The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, October 14, 1904, Image 6

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[ Professional Cards .j £ J. L, UNDERWOOD, Attorney-At-Law and Reai-| Estate. Office in Bennett’s Building, Broad j street. [V. LT LEWlsy Physician and Surgeon. Office during »t Drug the Sioreof day. Lewis Residence Drugp |jj Co’s., at night. calls. Prompt attention giveng to all -1 ___________ SI A Bush, R D Bash I, A. BUSH & SONS, ATTORNEYS-AT- La w, Camilla, Ga. Commercial law * specialty. hi. C. Dasher, Jr. W. H. Hoggaad. DASHER* HO JOARD, Attorn bY»-at-Law, CAMILLA, OA. |Office in Enterprise Building. D. A. SPENCE, Dental Surgeon, Pelham, Ga. Office in new City II ill. | iS The best quality of work at| reasonable charges. Your pt tronage solicitated. De. J. L. Brown, Physician and Surgeon, iRealden^S'I 1 ?’ °°°o«« phoneao. | Fire Insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. represents the following Fire In¬ surance Companies: L verpool and Lorrdtn and Globe. Hartford •Fire. He* Insurance Oof N. Y. Grcanwich Insurance Co. YObS BUSINESS SOLICITED Zlp*to*date Goods at tbs Old Reliable J. W. Joiner’s Jewelry Store, Albany, • Georgia. ......A com*?* 11811....... < [ Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,J Silver and Plate Wares, • • Cu-blery, Notions, Fancy Ar- <» tides, Stationery, etc. All kinds of Repairing Watehps, Clocks, Jewelry at short order and at lowest prl- o oes. I respectfully Isollctt a portion of the public patronage. J. W. Joiner, Washington St, ALBANY. GA <» Libel for Divorce. GEORGIA— Mitchell county. Notice is hereby given t hat I have filed with the Clerk of tho Superior Court of said county my petition for a divorce addressed to said court returna¬ ble to the next term thereof, to be held on the 1st Tuesday after the 3rd Monday in Oct., 1904, for the removal disabili¬ ties imjiosed upon me by my inter-mar¬ riage with Susan Ami will Hampton. Which application be heard at the Court house in said comity at said term. This 10th day of August, 1901. 8, W. Hampton. Libel for Divorce. GEORGIA— Mitchell Couxnty. Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county my petition fora divorce addressed to said court returna¬ ble to the next term thereof, to be held on the 1st Tuesday after the 3rd Monday in Oct., 1901, for the removal disabili¬ ties imposed Allis upon me by my inter-mar riage with Harried. which house application will be heard at the Court in said county at .said term. This 10th day of August. John 1904. Harried. Libel for Divorce. GEORGIA— Mitchell County. Notice is the hereby Clerk given of that I have filed with the Superior Court of said county my petition for a divorce addressed to said court returna¬ ble to the next term thereof, to he held on t he 1st Tuesday after the 3rd Monday disabili¬ in Oct., 1904, for the removable ties imposed Minnie upon me White. by my inter-mar¬ riage with Which applicat said ion will be heard said at the Court house in county at term. This 10th day of August, 1904. V. I. White. A Tear. Diminutive it is true, and yet how potent 1 A mere drop—a crystal emblem of joy or grief— love or despair. Had it the pow er of articulation, what fiction or fancy eq ial its description of the tragic emotional scenes it has wit¬ nessed in the heart, and of wh : ch it is the offspring. In appear¬ ance nothing would seem less af¬ fective. Yet its power has bought and sold kingdoms, and changed the destiny of empires. It has saved the felon from the gallows --the inebriate from destruction; a fallen sister from utter degra¬ dation, and softened the pillow of a dying frienl. It gushes forth from a heart surcharged with love or affection, depression or disappointment. It is the her aid of joy from the heart wherein God has taken up his abode, pro¬ claiming in mute, eloquent lan¬ guage tho happiness there—the only true happiness—a rea’iza tion of religion How radiantly beautiful the sparkling gem trembling on the cheek of virtue and innocence at a declaration of love, only those can realize who have been its ob |ect;_to them, at least, its splen dor, is graater than that of a gor¬ geous sunaot rainbow. It is a palladium to innocence, a talisman against crime, and a beacon-light to virtue, whose transcendent brightness casts a halo of heavenly light athwart the despairing soul, cheering and strengthening the hope that only burns for a higher and holic r sphere. It is something that inspires heroiem and subdues avarice— protects virtue and disarms vice —strenghtena the weak and hum¬ bles the strong—the precursor of relief in affliction, and the har¬ binger of joy in the midst of grief. Scarcely discernible, yet its in¬ fluence is felt upon tho most har¬ dened, The thoughtof araothers’ tears at parting, will noiselessly steal into all the ramifications of life, and in each leave the traces of a superior influence. This delicate symbol of every emotion is all-powerful, for either good or evil- the conservator or destroyer of man—wielded by either virtue or vice, it has an ir¬ resistibility peculiar to itself. It was the scalding tears of shame and penitence that saved the outcast Magdalin at the foot of the cross, and it will be remem¬ bered that a timid tear in Cleo¬ patra’s eye swerved the Roman hero, Mark Antony, from his du¬ ties and lost a kingdom. ‘‘No radiant pearl that crested fortune wears, No gem that twinkling hangs from beauty’s ear. Not the bright stars that night’s blue arch adorn, Nor rising sun that gilds the vernal morn, Shines with such lustre as (he tear that flows Down virtue’s manly cheek for others' woes.” —Chronicle. Broke Into His House. S. Re Quinn, of Cavendish, Vt., was robbed of his customary health by invasion of Chronic Constipation. When Dr. King’s New Life Pills broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he’s entirely cured. They’re guarantee! to cure, 25c at Lewis Drug Co. Notice. On account of necessary changes in our business we will have to insist on all accounts and notes due us being settled not la¬ ter tnan Nov. 1st. We hope that all who owe us will settle prompt¬ ly without further notice. Yours very truly, J. B. Wilson Co. DeWIti-slr^rSalve For Piles, Burns« Sores* Por tHe Leading Brand* of Whiskey, Wine imd Beer -CALL OX - A. I*. Spence, (Successor to J. W. Middleton & Co.) Soott Street. J. H. SPENCE, Manager. Guns! Guns! i We have just received a full line of * GUNS MU Consisting of the very best single and double barrel gurisatpri* ces that will please. Also a full line of Hunting Coats and Leggins. We sell New Club Shells—liglit and heavy loaded. Call on us and let us tit you up for the Hunting Season. Our fr*/*/* ’Phone H"W“' is No. r“r“.'t 48. m r* J. B. Wilson Company. $ 50 , 000.00 CASH GIVEN AWAY to Users of LION COFFEE ^0^0 ■ I wmmmm In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums How (Ijoev CorTKK.) Would/ Twt/ You 70 RANK, TOLEOOi OHIO. PKF, CO. rncAsu/rot fell like _ a Check Like This ? U/. "» U.y. AwSillsB Km a* si Ail ftUfUUUiUU Af)A nn Cash to Lion Coffee users in our Great World’s Fair Contest- 2139 people get checks, 2139 more will get them ia the Presidential Vote Contest Five Lion-Heads cut from Lion What will be the total popular vote cast Coffee Packages and a accent for President (votes for all can¬ stamp entitle you (in addition to didates combined) at the election the regular free premiums) November 8,1904 ? to In 1900 election. 13,959,653 people voted one vote. The a-cent stamp cov¬ for President. For nearest correct esti¬ ers our acknowledgment to you mates received in Woolson Spice Com¬ that your estimate is recorded. pany’s office, Toledo, O,, on or before November 5, 1904, we will give first You can send as many esti prize for the nearest correct estimate, mates desired. second prize to the next nearest, etc., as etc., as follows: Grand First Prize of $5,000,00 1 1 First Second Prise Prize........... ...... V.V.V.V.V/.V.V. I’.oooioo will be awarded to the who is nearest 2 Prises—*500.00 each .. one 5 Prizes— 200.00 lO Prizes— 100.00 *4 correct on both our World’s Fair and Presi¬ 20 Prizes— 60.00 4« :::::: :::'.::::,:i;ooo.oo 60 Prize*— 20-00 4* ................1.000.00 dential Vdte Contests. ' 1 see !A’i=;-r— 10.00 * * i;S88:88 1800 Prizes— 6.00 44 We nlso offer $5,000.00 Special Cash Prizes to Grocers' ( 2139 PRIZES. TOTAL, *20,000.00 Clerks. (Particulars in each case of Lion Coffee.) How Would Your Name Look on One of These Checks ? WE GIVE BOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZES Complete Detailed Particulars in Every Package of LION COFFEE - WOOLSON SPICE CO.. (CONTEST DEP’T.) TOLEDO, OHIO.