The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, October 07, 1904, Image 7

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FIVE U.S. PRISONERS IN JAIL. Graves Charges Against Mitchell County Citizens. Deputy United States Marshals W. H. Godwin and W. H, McClel land have been scouring the coun¬ try this week, and made a num¬ ber of important arrests of men charged with offenses against Federal laws. The deputies brought to Valdos¬ ta on Thursday morning four men whom they arrested in Mitchell county, charged with peonage. The accused men are Harvey Beasley, D. C. Beasley, T. R. Gregory and J. W. Merritt. In addition to the peonage charge Deputy McClelland holds a war¬ rant against Merritt for illicit dis¬ tilling. Harvey Beasley is charged with holding a negro, Tom Fain, in a state of peonage. The negro it is said made his escape from Beasley’s place and went to the plantation of a farmer by the name of Miller to secure work. It is alleged that Beasley there¬ upon secured the aid of the other men implicated in the charge and going to Miller’s place fired into a house where Fain was stopping and broke the door down. Pan¬ demonium reigned in the negro quarter, and the inmates fled from the scence like scared rab¬ bits, scattering to the points of the compass. Miller had twenty seven negroes hired picking cot¬ ton and the entire lot were fright¬ ened off the place, leaving forty or fifty bales of open cotton in the fields. The parties involved in the trouble are all farmers and the prominent people of Mitchell county. They appeared Commissioner J. M. Johnson and asked to be allowed to return their homes under bond, a hearing. The men stated their presence was greatly need¬ ed at home, and the gave them their liberty $600 bonds each, except Merrett, who was required to give a of §750. The hearing of cases was set for Oct. dosta Times. HEALTHY ^MOTHERS. Mothers should always keep in bodily health. They owe it to children. Yet it is no unusual sight see a mother, with babe in arms, ing violently and exhibiting all tlte toms of a consumptive tendency. why should this dangerous condition ist, dangerous alike to mother and when Dr. Bosehee’s German would put a stop to it at once? No ther slionld be without this old and remedy in the house—for its timely will promptly cure auy lung, throat broncliial trouble in herself or her dren. The worst cough or cold can speedily cured by German Syrup; so hoarseness and congestion of the chial tubes. Itmakes.expectoration and gives instant relief and rest to tha cough-racked New trial bottles, 25; and large size At all druggists. Government Report of Cotton. "Washington, October 3.—The monthly report of the Bureau Statistics of the Department of Agriculture will show the condi¬ tion of cotton September 24, 75.8, compared with 84, August, and the ten-year of 66.8. Saves Two From Death. “Our little daughter had an most fatal attack of cough and bronchial,” writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y., “but, when all other rem¬ edies failed, we saved her life Dr. King’s New Discovery. niece, who had Consumption an advanced stage, also used wonderful medicine and she is perfectly well ” throat and lung diseases yield Dr, King’B New Discovery as no other medicine on earth. fallible for Coughs and 50c and Sl.oO bottles Trial by Lewis Drug Co. free. World’s Gold Product. The director of the mint will soon issue his report as to the gold product of the world in 1903 and it will contain some facta of very particular interest. It will show that the output has been greater than in 1902, but that the gain was due to the increase in the South African fields in larger measure. This increase has been nearly maintained the present year and it is calculated that at the end of 1301 the product w 0 have passed the §350,000,0:0 mark. Australia increased § 8 , 000,<XtC in 1903, but there wa* a drop of from $80,000,000 to $74, 000,000 in the United States ow¬ ing to the labor troubles in the Cripple Creek district of Colora¬ do. These figures show that the gold resources of the world are unfailing. Now that South Afri¬ ca has been relieved of the dis¬ turbance of war, either immedi¬ ate or prospective, there is sure to ensue still larger increases from from year to year. In the mean time it is certain that under the progressive and up building pol¬ icy of the Mexican government there will be more gold to come from that quarter and there are virgin gcld-bearing regions await¬ ing the prospector in South Amer¬ ica, in Manchuria, in China and other oriental countries, to say nothing of our own Alaska. It may be that we have more gold in the hills of Georgia than we wot of.—Macon Telegraph. Testimony of a Minister. Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark., writes, “For 12 years I suf¬ fered from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and tried all sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then I began the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a dis¬ ease that had me in its g^asp for twelve years.” If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, get Electric Bitters. It’s guaranteed by Lewis Drag Co. Only 50o. Chairman-Governor Odell de¬ mands only §750,000 from Chair¬ man Cortelyou as his share of the New York slush fund. Oh, no; Parker is not strong in New York. —Constitution. A Love Letter. Would not interest you if you’re looking for a guaranteed Halve for Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes; “1 suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen’s Ar¬ nica Salve cured me.” It’s the best Salve on earth. 25c at Lewis Drug Co. Notice. All those indebted to me for mules must settle on Oct,, 1st, as I am compelled to have the money on that day. Any notes running over ten days will be closed up. T. P. Embry. Subscribe for the Enterprise. Let Me Call Your Attention TO THE FACT THAT THERE IS NOTHING QUITE SO GOOD FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL BRONCHIAL OR LUNG TROUBLES A8 BRONGHODA A PLEASANT, HARMLESS, SCIENTIFIC PREPARATION, WHICH GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF. NO OPIATES, NARCOTICS, NOR POISONS 25c. a bottle 8herrouse Medicine Co. New Orleans. Mothers of a Like Opinion. Mrs. Pilruer, of Cordova, Iowa, says: of my children was 6nbject to of a severe type, and the giving of Cough Remedy promptly, brought relief. Many mothers tills neighborhood think the same as do about tliis remedy and want no kind for their children.” For sale Lewis Drug Co. Cotton pickers are badly in de¬ mand and their work commands wage premium. Drive the va¬ grants toward the cotton fields or i them to the gang.—Consti to I. Bro!o ! nto His House. S R-■ Quinn, of Cavendish, Vt., was robbed of his customary health by invasion of Chronic When Dr. King’s New Life Pilis broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he’s entirely cured. They’re guarantee! to cure, 25c at Lewis Drug Co. SULPHUR’S TIMELY USE PRE¬ VENTS DISORDERS. Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur Anticipates and Checks the Progress of Many Ills, The use of this sterling remedy serves to render the skin soft and healthful, and confers a clear and beautiful com¬ plexion—that most valuable charm. As an adjunct to the bath, Hanooch’s Liquid Sulphur is at once a luxury and a Tonic of lasting value. Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur— Nature’s greatest germicide—rectifies, relieves and cures acne, bums and scalds, canker, catarrh, diphtheria, herpes, itch, pim¬ ples, prickly heat, ringworm and ulcer¬ ated conditions, whether of the scalp, eyelids, nose, mouth or throat. Sold by leading druggists. Descrip¬ tive booklet mailed upon request by Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore. Md. Star=Ffve=Stari $3.50 Shoe A Winner in the race for Public F avor. “Once a Purchaser Always a Purchaser** of this Durable, Dressy and Elegant Men's $3.50 Shoe. This Stamp on the sole of every shoe. For sale by J. B. Wilson Co. Purify, Accuracy, Dispatch ♦ We use the best Drugs in the com* pounding of Prescriptions and Fam= ily Recipes. Our method is up=to=date and ac * curacy is always obtained. | We deliver Drugs to any part of j the city on short notice. Yours to Serve, I Perry | 's Pharmacy, j Phone No. 6. Camilla, Georgia. HEADQUARTERS FOR AMERICAN FIELD AND HDD FENCE 58 INCH. - -L_„l j—LJ—J —j. ---i™ —i. i- 4» .9. ■~h ,_J7, CL ft 1} , 9 3 — Yi. .a 39 i-.. j,„ \ i r V .. „ 32 IN._ 26 n»._ M if c •.>■■■■■ ■. |.l 20 IN. n dsr *s _ _ _ - L, r . . _ . rip HI tp. TT " t Regular Style Special Hog, Horse and Cattle Style Stays 12 in. or 0 in. apart Stays 12 in. or G in. apart Made of large, strong, high-grade steel wires, heavily galvanized. Amply provides for expansion and contraction. Is practically ever¬ lasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great a strain is put on it. Does not mutilate, but does, efficiently, turn cattle, horses, hogs and pigs. EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED by the manufacturers and by us. Call and see it. Can show you how it will save you money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced. For sale by Camilla Trading Company. Double Daily Passenger Service. -TO Montgomery, Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, Thomas ville, Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Charleston, Brunswick, Jacksonville and all Florida Points. Through Pullman cars on all through trains and to New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond, and all points ■ast over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk, to St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louis /ille, Chicago. Kansas City, Birmingham, Nashville, New Orleans, and all points vest and northwest. No. 72. Leave Camilla going North an 10:36 a. m. No, 74. Leave Camilla going North at 6:04 p. m. No. 71. Leave Camilla going South at 5:00 p. m. No! 73. Leave Camilla going South at 8:45 a. m. Connection at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. * M. T Company tor New York, :oston and Baltimore. No. 32 leaves Sbomasville dally at 6 :15 am., connects at Jesup with through sleeper for Wash igton, Philadelphia, New York and theEast. No 40 leaving Thomasville at 2;35 p m makes con ection at Waycross for the same eastern points. No 57 leaving at 1 ;15 a m carries through sleep r to St Louis. No 39 leaving at 10;50 a m connects at Montgomery with through sleeper for all vestem points. For further information call on nearest Ticket Agent or address f. J. BOTTOMS, T- P- A , J- A- TAYLOR, T. P.A-, Thomasville, Ga- Montgomery, Ala V. H- LEAHY, D- P- A-, W- J. CRAIG, G- P- A., Savannah, Ga, Wilmington, N- C. H- M- EMERSON, Tra- Mgr-, Wilmington. N-C-