The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, October 14, 1904, Image 1

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@333 Emilia @nmmm ‘Vol 8. No 25 W HOW TO F OUT Is to go at once to the Cincinnati Bargain House, next door to the bank, and get my low prices before the goods are picked over. I am offering my entire stock for the next 60 days cheaper than I ever did before. I have just received a big line of General Merchandise, consisting of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Pants, Shirts and a full line of Men's and Ladies underwear, prices to fit everybody and everybody’s pocket book, so come around and give me a trial and get my low prices before you buy anywhere. I will be glad to show you through my line and how cheap I can sell you the goods and how much money I can save you on your next trade, Don’t fail to call while the great sale lasts. Yours to serve, The Cincinnati Bargain House, 214*216 W. $11) st. and 115 €. Court st, Cincinnati, 0. Camilla Brand}, Broad St. next to Bank, B. Lubin, manager . JUST RECEIVED One car rust proof seed oats-Butler Heath & Butler. One car wagons, all sizes.-Butler, Heath & Butler. One car buggies, all kinds and pri ees.-Butler, Heath & Butler. One car of Heath's Acid Phosphate, one car Kainit, one car Heath's cotton and corn fertilizer^ for Ml planting.-Butler, Heath & Butler. We carry in stock a full line of wire fencing. Call on us. Butler, Heath & Butler. Stanley’s Business College. Macon, : Georgia. Success is yours if you attend a good business college. We will qaalify you and secure you a position. Write for catalogue. G. W. II. Stanley, President. --- --------------- - ------------ " ----- ----- Loans. Five year loans negotiated on farm lands at lowest rates. When you come to make application bring your chain of title. Edwin L. Bryan, Att’y at Law, Moultrie. Ga. Clothing . We have a swell line of Ready-Made Suits, all shades and cuts. They are good and warm, and will give yon good service. Suits $4.50 up. Overcoats, full length, $5. Boys’ Clothing. Made to stand the rough usage that boys give them. Suits $2.00 and up. Extra Trousers in stripes, solids and mixtures. Our special¬ ty is fitting up large waisted men. We have fit a number of stout men, perhaps we can fit yon. Suppose you let us try it. Butkr-Bush (& Men’s Outfitters, Camilla* Gn,, Oot. 14, 1004, Syrup Barrels. Five car loads cypress barrels. Do not wait, buy while you can be supplied. Baggs & Perr Subscribe for the Enterprise. Death of Babes. The closed and crepe draped doors of the Lewis Drug Com¬ pany last Saturdav, told a tale of grief to the passers by—told of a home from which so much of the bright promise for the future had been taken. After one short night’s illness from cholera in¬ fantum, little Rebecca, the sweet baby daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Lewis, succumbed to the Grim Destroyer. The little one had not been quite well since she de¬ veloped a case of aoute indiges¬ tion at Indian Springs about two months ago. The interment was made in the ne* cemetery Satur¬ day afternoon. Especially sad, too, was th. death of little Harry Berman, Saturday night, the mother being ill and the father in New York on business. The child, seemingly in good health, was stricken with convulsions eariy Saturday mcrning and nothing that phy¬ sicians or friends could do brought relief, and death ended his suffering. The remains were accompanied to Albany Monday morning by Mr. A. Edison, a rel¬ ative of the family, who came up from Valdosta, and Mr. B. Lu¬ bin, Of Camilla, where they were laid to rest in the Jewish section of Oakview cemetery. " y V x .9383“ .0 e. ST Wonnmmwu. INTHECAMP" i; ‘ -, ‘v tr." - ' 1W. ' ‘_ ~9 noon organ ‘ 1 11‘ «A ‘4’: . who" sou-Hahn mm- ‘ ’-' (I :J / MEN ,3 ‘5 \-. 5%»st - fink-)9 Juno a i::;;}éle,.'7" 7}” ‘ ' ‘ ‘z 2~=H=J¢mutwrm -i.'.£'-""'~,.y' , , , A FATAL TRAUEDY IN LOWER MITCHELL. Becoming Involved in Shooting Scrape, F. K. and John Smith Were Killed and Charles Gi • lenwaters Badly Wounded. The news of the terrible trag¬ edy at Faircloth reached the En¬ terprise office Thursday even¬ ing after we had gone to press. Bad blood had existed between these men for some time, and Mr. F. K, Smith and two sons, John and Turner, stationed them¬ selves between Mr.Gillenwaters’ house and store, one with a shot gun and the other two with pis¬ tols and begun firing on Mr. Gil¬ len water-s when he started from the house to the store. Mr. Gillenwaters was unarmed and ran to his store for a weapon. His daughter having seen the as¬ sault, met him on the way with his shot gun. Mr Gillenwaters loaded the gun and turned on bis assailants. The first shot he fired killed John Smith, the shot tak¬ ing effect in the head. Thinking this would stop the assault Mr. 3illenwaters hesitated at firing on the other two; but seeing that F. K. Smith was leveling a gun at him, he fired his other charge into Smith’s breast, killing him almost instantly. Oneof the last two shots fired by Smith took effect in Gi'lenwaters leg and stomach, but he will recover. No arrests have been made. NOW FORfWATERWORKS. The Election Wednesday Was 108 For, to 13 Against Bonds. It is now up to you, Messrs. Mayor and Council, to proceed at once with the sale of the bonds, and the putting in of the system of waterworks as contemplated and the acquiring of the electric light system we now have, which needs impiovement in many ways. It is a step forward for Camil* la, the next move now must be towards a system of sanitary sewerage. Negro’s Throat Cut. After imbibing enough l 'fire water” to beccme dazed, John Bowen, colored, was assaulted on a dark corner Saturday night by an unknown party who struck him twice in the face and then cut his throat and dodged away into tht- crowd before they could be recognized. Eowen will re* cover. #1.00 a. Year SHOT TO DEATH. Mary Johnson Killed by Adopted Son, Pearl Boon. On answering a call from Mc Ree & McNeil’s quarter about 8 o’clock Saturday night, Deputy Faircloth found Pearl Boon sur¬ rounded by three or four ne¬ groes, who were holding him till an officer could be summoned. He is charged with killing Mary Johnson. The shot was fired from a winchester rifie, taking effect just above the heart. A doctor was called but the woman died soon after he arrived. A great deal of excitement pre¬ vailed at the scene of the crime and further trouble seemed evi¬ dent, but Messrs. McRee & Mc¬ Neil arrived and soon succeeded in restoring very good order, al though the crowd had to be t .reatened with the police once or twice. Mary Johnson is the wife of Jack Johnson, the stiller for the firm of McRee & McNeil, and was thought to be a good negro. Boon claims that they were tus¬ sling for possession of the gun and that the fatal shot was fired accidentally, but, after hearing the evidence, the coroner’s jury returned a verdict of murder. Boon was taken to the Albany jail Sunday morning. An Attempt At Murder. At the merry-go-round early Saturday night a foul attempt was made on the life of Mr. Will Rachley, a young white man who lives near here. Instead of going around him a drunken negro woman tried to persuade Rackley to get out of her way, and failing in this, be¬ gan to throw some sulphurous language at that gentleman. When he slapped herin the face she grew more furious and threaten¬ ed the use of a razor, whereupon Rackley settled down and landed several jabs straight from the shoulder, each of which caused the woman to fall back several feet. Rackley followed up quickly and gave his opponent no time to use her razor and it seems that his successive leaps forward in following up this enemy saved him from serious harm from an unknown foe in the rear, as a while later his coat was found to be split considerably where some one had tried to stab him in the back.