The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, October 14, 1904, Image 4

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CAMILLA ENTERPRISE. PUB L ISHED EVERY FR I DAY* WALTER A. ALLEN EDITOR AMD PUBLISHER Entered at Camilla, Ga., post of¬ fice as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 ONE YEAR - - - *1.00 SIX MONTHS - M Official organ of CamiUa, Ga., • • And Mitchell county • • TELEPHONE NO. 64. FRIDAY, OCT. 14, 1904. *‘(/et Together And Get Busy.” In five short words William Randolph Heart gives splendid advice to Democrats everywhere. If each individual Democrat ac¬ cepts the advice the success of the Democratic party in the pres¬ idential campaign will be achiev¬ ed, “Get together and get busy” is the sound injunction. The terse words are a ringing battle cry. In union there is strength and in activity there is victory. Unity means harmony and harmony means triumph. A great trouble with the Democrats has been they would not “get together.” They have been torn asunder by fac¬ tional strife and internal dissen¬ sion, And they have been too apathetic at times. How could we except to win undir such con. ditioosj But HearBt sounds the key note—he utters the warning —he gives the advice. “Get to¬ gether and get busy” he exc'aims. Eternal vigilance is the price of political sueeess. “Get together and get busy!” Hearst is doing splendid work for Parker and Davis. His string of papers stretching from New York to San Francisco is fighting valiantly for the ticket. It is said that he has made the largest in¬ dividual contribution to the cam¬ paign fund that has yet been giv en. He is not sulking in his tent. Hearst is on the firing line.—Ma¬ con News. Our own beautiful South is more prosperous than at any time in her history; South Geor¬ gia especially is giving evidence in many ways of this era of pros perity. The farmer is out of debt and putting money in. the banks, the schools are full, many of them, to overflowing, beauti¬ ful homes are being built, towns are spreading out, new business enterprises are being launched and everything goes to show that South Georgia is coming into her own. And now St. Louis ups and says she has had enough World’s Fair to last her for several cen¬ turies. - v* r-/ By its combined therapeutic action upon the blood and the mucous t 'X membrane, Hancock’s Liquid 'yV Sulphur positively and surely I#' h's'\ Cures w GERMICIDE Catarrh Catarrh is a constitutional dis '' /f ease, and local treatment alone r-e r f *f , <V/ / greatest will not germicide cure it. Sulphur known, is and the a ! \ i" i / harmlessbutpowerfulconstitution -' / builder. Its value has been recog¬ nized for ages,but all itscurati ve effects were never obtainable till the discovery of Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur, So posi¬ tive is its action that we guarantee it to cure Catarrh, Eczema, Acne. Itch, Dan¬ druff .Ringworm, Prickly Heat, Granulated Diphthe¬ ria, Sore Mouth and Throat, Eyelids, and all diseases of the Scalp. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR OINTMENT. Prepared especially for Burns, Scalds, Open KtWi C.’MtsM LtrakUs. Sores, Chafed Parts, Raw Surfaces, Boils, ‘*maarw*sf“ Piles, Roughness of Face and Hands, and all Skin Diseases. ■srursaurtTS Sold all reliable dr«K stows. Write for free booklet on the curative and toilet use of sulphur. HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR CO, Baltimore. Md. Baconton Items. At 10 o’clock Sunday >. m., Sunday Sriiool wen held at both churches. Im¬ mediately following the Sunday Scliool the B. Y. P. U. program was rendered at the Baptist church. - The Epwortli League was conducted by Prof. Farmer, ■* o’clock p. m., and at 7, prayer meet¬ ing was led by Osce Glansier. lu the past week the Masonic horn has been sounded twice, calling togeth¬ er the members of the lodge at this place, Mr. Gas* Culbreath, of Albany, spent Sunday in the city visiting his mother. Mr. T. J. Glansier went to Tifton on business last week. Mr. T. L. Jenkins went to Albany Tuesday. Quarterly conference was held at Ba conton Tuesday. The reports of the church work are said to have been very good. Rev. Cook, the presiding elder, conducted the meeting and Rev. C. T. Clark also was present. Mr. Wilson and Col, I. A. Bush were the delegates from Camilla. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Culbreath, the Misses Dunn, and Miss Wallace Adams, of Baker county, were in Baconton Sun¬ day. Mr. Long, of Acree, has been visiting his uncle, Mr. J. R. Pinson, this week. Mr. Thomas Fleming went to Albany Tuesday. Mr. Linwood Lundy, his sister, Miss Nettie Louday, Miss Esther Wilkes, and Miss Ada Williams are in Baconton, having come to attend the weddiug of their friend, Miss Fannie Fleming. At 8:30 o’clock on the evening of Wed¬ nesday, the 12th, quite a number gath¬ ered vt the home of Mr. Frank Fleming to see his daughter, Miss Fannie, joined in happy wedlock to Mr. E. B. Mullens. After a circle of spectators had been ar¬ ranged in the parlor, Use first notes of the wedding march were struck by Miss Ella Bacon, thrilling the soul of all within and drawing into Hie room Rev. J. A. J. Dumas, followed by the flower girl- , Little Misses Leola Miller and Bessie Reynolds. Misses Ada Williams and Nettie Lundy took positions just back of the space left for the bride and groom. Then came the groom accompanied by his bruin r, Mr. Joe Mullens, followed by the bride accompanied by Miss Es¬ ther Wilkes. After they were pro¬ nounced “husband and wife,” the friends thronged to extend congratula¬ tions. A very highly enjoyed rec eption extended from this hour until 12 o’clock. The presents were very many and exceed¬ ingly beautiful. The last feature of the evening was the serving of the bride’s cake. We all feel that we can easily congratulate each of the newly married couple. School Boy. TM0MASVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE Thomasville, 0a. If you are interested in a Busi¬ ness Education, you will do well to investigate the merits and methods of the above-named In¬ stitution. Eor full particulars, address. Anson W. Ball, Fresident. COTTON MARKET. Thursday, September 1st, 1904. SQUARE BALE. Corrected by Boggs & Perry Fully Good Middling...... ...9i Good middling............ .9f Middling.................. ..9* Savannah is getting straight in behind tb® Railroad Commission. She is thoroughly wrought np over the discrimination in freight rates between that city and At¬ lanta. A delegation of fifteen or Lamar’s Lemon Laxative is the original lemon medicine. issaa It if, made of lemons and other harmless speedy but powerful vege tabie ingredients, is a safe, sure and core ior indigestion, Constipation, T orpid Liver, Headache. It cleanses the system of all impurities, tones up the stomach and bowels, puts the liver and kidneys in perfect order -in short “makes you new.” It is gentle but reliable, prompt and powerful in action, pleasant to take and always von GALE 1JY ALL DRUGGISTS. LAMAR, TAYLOR & RILEY DRUG CO., Manufacturers, Macon, Ga. © ■ It wmi r s ■ ;f "1 aT* vr .‘-tW, / ‘ 1.4 : What is the Matter With Bailey ? ♦o^o#o^o«g^o«>o^o«>o<&o^o«o$o Call and see if there is anything the matter with him. He can show you one of the slickest winter lines in town. Ladies, you need skirt goods, waist goods, sing sack goods, etc. all these and more yon will find at Bailey’s. Bow about a nice wool jacket for Winter? We have got an up-to-date line of wool Underskirts, and will be pleased to down a sample for you to look at. Just ring us up! Your* Very Truly, J. H. Bailey. . zA Snap ini HEADWEAR ^Three Leaders; A black, silk lined, Alpine hat, $3 value for.................,..$1.25 A black, raw edge, wide brim, $2 value for..........................99c A brewn, Panama shaped, Alpine hat, $3 value for........$1.50 There are other styles here if these don’t suit you. We Are Headgear Headquarters. Have you seen those $25 suits I am selling for $15! It’s a Broadway, tailor made, tricot lined suit, alJ-wool and silk mixed gray goods with a blue hair-line. They are peaches. Look at our line of Ladies’ Walking Skirts. They are beau= ties. 27 inch white sheeting 4 1*2 cents a yard. Berman’s , C a in ilia, - Georgia. STUDEBAKER WAGONS TO CLOSE OUT CHEAP. twenty of her representative bus¬ iness men will go to Atlanta to* day, appearJjefore the commis¬ sion and demand equal rates for Savannah with those proposed for Atlanta. That’s the way to do it- Pointer Pops For Sale. I have six full registered ter pups for sale. If you are inter¬ ested in procuring a fine bird dog, call on mo. G. B. Cochran, Camilla, Ga.