The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, October 28, 1904, Image 4

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CAMILLA ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY WALTER A. ALLEN EDITOR AND PUBLISHER SUBSCRIPTION RATES* ONE YEAR - - - $ 1.00 SIX MONTHS - - .50 Official organ of Camilla, Ga., • • And Mitchell county • • TELEPHONE NO. 64. FRIDAY, OCT. 28 , 1904. Read Cleveland’s speech in this issue of the Enterprise. The party seems to be re*united from one part of the country to the other and the chances for success in November are good. It is highly necessary for the good of the party that every democrat turn out on Tuesday, November eigth and putin a vote for Park er, Davis, and G riggs. Are you a democrat? Then take enough time to show your loyalty to yout party by going to the polls on election day and put¬ ting in a vote for Parker and Davis and our own Jim Griggs. North Georgia says she must have her share of the new coum ties. Judging from this, it would not seem that the repre¬ sentation from South Georgia would be increased much by the creation of new counties. A political discussion at a small church near Huntington, W. Va., after Sunday morning’s services resulted in the death of one man and the fatal stabbing of another. Things are surely getting warm¬ ed up in West Virginia. W. J. Bryan for the Fairbanks democ¬ racy and Charles W. vice-presidential candidateon the republican ticket are warming up the campaign in Ohio this week. Good For Children, The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives instant releif in all cases of Cough, Croup and I.a Grippe because it does not pass immedi¬ ately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the scat of the trouble. It draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life-giving and life-sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. Ex-President Grover Cleveland has taken a hand in earnest in the present campaign. His speech delivered at New York was full °f srund doctrine and the Enterprise reproduces it in this issue for it makes good read¬ ing for every democrat. Can You Eat? ,T. B. Taylor, a prominent merchant of Chriosman, Tex., savs: “I could not eat because of a weak stomach. I lost all strength and ran down in weight. All that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Hearing of some wonderful cures effected by use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded to try it. The first bottle benefitted me, and after taking four bottles, I am fully restored to my usual strength, weight and health.” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di¬ gests what you eat and cures. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. An exchange speaks of a man who, ifc is said, always paid for his paper a year in advance. As a result! he has never been sick in his life, never had corns on his toes nor toothache, his pota¬ toes never rust, his babies never cry at night, his wife never scolds and he succeeded in serv¬ ing three years on the school board without being cussed. Many Mothers of a Like Opinion. Mrs. Pihuer, of Cordova. Iowa, says “One of my children was subject to croup of a severe type, and the giving of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy promptly, always brought relief. Many mothers in this neighborhood think the same as j do about this remedy and want no other kind for their children.” For sale by Lewis Drug Co. A man by the name of Joe Da¬ vis was shot and killed at the Union station at Macon on last Sunday morning by officer Bob Griffin, after the latter had re* ceived a blow on the head and had three fingers broken by a club in the hands of Davis, who had taken the club away from another officer and beaten him down. The coroner exhonerates Griffin as the evidence showed justifiable homicide. A negro by the name of George W. Blount, was taken from the police station in Norfolk, Va-, on last Monday morning by a mob ann lynched, and now it is feared that there will he an uprising on the part of the negroes of that section. Blount, who kept a fish stand shelteted a criminal and refused to allow the police to en¬ ter his place to the extent of striking the policeman in the face with a burning lamp inflict¬ ing seveie injury. The Russians have gotten themselves into trouble with England by the action of the Baltic squadron of Russian war vessels opening fire on the Hull fishing fleet in the North sea in which two or three of the fishing boats were sunk and others dam¬ aged no little by the fire of the Russian fleet. It is not known what may grow out of this bad break on the part of Russian'na¬ val commanders. Georgia, Mitchell County. After four weeks notice, pursuant to Section 52046 of the Civil Code, a peti tion, of which a true copy is subjoined, will be presented to the Hon. W. N, Spence, Judge of in the Superior Court, at the court house said county, on the SiOth day of November, j.904. J. C. Turner, Guardian for Mrs. Hattie Hurst, nee Turner, and John C. Turner, Jr. Georgia, Mitchell County. To the Honorable W. N. Spence, Judge of the Superior Court of said county: The petition of J. C. Turner shows: 1 That lie is the natural guardian of Mrs. Hattie Hurst, nee Turner, and John C. Turner, Jr., minors, of said county, being their father, and having given bond as such in said county. 2 That he desires to sell for reinvest¬ ment, at private sale, the following pro¬ perty, the same beiug all of the estate of his said wards towit: An undivided one half interest, each of them being entitled to a one-fourth interest, in and to the following property; One acre of land known as the Sol Steven’s place, on the North side of Stevens street in Camilla, Ga., bounded on the West by an alley, on the North by land of H. C. Dasher, and on the East by laud formerly owned by Geo. C. Cochran; also all the South half of lot of land No. 305 in the Tenth district of Mitchell county, Ga., contain¬ ing 125 acres more or less; also lot of land No. 594. and 182acres on the North side of lot No. 303, all in the Tenth dis¬ trict of Mitchell county, Ga., contain¬ ing 452 acres, more or less, known as the Cannon place; also lot of land No. 854. and 190 acres, more or less (lying North of the Johns place) of lot of of laud Mitchell No. 867 all in the Tenth district county, Ga., and containing 440 acres, more or less; also ten shares of stock in the Bank of Camilla, Camilla, Ga., of the par value of one hurtdred dollars per share, evidenced by certificate No. 107; also 7 1-2 shares of stock in the Mitchell of County Fertilizer Co., of Camilla. Ga., the par value of one hundred dollars per share, evidenced by certificate Nos. 46 and 61. 8 Owing to the fact that said interest of said minors is undivided and held in connection with other persons, and to the fact- that said property is not improv¬ ed to its fullest extent, and may fluctu¬ ate in value, and for other good reasons it is to the best interest of said wards to sell their said property, 4. Petitioner desires to invest the proceeds of such sale its follows: and bonds, Good paying corporate stocks and improved real estate. 5. Petitioner shows that notice of his intention to make this application has betui published once a week for four weeks as required by law. ,.T. C. Turner. Guardian for Mrs. Hattie Hurst, nee Turner, and John C. Turner, Jr. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 27th dav of October, 1904. R. M. Fleming, N. P. M. C. Ga. A Disconsolate Widow. “Life has no more charms for me. I’ll retire to a convent and spend the rest of my days in prayer and meditation,” said a young widow. “That would be the same as committing suicide. You are rich and beautiful and only thirty years of age.” “Twenty-nine, if you please?” Valdosta’s new court house caught fire through the careless¬ ness of some of the workmen on Wednesday night of last week, but the prompt response of the fire department put out the fire without creating an alarm. WELL NOW ♦oeo<i>oeo$o«o$>o«>oeoeo«>o<»o<$o Do yon observe? Winter is here. Would you, if you were in ten feet ©f a fire, walk around that fire and finally sneak up as a thief to get warm? No sir, you would walk right up and warm. There is a moral which we desire to place before you. We have goods which you don’t know about. Our winter line is one which will do your feelings good to mix up with, just as the fire is to a cold man. We have an incomparable line of Waistings, Dress Goods, etc. Jackets ready¬ made, also Underskirts, etc. We have a line of coats, pants and overcoats made to work in. These are made to stand the wear and we are selling ’em cheap. Our lire of shoes and hats are always new and up-to-date. Call and see us. Yours Very Truly, J. Bailey The first breath of Cold Weather has come. Those chilly mornings when one of these winter weight suits we are selling so cheap would feel so comfortable on you. Tobacco Browns, Light Blues, Dark Navy Blue, Iron Gray and AI1 C( jl ors Men’s. Youth’s and Boy's Suits. A new line, personally selected by Mr. Berman in N. Y. City. Men’s Suits From $4.00 to $18.00 Eaeh. 20 Men’s brand new oxford overcoats, worth $12 to start season at........ $6.95 126 Ladies’ Monte Carlo jackets, brand new, latest 5th ave. style, all cas¬ tor and brown colors, tailor made them to sell for $20, we start them off at $5.50 A big, new line of boys’ knee pants, and 81.50 to $6.50 Ladies’ dress and walking skirts from... Berm a n ’s, C a m ilia., Gr ^ O r g i a . Studebaker wagons, 1 and 2-horse k 10 Studebaker 2-horse 24 thimble to close out cheap for cash only. * skeim wagons at $49.00 eaeh for cash. f\ Lamar’s Lemon Laxative is the original lemon medicine. It is made of lemons and other harmless speedy but powerful for vege¬ table ingredients, is a safe, sure and cure Indigestion, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headache. RSS Isftlil stomach It cleanses and bowels, the system puts the of all liver impurities, and kidneys tones in perfeet up the isstr-l §S&I l|s£ order--in short “makes you new.” It is gentle but prompt SbbI and powerful in action, pleasant to take and always reliable. FOR SALE 1ST ALT, DKUGGI3TS. ****« LAMAR, TAYLOR &. RILEY DRUG CO., Manufacturers, Macon, Ga. -7 iii iflij sjlr v ?; Hurrah for the Empire state of the south. She captured two premiums at the St. Louis Expo¬ sition, viz: Grand Prize for best collection of hay and field peas and a gold medal for collection of eotton. The Lewis Drag C», have a new advertisement in this issue. They are up-to-date in every¬ thing in their line and once a customer calls at their store it is a guarantee that they will call again.