The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, October 14, 1904, Image 8

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ANOTHER GREAT MILL October 21st, lues for —^ warn 10 DAYS, cowmmm SHEPHERD WATSON' ‘fer’gAli mr mw man MOM 7W me mLLS City Court. City court convened last Mon* day, Judge Push presiding. The following cases were disposed of: Slate vs. Shach Brown and Henry Jackson, larceny from house. Found guilty, fine $50 eaoh. State vs. Henry A. Lovell, car¬ rying concealed weapon. Found guilty, fine $50 and cost or 8 months in the gang. State vs. John Kierce, white, selling whiskey. Found guilty, fine $100, State vs. Irwin Sills carrying concealed weapon. Fomd guil¬ ty. fine $50 and cost. State vs Frank Price, gaming. FounJ guilty, fine $50 and cost. Suite vs. Will Hector, Assault ami Bvttery, settled upon pay mete "i cost. Sts :d For CMldron. The plops tut to take aiKl harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives instant releii in »U cases of Cough, Croup and La Grippe be • a use it does not pass immedi¬ ately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life-giving and life-sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. Sold bv Lewis Drug Co. Can You Eat! J. B. Taylor, a prominent merchant of Chriesmau, Tex., savs: “I conld not eat because of a weak stomach. I lost all strength and ran down in weight, All that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Hearing of some wonderful cures effected by use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded to try it. The first botde benefitted me, and after takiug four bottles, I am fully restored to my usual strength, weight and health. ’ ’ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di¬ gests what you eat and cares. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. 7 POPE & BENNET, * Attomeys-at-Law, * mmnmmmmmmmmmm" Camilla, Ga. • Lines Inscribed to Mrs. F. Lewis, On the Death of Her Babe. My beautiful Rebecca, a gift of love Now gone to live with the angels above, We mourn tliy race so quickly run. But strive to say ‘Thy will be done.” Sweet as the blooming violets are Bright as the stars that gleam afar, Pure as the dewdrop encircling the rose Thou was’t as sweet, as bright, as pure as those. We iniss thy sweet prattle, the shining eyes, Since thou art gone to home in the skies, I long to press thee to my bosom again, But this sweet dream is delusive and vain. Am I never again to call thee mine? To have thy dimpled arms my ueck entwine? Am I always in loneliness to roam, Since tlion art gone from our sadden¬ ed home? Am I with aching heart, and empty arms, To abide in a world, robbed of its cliarms? So, thus it seems, since thou art gone, From falling shadows to coming morr. But is it right, that I should so repine, When I remember still thou art mine? By the blissful hope through Jesus given. Thou shall be mine again in Heaven. Yes thou sliall be a shining star, my love, To cheor me on to the world above. Here, my joys fade, like the hues of even’, I look from earth, to rest, with thee in Heaven. But while I Unger, everywhere, I see, Something to remind me, love, of thee, A comer holds thy vacant chair, And thy playthings idly scattered there. Your soft little bed, is empty too, And looking in it, I think of you, And yearn again to place you there, And gaze on my baby, so pure and fair. But tlion art gone from this world ol care, To Heaven, and mama will meet you there, do by and by, I will cease to repine. For there, m be thine, and you’ll be mine. C. T. C. Ice, Icc. We now have our Ice tickets in Coupon Books. 200 lb Books, 5 lb delivery $1.50 300 “ “ 10 lb •» 2.00 500 “ “ 25 lb “ 3 00 1000“ “ 501b “ 4 50 1000“ “ 1001b “ 4.00 Buy coupon books and save money as old price will prevail on ice trips wagon. daily Wagon will make two except Sunday. Complete round in forenoon and special delivery In afternoon. C. E, Watt, Manager. SHeRf?fFFSA.CS* GEORGIA— Mitchkll county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, at public outcry, at the court house in said countv, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following tion Sixty is a full of and land, complete of descrip¬ lot No. in : the acres part 77 10th District of said county, known as the Gregory place. Said property levied on as the proper¬ ty of Sam Hart, to satiate an execution issued from favor the Superior-Court of said county in of Mrs. S. L. Hayes, ad¬ ministrator of S. L. Haves, assignee of W. A. Davis; said property being in the possession This of Mrs. Sam Haw. 5th day of October, 1904. I. Smith. Sheriff. CITATION. GEORGLA— Mitchell county. To aU whom it may concern: Mrs. Maggie Jenkins rnd A. H. Jones, having in proper form applied to me foi Permanent Letters of AaniinistratioiToi the estate of M. E. Jenkins, late of sail County, the creditors this is and to cite all and singula next of kin of M. E. Jenkins to be and appear at my offic* within' the time allowed by law, am show cause, if any they caii, why per manent administration should not b granted E. Jenkins’ to Mrs. Maggie Jenkins on M estate. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 4th day of Oct. 1904. J. G. Wood, Ordinary. Notice is hereby given to all the cred itors of the estate of C. W. Collins, Sr. late of said county, deceased, to rende in an account of their demands to ni within the time prescribed bylaw, prop erly And made out. all persons indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to make im mediate payment to the undersigned, This 6th day of October. 1904. Wm. B. Collins. Administrator of C. W. Collins, Sr. Petition l or Charter. GEORGLA—Mitchell County. To the Superior Court of said county. The petition of E. Williams, Collin Reynolds, Charlie Toombs, Willis Cox and J. S. Williams, all of said county, shows. 1. That they are members of; the Mitchell county chapter of the Naiaonal Union Negro Society of Ameriew,. the object of which is to upbuild the sace in the lines of industry and honest and up¬ right business principles, and to encour¬ age home-building among them ~ and in order to properly manage the affairs of said chapter, they desire for themselves fUid their associates to become ineorpoi ated under the name and style of The Mitchell County Chapter of tin?National Union Negro Society of America. 2. Petitioners ask to be incorporated for twenty years with the privilege of re¬ newal at the end of that tern. 8, The object of said proposed cor¬ poration is peenniarv profit and gain to its stockholders. Said corporation pro¬ poses to carry on a mercantile aud agri¬ cultural business, and ask power to buy and sell realty and personalty, to have a corporate seal, sue and be sued, make Citizens Bank of Camilla, 1 Camilla, Georgia. Capital Stock $30,000. Stockholder’s liability $30,000 Depositors protection $60,000. Accounts of Individuals and merchants solicits! All busines intrusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. Geo. C. Cochran, President E. M. Davis, Vice-President. Jxo. C. Wilson, Casluer, by-laws, and have all powers incident to the business and pwrsuits above set forth. 4. The capital stock of said corpora¬ tion is One Hundred and Twqnty Dol¬ lars, all of which; has actually been paid in; said capital stock is divided into shares of the par value of Five Dollars. The corporation members shall have the refusal of any shares of stock before same shall be soM to any one not already a stockholder. 5. The prine^nl office of said corpor¬ ation shall be u* said county, with such brauch offices as the corporate body may see fit to establish elsewhere. Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a body corporate- under the name and style aforesaid, with all the rights, and immunities, and! subject to all the lia j bilifies fixed 3 m law. E. Williams, Collin Reynolds, Charlie Toombs, Willis Cox, J. S. Williams, Petitioners. Filed in c*J&e, Sept. 18th, 1904, S. E Cox, clerk. Camilla Enterprise, $1 a year.-.