The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, October 21, 1904, Image 8

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GREAT MILL ?sw/mt£, October 21st, Continues for— 10 DAYS, Baggs & Perry, Department Store, Camilla, Georgia. rmjALf S the weather gets cooler you begin to think .about putting on heavier garments, both un¬ derwear and outer clothing. After examining your stock left over from last season, you see that you’ll have to do a little filling in. Some of them are pretty well worn out, oth¬ ers too small, and some in such shape as to be un¬ fit for further use. Discard all the old useless stock, and keep your body covered with good healthful wearing apparel. When you think of Fall Under¬ wear, think of Men’s Outfitters. Stanley’s Business College. Macon. : Georgia. Suocess is yours if you attend a good business college. We will qaalify yon and secure you a position. Write for catalogue. O. W. H. President. Baconton items. A very able sermon by Rev C. T. Clarke, was enjoyed by a large audience at 11 o'clock Sunday morning at the Methodist church. At 4 o’clock the League was led by Col. R. J. Bacon, Jr. Services were again conducted by Rev. C. T. Clarke at 7 o’clock. Mr. J. R. Pinson went to Pro toria on business Monday. Mr. Carl Mercer, of Albany, Was in the city Sunday visiting his father and other relatives. A colony of horse-traders have formed just on the boundary of the southern suburbs of Bacon ton, and appear to be doing an active business. Mr. Bryan was in town Friday and Saturday, representing the Atlanta Journal. Mrs. T. J. Glausiei and little daughters, Della and Eunice, left Tuesday for Mac on, where they will visit the mother of Mrs. Glausier, Mrs. M. F. Guilford. Mr. Eyone Dean, of Pretoria, was here Sunday. Mr. D. B. Turner went to Al¬ bany Monday. A protracted meeting is being conducted by Rev. C. T. Clarke, at the Frazier school house this week. We all hope success- will be with the pastor in doing this woik, that which is the highest and noblest work of man, draw¬ ing souls to a plain that they may recognize and accept Christ. Sev¬ eral from Baconton have bsen at¬ tending this meeting. As the cane grinding season is at hand the syrup mill of Messrs. E. D. and J. T. Glausier will be¬ gin operation Monday and will continue for several weeks. Mr. Osce Glausier went to Al¬ bany Tuesday. School Boy. Camilla Enterprise, $1 a year. Pinecliff Dots. Aunt Jane failed to get in a communication last week, but will do better and write this week. Rev. Henry Sullivan preached his farewell sermon Sunday to the Pinecliff people, for a while any way. Rov. J. T Goare, of Richland, Ga,, will serve the Pinecliff church for the next year. Mr. Cull Campbell, of Newton, visited homefolks Sunday. Mrs. Wheeler and children, of Quitman, returned home Monday after a visit to her mother, and bedside of her sister’s* sick chil¬ dren. Miss Jessie Cooper, who has been sick with fever, wr^are glad to say is able to be up again. Mr. and Mrs. Brautly Harri¬ son and little son, Burl, of Quin¬ cy, Fla., returned home last Mon¬ Citizens Bank of Camilla, Camilla, Georgia. Capital Stock $30,000. Stockholder’s liability $30,000 Deposiiors protection $60,000. Accounts of Individuals and merchants solicited. /m All busines intrusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. Geo. C. Cochran, President. E. M. Davis, Vice-President. J no. C. Wilson, ^ashier. day after a pleasant visit to rel¬ atives in this section. The friends of Mrs. Jenovah Griner rejoice to know that all of her children, who were sick with fever are able to be up again. Well as news is scarce this week I guess I will have to ring off. Hoping that I will have more news next week. Aunt Jane. Notice. On account of necessary changes have in our business we will to insist on all accounts and notes due us being settled not la¬ ter tnan Nov. 1st. We hope that all who owe us will settle prompt¬ ly without further notice. * Yours truly, very J. B. Wilson Co. Syrup Barrels. Five car loads cypress barrels. Do not wait, buy while you can be supplied. Baggs 4 Perr;