The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, October 21, 1904, Image 5

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NOTICE. New Goods, New Store. New Everything. We have moved our drug business one door west of our former loca¬ tion. We have more room, more air and more light and are better pre¬ pared than ever to attend to the wants of our customers. We invite everybody to inspect our new place and will take great pleasure in showing you through our well selected stock. Spec prices W Stationery. N,5W line 0( Hair and Tooth Brushes, Perfumes and on Toilet Articles. Come to see us. Yours to please, Lewis Drug- Company, Fresh Candies always on hand. Goods delivered promptly. HOME NEWS, j 8 Local. ‘^Vh!'F u Social, j ? Personal ~ New Syrup at Butler-Bush Co. If you have any one visiting you let the Ent,errrise know of it. Dr. D. A. Spence, of Pelham, was a visitor to Camilla Wednes¬ day. Dr. I. A. Bush returned Mon¬ day from a short visit to Balti¬ more. Mr. B. V. Bush returned Tues¬ day afternoon from a visit to Ft. Valley. Mr. Bob Odom, of Newton, was among Monday’s visitors to Camilla. ' Mr. B. K. Marshall; of Pelham, was a visitor to Camilla last Wed¬ nesday. ? Now Syrup at Butler-Bush Co. . ; Mrs. D. A. Spence, of Pelham, ‘spent last Sunday with relatives in Camilla. Brooks County Seed Bye. For sale by Townsend, King & Co., Quitman. Ga-, Mr. Horton Branch, of Magno¬ lia, was among Monday’s visitors to the city. Mr. IT. P. Sawyer, of Stubbs, was a visitor at the Enterprise office Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Dink Perry, of Newton, spent a short while in Camilla last Sunday. Mr, T. B. Crosson, of near Faircloth, was a visitor to the Enterprise office last Tuesday. Miss Deal Mayo, of Buena Vis¬ ta, is visiting her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, P. Hilliard and other relatives in Camilla this week. Cols, A. L. Townsend, Albert Russell and Wallace Sheffield, prominent attorneys of Bain bridge, were among Monday’s visitors to Camilla. New Syrup at Butler»Bu9h Co. The backbone of the drought has not yet been broken by the of its dust. * Wanted:—A load of stove wood, and also a load of two-foot wood. Call at the Enterprise office. The oil mill has been running full time for several weeks. Its hoarse whistle is heard morning, noon and night. Rev. C. T. Clark is conducting a series of meetings at Raiford, ir the northeastern part of the coun¬ ty this week. Do you want a fine, new, up¬ right Piano. Can be bought for S175 cash. Call on the Enter¬ prise. Judge and Mrs. J, G. Wood, Mrs. J. B. Wilson and Mr. Tom Wood, attended tho Johnson Wood wedding in Albany last Wednesday afternoon. Men’s black soft hats, the la¬ test styles worth S2.(Q0, our spe¬ cial price as long as they last on¬ ly 65 oents.—-Cincinnati Bargain House. There have been some indica¬ tions of rain the past week. Sev¬ eral times the sky has been over¬ shadowed by clouds, but the east winds have driven them away without rain. The Berman building is now ready for the roof. It is one of the handsomest store buildings in the city and will contain quite a number of nice office rooms on the second floor. The State Fair at Macon, open¬ ed last Wednesday and will last ten days. Round trip tickets are on sale at the depot for one fare plus 75 cents which gives you ad¬ mission to the Fair grounds. Mr. Elmore McNair, of Talla¬ hassee, is in Camilla from a re¬ cent trip to St. Louis, having stopped over to spend a short time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McNair, and other rel¬ atives, Mrs. J. C. Turner attended the adding of her nephew, Mr. Wil Iiam laming, who was married to Miss Kate Williams, on Wed¬ nesday evening of last week, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williams, on High street, in Macon. A sudden attack at night of some form of Bowel Complaint may come to anyone. Every fam¬ ily should be provided with a bot¬ tle of Dr. Seth Arnold’s Balsam.. Warranted by Lewis Drug Co. This is not a trade issue. The extra demand for advertising space that the Baggs & Perry Mill and Factory Syndicate Sale cal's for, maxes it necessary that we put on four more pages this week, two of which are required tocall the attention of the publie to this immense sale which will com¬ mence today and run for ten days. Rey. J. L. Underwood arrived home on last Sunday afternoon from Virginia where he has been a patient at the Kellarn Sanitar¬ ium for cancer. Mr, Underwood, after a stay of four months, re¬ turns much improved in general health and nearly well of cancer, having had four removed from his under lip, which has nearly, all healed up. His many friends join the Enterprise in welcom¬ ing him home with the hope that he is fully cured of cancer. Johnson-Wood. A marriage in which many Ca millaites will take interest was that of Miss Helen Johnson and Mr. Ed Whitworth Wood, which was solemnized at 3 o’clock on last Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S' Johnson, on Flint street, in Albany. Mr. Ed Wood is a son of Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Wood, of Camilla, and has many friends in his old home town who wish him all the blessings that can attend a happy weddeddife. Quality, Style and Variety. Do you appreciate getting them at a fair price. If you do, and live within easy reach of Albany, its ten to one you are numbered among our best patrons. For nowhere in this section can you get correct style in such extensive variety or good quality at prices so fair. Those who are thoroughly acquainted with this store and its ser¬ vice are not only permanent customers, but ate also our constant advertisers, for they delight in telling their friends of the solid satisfaction that goes with every purchase from H. J. & Co. The new stocks in all departments emphasize our leadership in no uncertain tones, for we have indeed put our best foot forward this season, and are prepared to breakeven our own records for extensive merchandizing movements. We are ready to execute your orders on the following lines and assure you they will be promptly and carefully filled. Dress* Goods, Silks, Trimmings, Velvets, Millinery, Coats, Suits, Furs, Skirts, Shirt Waists, Notions, Novelties, Flannels, Underwear, Blankets, Comfortables, Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Men’s Furnishings. Express paid on orders of $5.00 or over, except on China and Floor-coverings. Samples sent upon application. Agents for Butterick’s patterns. Hofmayer, Jones & Co., ALBANY. GEORGIA. Inn Printing the best at the En- Printing. terprise office. Send us your future orders. All kinds of