The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, October 21, 1904, Image 10

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rea and Factory Syndicate Sale Begins October a 1st at 9 o clock a m Sharp ; -.i 01 Shine SCOTT STREET, CAMILLA, GEORGIA. Embroideries. $1,000 worth of embroideries will be opened on our coun¬ ters during this sale, They comprise muslin cambric and Swiss embroideries from 1 inch wide up to 18 and were specially bought for this sale by the New York buyer of the Mill and Factory Syndicate.' 1.000 yards worth 6cents, special sale price 21c. “ 10c, special sale price, 5c. “ 4 “ 15c, special sale price, 71c. “ “ “ 20 to S0o, special sale price, 10c, 2.000 “ “ 35c to $1, special sale price, 15 25, 35c. Taffeta Ribbons. Complete range of standard colors in widths specially suitable for sashes, neckwear, etc. 4.i inch wide, 20c value at 1*21 31 inch wide, 25c vafue. 15c. 4 i inches wide, 30c value, at 19c. One carload of Mattings, lings, etc., bought for this sale. One car Buggies bought specially for this sale. Table Damask. Bleached ntid unbleached damasks Will be included in tins sale as well as exceptional values in oil colors. The prices mentioned below convey but small impression of values offered. They must be seen to bo appreciated: 72-iucli bleached, ft.00 value, 78e. 72-inch bleached, $1.25 value, 08c. (iOe value bleached damask 48c. (wo value bleached damask 40e. Limited spice will allow mention of but few of the main qualities. Towels. We mention a few items merely to give you a slight impression of values offered: 15c buck towels at Oo. 20c buck towels at 10c. • 30c buck towels at 2Be, Stic buck towels at 25c. •15c hemstitched towels at 85. Waistings. The finest, at Factory prices. Ladies’ Shoes. 1,000 pairs is,C0 shoos, factory price,, $1.08. 500 pairs $1.50 shorn, factory price,. 98c, All of shoes on sale at factory pri¬ ces. Remember the time — Friday, Oct., 21 at i) a. m. sharp, and continues for Ten I)ays < BAGGS & PERRY Scott Street. ■ ,, /_ Camilla, Georgia. ENTERPRISE PRINT, Camilla, Ga. immt FACTORY ,g aa a s a aao'eBB bbbbb a PACtOiW SftlE 'bbbbbb W B 8 H8B 8 Ladies’ Skirts. 100 skiff valued at $8.00 special sale price $3.08. 100 skirts, valued at $6.00, special sale price at $4.89. 100 skirts valued at $4.00. special sale price, $8.98. ML skirts highly tailored. Millinery. $1,800 worth ladies’ and children’s fine hat#, ribbons, etc,,,to go at reduced prices. 50 ladies’ neat, trimmed hats, value $1.95, our special sale price 98c. 85 ladies’ $$.00 hat# special sale price $1.48. 50 ladies’ fine $2.50 dressed hats $1.98. 40 ladies very fine $3.50 lists, $2.08, A11 other hats reduced at same rate. Dress Goods. 500 pieces of high grade up-to-date Dress Goods. Every yard a value, and the goods of today. i jaofwni Men's Shoes. 1.000 men’s $1.25 work shoes for 98 <\ 5.00 men’s $1.50 work shoes for $1.25. 400 men’s$l .25 satin calf shoe# 98c. 500 men’s $2.00 satin calf shoes $1.4H. 000 men’s$2.50hand.sewed shoes$1.98. 1.000 men’s $3.50 Vioi Patent $2.08. 800 pairs Vici, value $5.00, $3,98, Men’s Suits. 500 pairs men’s $1.50 pants for only 98c. 500 men’s $7.50 suits, assorted styles, $3,98. 500 men’s $8.00 suits, assorted stylus, $4.98. 500 $1.50 suits, assorted styles, 98c. Great reductions will be made on all our high grade clothing. 500 Ladies’ Jackets, Highly tailored. Assorted colors. Factory shipments. Laces. The immense shipment of laces for this saie will bring to store a variety of patterns and values never before our shown in Camilla. 2.000 yards worth 8c and 4c, will be put on sa e a c per yard. sale at 3c 1,500 yards worth 5c and 6c. will be put on per yard. put sale at 1.000 yards worth 10c and 15c, will be on 5c per yard. One carload of Cooking Stoves bought for this sale. Guns, Pisiols, and Knives. Factory shipments at syndicate prices, one half regular price. Hardware Stock. Great assortment at syndicate prices. Men’s Shirts. 850 men’s35c shirts to goat 15c. 500 men’s 76e shirts to go at 48c. 250 men’s $1.00 shirts to go at 69c. 250 men's $1.26 and $1.60 shirts to go at 08c. Sea Island Sheeting. 4.000 yards 8c yard-wide sheeting at Be yard, 2.000 yards 40-inch tea island, value 8 1-2 c for tie. 200 pieces calico worth tic for 5c yard. 1.000 yards 10c and 12 1-2 percales for 7 1-2c. Grocery Department. 40 pounds good rice $1.00. Best patent flour $6.10 per barrel., 18 pounds best granulated sugar $1.00. 20 pounds Head Rice, $1.00. 20 pounds Cow Brand Seda, $1.00. Penn’s No. 1 and Liberty Bell Tobac¬ co 35c pound. Muslin Underwear. Extraordinary Reduction all throughout our Muslin Underwear Department, as well as the exceptional values offered by the Mill and Factory Syndicate sale. During this sale values will be unequaled. Outings. 500 bolts 6 to 9 1-2c yard. Regular price 8 to 15c. Ladies’ Underwear, Hosiery and Corsets. The factories are all represented in these line.