The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, October 21, 1904, Image 7

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County Ditactory. SUPERIOR COURT OFFICERS. V. N. Spence, Judge. W. E. Wooten, Solicitor General. ^ E. M. Davis, Stenograplier. S. E. Cox, Clerk. * I. Smith, Sheriff. Court sessions Tuesday after 3rd Mon¬ day in April and October. CITY COURT OFFICERS. I. A. Busli, Judge. S. S. Bennett, Solicitor pro tem. ■S. E. Cox, Clerk. Court sessions on 2nd Monday in Jan¬ uary, April, July and October. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. T. R. Bennett, Chairman. Wyatt Adams, A. B. Joiner. J. W. Everett, J. G. Wood, Clerk. Regular -second Tuesday in each month. Ordinary’s court every first Monday, -J. G. Wood, Ordinary. COUNTY OFFICERS. -J, L. Stewart, Tax Collector. G. T. Akridge, Tax Receiver.' Jonah Palmer, Treasurer. Samuel Lucky, Surveyor. Green Spence, Coroner. BOARD OF EDUCATION. J. P. Heath, Chairman, Camilla, Ga. Nat Bradford, Pelham, Ga. J. T. Glausier,' Baconton, Ga. W. E. Davis, Meigs, Ga.. J. B. Lewis, Camilla, Ga. J. H. Powell, C. S. C. Camilla, Ga. City Directory. Mayor—J.‘H. Palmer Mayor Pro-tern—M. C. Bennett. Councilmeu—M?" C. Bennett, H. Dasher, Sr., A. B. Joiner, F. S. J. C. Turner, C. E. Watt, Clerk—J. L. Cochran. Treasurer—C. L. Taylor. Marshal—J. K. Hilliard. Night Policeman—Raymond HIGH SCHOOL. Board of Trustees—J. W. Butler, L. Cochran; F. L. Lewis, A. R, J. H. Seaife, W. N. Spence, J. G. Secretary and Treasurer, C. L. Taylor. Ciiurch Chimes. Methodist Church—C omer . and Stephens streets—Rev. C. T. pastor. Preaching second and Sundays in each month at II o’clock, a. m., and 7 :S0 o’clock p. in. Prayer ing every Thursday evening at o’clock. Sunday School every morning at 9:40 o’clock, I. A. Bush, erintendent. Epworth League Sunday afternoon at 3:80 o’clock. public cordially invited to attend church services. . Baptist Chck^h—B road street. Preach¬ ing every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. E. S. pastor. Sunday school every morning at 9^80 o’clock; J. superintendent. The general public welcome to all services. Presbyterian Church— Broad street. Rev. Archie MeLauchlin, pastor. Preach '■ ing on the third-aud fpurth Sundays in each month at 11 o’clock and at night. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. Sunday school at 9-30 a, m. All cordial ; ly invited to attend these meetings. WANTED— Several Industrious Per sons in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profitable Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary hotel of $24 bills and all traveling each and advanced in week. Experience not essential. Mention ref¬ erence and enclose self-addressed envel¬ ope. THE NATIONAL, 382 Dearborn St., Chicago. Easy Pill $ Easy to fake and, easy to act is that famous little pii! DeWftt's Little Early Risers. This is due to the fact that they tonic the liver in¬ stead of purging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the most delicate lady, and yet they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneu¬ monia and fevers, FRSPASED OHt-Y BY S. C. DeWITT & CO., CHICAGO Don’t Forget the Name. 4 r Early Risers SOLD BY LEWIS DRUG CO Rally To The Standard Bearer, The s’luth stands confronted with one of the most important duties site has ever been called uiRin to discharge, in answering at the polls, one month from to¬ day, the issue which has been raised by President Roosevelt on the negro question, and in other¬ wise vindicating the great Dem¬ ocratic party. The party has a standard bear¬ er around whom it may rally with all the cordiality and enthusiasm thn occasion demands. The wis do in ajid conservatism of Ju Ige Parker are rapidly winning upon the regard and consideration of the Americah people who see in him a noble exemplar and expo~ nent of constitutional govern¬ ment and a bulwark against the radical encroachments Which have been threatening our nation¬ al traditions and, institutions. The cavilling critics have turn¬ ed the searchlight of their cen soriousness on all his public ut¬ terances and they have been compelled to recognize the lofty statesmanship which pervades alLhe has had to say. As a Democrat of the old school, who believes in the pro* tection oi the masses from the assaults and allurements of the classes, who deplores the policy of imperialism which so seriously perverts all the theories of our government a|s it has been hand¬ ed down to us by the fathers of the republic, as the champion of honesty in politics and in admin istrative affairs, with the strict¬ est economy consistent with the adequate discharge of govern¬ mental functions, he has in¬ trenched himself in the affection and esteem of the people. He has distinctly placed Roose¬ velt and*his party on the defen¬ sive. He has kept the spellbind¬ ers and the press agents of the Republican party busy respond¬ ing to the indictments drawn by the Democratic nominee. This is no time for apathy and indifference. The Democratic party all over the country should rise up to vindicate its principles and overthrow the reign of dis¬ honesty and extravagance and imperialism which has disgraced the country so long. But a special duty devolves up¬ on the south. The president has injected the negro question as one of the leading issues in the campaign.- Under his nurture and influence it has become a permanent menace to our people This issge must be met and de¬ cided, and for this reason it is particularly the duty of the south to come out to the polls on the first Tuesday in,November and send a ringing reply to the defi¬ ance of Roosevelt and his negro phile defenders. The times de¬ mand a strong and vigorous neg¬ ative to his encouragement of race equality, and to this end every man in the south should devote all bis energies.:—Atlanta News. HEALTHY MOTHERS. Mfothers should always keep in pood bodily health. They owe it tp their children. Yet it is no unusual sight to see a mother, with babe in arms, cough¬ ing violently and exhibiting all the symp¬ toms of a consumptive tendency. And ■why should this dangerous condition ex¬ ist, dangerous alike to mother and child, when Dr. Bosehee’s German Syrup would put a stop to it at once? No mo-, ther should be without this old and tried remedy in the house—for its timely use will promptly cure any lung, throat or bronchial trouble in herself or her chil¬ dren. The worst cougli or cold can be speedily cured by German Syrup; so can hoarseness and congestion of the bron¬ chial tubes. It makes expectoration easy, and gives instant relief and refreshing rest to the oougli-racked consumptive, New trial bottles, 25; and large size 75c. At all druggists. Saves Two From Death. “Our little daughter had an al¬ most fatal attack of whooping cough and 'bronchial,’’ writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y., “but, when all o.her rem¬ edies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King’s New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well.” Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King’s New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. In¬ fallible for Coughs and Colds. 51) • and Sl.QO bottles guaranteed by Lewis Drug Co. Trial bottles free. Railroad men are still complain¬ ing that the matter of moving the cotton this season is causing a great deal more trouble than ever before, because so many of the farmers have money enongh to hold the white staple, and for the same reason are not shipping the cotton as soon as it is picked, as they have in previous years.— Constitution. There never was a heart truly great and generous that wap not also tender and compassionate. —Chicago Post. GEORGIA— Mitchell county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, at public outcry, at the court house in said comity, within the legal hours of side, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the tion following is a full and complete descrip¬ : Sixty acres of land, part of lot No. 77 in the 10th District of said county, known as the Gregory place. Said property levied on as the proper¬ ty °f Sam Hart, to sati*fig an execution issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of Mrs. S. L. Hayes, ad¬ ministrator of S. L. Hayes, assignee of W. A. Davis; said property being in the possession of Mrs. Sam Hart. This 5th day of October, 1904. I. Smith, Sheriff. CITATION. GEORGIA— Mitchell county. To all whom it may concern: Mrs. Maggie Jenkins rnd A. H. Jones, having Permanent in proper form applied to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of M. E. Jenkins, late of said County, ttiis is to cite ail and singular the creditors and next of kin of M. E. Jenkins to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show- cause, if any they can, why per¬ manent administration should not be granted to Mrs. Maggie Jenkins on M. E. Jenkins’ estate. Witness my hand arid official signa¬ ture, this 4th day of Oct. 1904. J. G. Wood, Ordinary. Notice. Notice is hereby given to all the cred¬ itors of the estate of C. W. Collins, Sr., late of said county, deceased, to render in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed bylaw, prop¬ erly made out. And all persons indebted to said de¬ ceased mediate are hereby requested to make im¬ payment to the undersigned, This 6th day of October, 1904. Wm. B. Collins. Administrator of C. W. Collins, Sr. Star-Five-Starl $3.50 Shoe A Winner in the race for Public Favor. “Once a Purchaser Always a Purchaser” 'of this Durable, Dressy and Elegant Men’s $3.50 Shoe. This Stamp on the sole of every shoe. For sale by J. B. Wilson Co. the hohe op vnroi. To Weak People:— If you are thin, pale, lack energy, suffer with indigestion, nervousness and irritability, cannot sleep, and have no appetite, we guarantee that Vinol will make for you rich, red blood and restore your health and strength. If you will try Vinol and it does not^ help you, we agree to return your money. This shows our faith and fairness* Will you try it? Respectfully, Perry’s Pharmacy* John H. Hunter. Wm. K. Pearce. Frank C- Battey. Hunter, Pearce & Battey, Cotton Factors Naval Stores Kactors. Over 30 Years in Business* Experienced and Expert Handlers of Upland Cotton, Sea Island Cotton, Naval Stores. V One of the largest factorage concerns in the South. Each commodity handled in a separate department. Strictest attention to each. Sell Upland and Sea Island Bagging, Ties aud Twine. Liberal advancements made on consignments. Money loaned to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on approved security. Shipments Respectfully Solicited. 126 5ay 5f. [a 5 |\ 5avannah|, (^a. * m I pkhauical JjUUtdtine m I gmnJjev* ipt’f’0 ©rnnpcmir. m m have We our are prepared dry kiln to furnish and planers. you any kind Get of dressed prices before lumber. buying, We || own our m im We rebuild all kinds of machinery. Special attention to repair Wfj work. Pipe Fittings, Castings, Brass Gdods, 1 I Iron and Steel Always on Hand. 1 m Come and See our New Plants Satisfaction Guaranteed ! 1 : YOURS TRULY, Mechanical Machine Works & M’f’g Co., * „ PELHAM, GA. „ , Jj*J ^ J 1^ AT T\ A of Cloth TAILOR the who makers—who knows as much buys only about dependable the different fabrics— kinds as fabrics that will neither shrink out of shape when made up, nor wear “glossy.” W l 7 J JM l'AJ jT\ A TAILOR j the Cloth, that puts and Linings who and Trimmings into and Suits as g 00c as sews every seam puts on every button with thread that will “hold” as long as the Suit lasts. fj* ID T TM i.” Xy F\ A TAILOR who hires only skilled workmen to do his cutting and making an d trains them in the art of fitting customers to perfection regardless of their size or shape or where they live. TTA7 Fk A TAILOR who cuts every garment by a pattern laid out according to individual measurements and at the same time follows carefully all special directions of the customer as to pockets, etc. \ ROSE & COMPANY Located at 337 Franklin Street, Chicago, is the Merchant Tailoring firm to whom we refer. We now have their Sample Book for the coming season of 1900. It contains over 400 of the finest Woolens and Novelty patterns ever seen in this locality. You can make your own choice or we will help you in the choosing. ROSE & COMPANY stand Jjy their Guaranty to give a “Fit or Nt Sale,” and that is * GOOD ENOUGH FOR US Butler-Bush Co., Men’s Outfitters. Camilla. C*a. JOD Printing the best at the En ^ er Pri se efface, Send ns your fiiture orders. All kinds of