shall be in sesacounty-, with sucla branch offices as t&e corporate body may tit to establisVidsewhet*. Wherefore pe titioners pray to be nso^e a b °dy corpora**, under the name style aforesaid, with all the rights, and immunities, *ad. subject to all t he lia bilities fixoti ^y law. E. Williams, Collin Reynolds, Charlie Toombs, Willis Cox, J. S. Williams, Petitioners, Filed in office, Sept. 18th, 1904. S, E. Cox, clerk. -—————-------. Camilla Enterprise, SI a year.