The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, November 04, 1904, Image 4

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CAMILLA ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY* WALTER A. ALLEN EDITOR AMD PUBLISHER SUBSCRIPTION RATES! ONE YEAR - - - 11.00 SIX MONTHS - - - -SO Official organ of Camilla, Ga., . • And Mitchell county • • TELEPHONE NO. 64. VSi Entered at Camilla, Ga., post of¬ fice as second-class matter.’ FRIDAY, NOV. 4, 1904. Is your name written there? On the Registration Books. If not you may regret it, The Democratic leaders are hopeful, but let us not rest on our oars. Join the Democratic proces¬ sion, it will lead you safely out of the wilderness and bondage of Republican oppression and im¬ perialism. The father ot Mr. 0. A. Bush, who was recently killed by A. D. Sutton in Baker county, will push the case against Sutton to the very last link. An attempt was made to wreck the Central of Georgia train four miles out from Columbus on the night of October 25th by placing obstructions on the track. To vote for Watson means to help to elect Roosevelt. Watson cannot hope to be elected, see he might be classed among the Re¬ publican campaign workers. Last Saturday’s Albany Her¬ ald wbb a regular blanket sheet. It was a nine column sheet fulilof interesting reading matter and well displ»yed advertisements. According to the report of the department of agriculture filed at the Capitol on Wednesday of last week, there were 618,730 tons of fertilizer used in Georgia this year. Twelve negr o prisoners made their escape from the Valdosta jail on last Friday night while the jailer and his family were at supper by sawing the jail bars in two. The Georgia, Honda and Ala¬ bama Railway has filed a mort¬ gage in Bainbridge for 81,000,000 in favor of the Manhattan Trust Company, of New York, for the purpose of making extension to that line. Savannah has gained her fight for lower freight rates before the Railroad Commission, which says that she is entitled to and shall have like rates as Atlanta to go into effect at the same time they go into effect in Atlanta. Board the Democratic ship. She plies the waters of a safe, sound and economical govern¬ ment sea, where there are no false beacon lights to lead you astray, or rocks of social equality upon which to be foundered. The Central Railroad of Geor¬ gia is said to be owned principal. Jy by three men, viz : —A. H. Jo line and George Sherman, of New York and .Col. A. R. Law ton, of Savannah. They control in their own names 49,935 shares of stock. Agreeable to a report publish¬ ed in Monday’s Albany Herald, Mr. Gecrge D. Lowry, the round bale man. has invented a practi¬ cal cotton picking machine, which has been on exhibition iq the cotton fields near Albany the past week. The test made, it is claimed shows the machine to be a success and that it will, with five hands, do the work of twenty average cotton pickers per day THE STATE FAIR WAS A BIG SUCCESS. Spalding County Got First. Bul¬ loch Second, Worth Third and Dodge Fourth. The State Fair at Macon came to a close on last Saturday night and is reported to have been a big success in the way of exhibits of Georgia’s resources and in¬ dustries, and it is especially -pleasing to South Georgia to note that out of the six counties that made exhibits five °f them were South Georgia counties and it is due to their efforts largely that the fair was the success that is claimed for it. The premiums for the best county exhibit as awarded by the judges are as follows: Spalding, first prize, $1,500. Bulloch, second prize, 1 , 200 . Worth, third prize, 750. Dodge, fourth prize, 200 . Mr. W. C. Lewis, of Houston county, won a prize of $300 for the best indidivual exhibit which included as many as 1,200 arti¬ cles. Mr. W. P. Walker,of Spald ing county, getting second prize of $150. Maples. One of Mitchell’s new towns located on the Flint River and North-eastern Railway, between Pelham and Ticknor, is progres¬ sing right along and many new houses have been built during the past year. She possesses three neat and attractive stores all well filled with goods, and one of the lai gest and best equipped saw mills in the country is nearing comple¬ tion. while Mr. D. M. Rogers is putting up an extensive ginning plant and cane grinding machin¬ ery of the latest pattern, that will be run by steam. Mr. J. R. King, is having built a handsome home and many oth¬ er improvements are in progress. The nice (?) depot is not in keeping with the improvement and growth of the town, but then it is presumed that a more com¬ fortable and convenient building will soon take the place of the makeshift. Strong efforts are being put forth to establish a Baptist Col¬ lege for Waycross. The move¬ ment was started over a year ago, and something over S10,000 was pledged at Waycross. The project was endorsed by all the South Goorgia Associations, with the statement that the balance of the $25,000 which is the Sum re¬ quired, could be raised outside of Waycross and Mr. W. D. Up¬ shaw, who has been conducting a series of meetings there has promised to raised the amount. Grand MasterMax Meyerhardt, of Rome, was selected to wear the royal purple ot the Grand Lodge for the fifth time at the re¬ cent session of that body held in Macon. The Grand Lodge seems to be in fine shape financially for after meeting the heavy expendi¬ tures of completing the Masonic home the finance committee re¬ port that about $12,000 is now in the treasury. The State Baptist Association will convene in Columbus on No¬ vember 22. About five hundred delegates will be in attendance. Columbus is making great prep¬ arations to entertain the Associa¬ tion. You are liable to an attack of some form of Bowel Complaint and should provide yourself with che best known Remedy, Dr. Seth Arnold’s Balsam. War¬ ranted by Lewis Drug Co Camilla Enterprise, $1 a year. Your Own Vim and Tig tree! Some people talk of their vine and fig tree. Can you imagine a man un¬ der a vine or a fig tree, without any leaves on it? Well, each man is that way who doesn’t get the best. His clothes are raggetl and his pillow cold. Get warm thing at Bailey’s. Yours Very Truly, J. H. Bailey ss-s Ladies, Attention! Berman's Saturday Sale. For Saturday and Holiday Only.. 200 ladies white muslin embroidered chemises, all sizes’ full length, at 50e each all good linen. 165 ladies white muslin embroidered corset covers, all sizes at 25c each, all good linen sewed. Just a few of those $5.75 tan colored, Monte Car¬ los on hind, all hand tailor-made, new- 1905 style. 150 ladies black 50c straw hat sailor at 30c each. A full line of ladies tailor-made walking skirts, all colors and stripes from $1 to $6 each. Examine our Men and Boys' Hat Depa rtment Over 200 styles in all colors and all prices. B e sure and don’t fail to see the 20th century hat for men, twenty styles ip one. in black, brown and steel colors at $2 each. the Twenty to One Hat, $2 each. Chairs. Full arm rocking chair, leather seat at $1.75 each. Leather bottom oak diners at 85c each. Cane seat common chairs, slat back at 60c each. Sale Now On At Berman’s . Buy your fetudebaker \\ agons before they are all gone, as they are going fast. 2=Horse, 2 3=8 wagon for $49 cash. Berman’s. NOTICE. WE have on hand car of select Mules and Horses will keep a full supply on hand until Spring. We Sell Cheaper than any firm south of Atlanta. Call and see us. Respectfully, B. Cochran & Bro. Camilla, - • Georgia. Hofmayer, Jones & Co. — ’’ MM ItUiolcsalc deportment, This branch of our business is flourishing, sales so far this season being way ahead of last year. If you have not yet placed your or¬ ders for Holiday Goods you should not delay longer. Our line of the following goods are complete and up-to-date: Toys, Dolls, Games, China Bric=a=brac, Fancy Goods. Deserving of special Brush mention are the very attractive novelties we are showing in Comb, and Mirror Sets. Prices guaranteed as low as any New York or Baltimore jobber, and freight rates from Albany are much lower. Write to us today and make arrangement to liave your transpor¬ tation paid so you can come up and see our line. Some of the big¬ gest merchants in this section are our permanent customers. It pays them to buy from us—it will pay you. If you can’t come send for a trial order of 125.00,150.00 or $100.00 assortment. fjofittatjer, gone® & South Georgia’s Leading Store, ALBANY, - - * GEORGIA.