The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, October 07, 1904, Image 5

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• AAAAAA AAAAAAZ A&AAAAAAAaAA NOTICE l Net ■v Goods, T;.J 1. a -• s « Store. New Everything. We have moved our drug business one door west of our former loca¬ tion. We have more room, more air and more light and are better pre¬ pared than ever to attend to the wants of our customers. We invite everybody to inspect our new place and will take great pleasure in showing you through our well selected stock. Spec priieT«u Stationery. New lioe o£ Hair and Tooth Brushes, Perfumes and Toilet Articles. Come to see us. Yours to please, Lewis Drug Company, IFresh Candies always on hand. Goods delivered promptly. | MME NEWS. * * IhocSi. ° SvdoA. a ■ m m ■ Personal • -a Dtt-'iiot v'ium the beggar "Wl*u<t‘<*i»esit-oyour door for taesi, Wte, too hi g at God’s own poataBs So, would be M —itiSijtoi). C&y.court next Monday. Sugmirior, sourt convenes aiext Monday >wefek, October 17th,, For nice .-crackers, go to the Butler-Bosh Co. Mr. W. ;E.<-Oollins, of Flint, 'was among" yestosJ ay’a visitors totfaa milla. Mias bndia'Walker has returned from a wiiaitstc? relatives at Qjizfr man. Mr. G_ B.'Cochran and Mayor J. H. Pakffieq.vicited Albany last;; Wednesday.. ' _ Brocks , Conn^ Seed Rye. For „ sale by Townsend, King & Go, Quitman, Ga. There hava been more commer¬ cial tourists sm -Cagailla thi3 fall than ever betore in her history. Mr. H. J. Gauldir,,on route No. 2 , made the E>;TSRvh;SE office a •.pleasant visit yesterday morn ilfig She Imperial hah Latest thing in hat patterns., the Butler- 33 uah Co. Mas. R. G. Riley, of Albany, is visiting at the home of her broth¬ er, Judge W. N. Spenee,, this week. The work of repairing the old dep#. goes steadily on and when completed, it will be almost like a new one. It is no wobAt that people are sick, because of the dust occa¬ sioned by the extreme dry weath¬ er of the past monthor 3ix weeks. Camilla can’t be long without some excitement, The Gypsies folded tfc&ir bunks and quietly drove away $,nd now w? h&Y9 the tiying jenny, For fruits and produce gc to ‘Butier-Bush Co. The Election Wednesday was a ■very'quiet affair. It wae ai l «®e Whatfhes Camilla done? .‘An¬ other of those “fnetry-go-PQuod” struck town. ■Budget!. A, Busk is in atten¬ dance ; upon Colquitt Superior •court at 'Moultrie this work. Mayor A. Roddenbery. ><of fTh&masville, was a prama»e*t visitor to'tke city la*t Saturday Abr. C. ta 'Spence moved has this week to the Coehrasi residence, on South Scott street. The workmen have arrived and dirt-has been broken for Miteheli count's harnfeome new jail build ■ If me had waterworks the could ibj sprinkled and ctf <tbe.dusAkeptdown. Vote for bond<# Mre. M. F. filrimberry and Miss Annie Grace, were amoiag last'fkiday’s visitors to Albany. Jtijdgte W. N. ©peace, Col’s. E. M„ Davis and g. tS, Sennett are in Albany this week in attendance upon Dougherty Superior court. Quito a number of 'Gamillaites have been reported on /the sick list recently, but we are glad to noto that all are said to ;be con¬ valescent. Rev. E. B. Atkinson left last Monday morning for Leesburg, where he will assist in a series of meetings that are being held there this week. Invitations are out for the mar¬ of Mi s. Lula Crosby, daugh¬ of Mrs. L. L. Faircloth, to Mr. H. Davis, to be solemn¬ on October 12th. Let us Improve the appearance our little city, add to its health¬ and give it prominence by voting for bonds with to put in waterworks. The Eli tor of the Enterprise appreciates the many kind words said in compliment of his efforts to give Camilla and Mitchell county a neatly printed newspa¬ per. Remember now you can waltz up at most any time and pay your taxes. The ■eoiiectors for state, county and city are ready to receive and (receipt for the amounts you are due. It is a common thing to see wagons loaded with a mountain of hay coming into town with the driver perched way up on top. It reminds one of the Maryland hay wagons going into Washing¬ ton City, except that we have not the good roads they have. Already Mitchell eaunty far¬ mers are beginning to sail this ■season’s crop of pork. Mr, J. T. (Sallins shipped 1200 pounds last week to Albany, and was to have made another ship¬ ment this week. The fact is MiteheJl has the real hog, hominy and ,hay farmers of Southwest Georgia, and as a result their bank discounts are growing every year. Mr. A. iP. Spence has bought the interest of Mr. Middleton in the business of J. W. Middleton & Co., and invites the public who need anyth!«g in the way of Whiskeys, Brandies, Wines or Beer to call on him for same as he carries in stock the best brands on the market. Mr, J. H. Spence will have charge of the manage¬ ment of the business, while Mr. West Faircloth will assist in serv¬ ing customers. Posted, This is to notify the public that my lands, lots Nos. 220, 230 and 231, are posted according to law, and all parties trespassing will be prosecuted for same. Respectfully, J. T. Collins. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you sat. j Birthday Party. j One of the most enjoyable of the round of little folks birthday parties given recently was that of little Ar.nie Ruth Spence, daugh ter of Judge and Mrs. W. N. Spence, who entertained a num¬ ber of her friends last Friday af¬ ternoon in honor of her ninth birthday. Games on the lawn occupied the time for quite a while, then came the march to the dining room, where delight¬ ful refreshments were served, the birthday cake with nine lighted candles occupying the place of honor on the table. Quite a sur¬ prise to the little ones was a real¬ ly, truly Gipsy tent and a Gipsy woman to tell their fortunes, with which the party wound up, each little girl being given a £weet scented sachet in red silk for a souvenir. Hoggard'-Swindle. On last Sunday Rev. H. M. Burnett officiating, Mr. Robert L. Hoggard led to the altar in marriage, Miss Dorma, the eld¬ est daughter of Mrs. Lillie Swin¬ dle. The young people pula vein of tomance into their wedding by ta¬ king a horse and buggy and driving out to Rev. H. M. Bur ■** ,,, » , ■>?■« «*«». , «»» that gentleman out to the buggy and had him perform the cere¬ mony while they remained in the vehicle. There was no objection to the marriage of the young couple but they did not desire any show or display and decided that this was the best and easiest way to dispose of the business that would make them one for 1 e The Enterprise extends con¬ gratulations and best wishes for long and happy life together. Syrup Barrels. Five car loads cypress barrels. Do not wait, buy while you can supplied, Baggs & Perri Whitely Williford Did Not Hang Yesterday. Yesterday was the time set by Judge Spence for the hanging of Whitely Williford, for the mur¬ der of Harmon West. An appeal for a new trial was heard and re¬ fused, but the attorneys for Wil¬ liford have taken the case to the Supreme court and a respite has been granted the prisoner until his case be heard before the Su¬ preme court. Can Ton Eat? J. B. Taylor, a prominent; merchant of Chriesman, Tex., says: “I could not eat because of a weak stomach. I lost all strength and ran down in weight. All that money could do was done, hut all hope of recovery vanished. Hearing of some wonderful cures effected by use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded to try it. The first bottle bencflttcd me, •>ud after taking four bottles, I am fully resto. -ed to my usual strength, weight and healti Kodol Dyspepsia Cu re di gests what •wt and cures. Sold by you > Lewis Drug Co. Pointer Pups For Sale. I have six full registered poin¬ ter pup3 for sale. If you are inter ested in procuring a fine bird dog, call on mu*. G. B. Cochran, Camilla, Ga. A Request. We ask every lady in Camilla, who trades in Camilla, to come our place of business during next week. W« wish to show what nice things we have in so that you will know to order, and where to get from. We only ask that you OUR EXCELLENT LINE, and be satisfied with the result. Yours, The Butler-Bush Co. Experienced travellers have great benefit by taking them, a bottle of Dr. Seth Balsam. It cures illness by impure water and sud¬ changes of climate. War¬ by Lewis Drug Co. Subscribe for the Enterprise,