The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, November 04, 1904, Image 8

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BAGGS & PERRY, General Merchants, CAMILLA, * - - GEORGIA. 4 ■/* V " * V ‘ J * * Everybody Must Eat! Food is necessary te the maintenance of the physical strength. Good, wholesome food will keep the body in good trim. Poor and unhealth¬ ful food will not help the building up of the body, but will serve as a means of tearing down that which has already been built up by good food. We wish to call your attention to a few things that we have to offer you, for the support of the ibody. A Few Specialties; Cheese, fresh aud firm, 20c a pound. Sausage in oil, nice for breakfast, 10c lb Butter, best gilt edge, 89c lb. Gold leaf flour, best made, §1 a sack. Dove brand 1 hams. Red gravy hams. Snowdrift and pure leaf lard, Boston loose beans. Mackerel in kit $1,50 Produce. Onions, cabbages, ruta bagas, Irish pota¬ toes, sweet potatoes, beans and peas in season. Fruits. OTanges, apples, bananas, always on hand. Almonds, Brazils, and English walnuts. Package (foods. Macaroni, success aud cow brand soda, Dunkam’s eocoanut. Baker’s chocolate, Dried apples, gelatine 5c and 10c, Cereals. Quaker rolled oats, prepared buck-wheat Grape-tmts, Postum, Hecker’s flap jack flour. The Butler-Bush ! Co. Fine Groceries. Stanley’s Business College. Macon, : Georgia. Success is yours if you attend a good business college.' We will qaalify you and secure you a position. Write for catalogue. G. W. H. Stnniey, President. Canned Goods. Early June peas, valley sugar corn, Illi¬ nois sugar corn. Pride of Illinois sugar corn. Van Camp’s pork and beans’, Vien¬ na sausage, chipped beef, roast beef, dried beef, corned beef, corned beef bash cove oysters, choice tripe*, tomatoes, ok¬ ra. aud tomatoes, pie peaches, lunch ton¬ gue, lye hominy, grated pineapple, pine¬ apple chunks, evaporated cream 5c and 10c, dime brand condensed milk. Eagle brand condensed milk, potted ham. Hereford's baking powder, Royal bak¬ ing powder and all other brands. All kinds of jelly and preserves. * All kinds of soups, ready to sen e Very fine. Fresh bread from Albany, every Tues¬ day and Friday. „ Everything in staple groceries that’s fit to eat All kinds of Good Candy. Crackers to best the band. Bacon ton Items. The Sunday Schools, at both churches, were very largely attended Sunday morning, and the League, conducted by the first vice-president, Prof. F. F. Farmer, was one of the most encourag¬ ing of the season. Quite a large au diance listened, attentively, to a well rendered program. A very effective prayer meeting open¬ ed, at the Methodist church, at T p. m., aud earnest prayer was offered to God, under/ the direction of Mr. G. H, Reynolds. A new building is being erected at the old E. B. Mullens sftmd for Mr. R. J. Bacon aud it is supposed that some one will open another mercantile business to the advancement of the city. Maj. and Mrs. R. J. Bacon returned Saturday p. m., after a lengthy visit to Atlanta and points in Alabama. Maj. Bacon has been under the treatment of an Atlanta optician, and his friends art* glad indeed to know that his sight is somewhat, better. Mr. R. J. Bacon Jr., accompanied Ids parents home. Mr. T. J. Glausier went to Albany Monday. Mrs. T. J. Glausier and little daugh¬ ters, Misses Della and Eunice Glausier, returned Saturday p. in., from Macon, after a visit to relatives and attendance to the Fair. The lovely little home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Mullins is nearing completion. This, the longed for and long looked for. home has arrived aud their large circle of sincere friends are wishing hapintvs to continually dwell in their magnificent home with them. We noeioe that the fair sex must be taking some advantages of leap year, for in this community a somewhat strange occurence has been twice repeated. Three of Baconton’s bachelors have en tered into new life, aud no other ac¬ count atm b§ given as their friends have accused them as hard stock. Col. B. B. Lane, of Camilla, visited liis old home Sunday. Mr. Everette Nelms, who has for some time been iu Alabama, returned Monday p. m. Mr. Nelms has also en¬ tered the new life, already referred to, and is being troubled with congratula¬ tions. Sunday p. in. Dr. J. P. Sharp, in his buggy, occasionally clucking to Ids two fast travelers, sailed for Camilla. This being not at all unusual; nothing was suspicioned. But upon his return, be¬ hold there was not the Dr. alone, but the former Miss Lillie Collins. Then, to their friends they announced that they had been pronounced by Rev. C. T Clark, at the Methodist parsonage, “Husband and Wife.” Eager 1 muds are congratu¬ lating the bride and groom, aud their friends unite iu wishing for them the richest happiness and continued peace and harmony. * Mr. J. L. Stewart the tax-collector of Mitchell county, was a welcomed visit¬ or of the city Monday, i maybe uuwel comed) , Mr. W. A. Allen, editor of the “En¬ terprise,” also visited the city Monday. Mr. W. J. Malleus represented the Bacoutou Masonic lodge at Macon last week, Mr. T. J. Glausier, member of the Board of Education, went to Camilla, Tuesday to attend a Board meeting. We are glad to learn that none of the large crowd from Bacoutou that attend¬ ed fascinated the show in Albany led Tuesday were so as to lie away. At present Baeonton, the town of whicu we are proud, seems to be crawl¬ ing,upward, for aud of we, the spirit. citizens, hope continuance same School Boy. Citizens Bank of Camilla, Camilla, Georgia. Capital Stock $30,000. Stockholder’s liability $30,000 Depositors protection $60,000. Accounts of Individuals and merchants solicited. All busines intrusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. Call and see our Safe Deposit Boxes, Mi/ They will protect your valuable paper*. Geo. C. Cochkan, President. E. M. Davis, Vice-President. Jno. C. Wilson, Cashier. Notice to Validate Bonds. GEORGIA— -Mitchell County. Notice is hereby given, iu terms of the law, that on the 16th day of November, 1904, at 10 o’clock a. m., will be heard before his Honor. W. N. Spence, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Albany Circuit, the ease of the State ot Georgia vs. The Mayor and Council of the Town of Camilla, the same being a proceeding to validate $20,000 in gold bonds, author¬ ized in the Special Election field October 12th, 1904, by the qualified vo¬ ters of the Town of Camilla; the pro¬ ceeds of said bonds to be used in paying off the present bonded indebtedness of said town, for acquiring an electric light plant for said town, and for the acquir¬ ing of a system of waterworks for said town. S. E. Cox. Clerk Superior Court , Mitchell Co., Ga. SHERIFF SaTiES GEORGIA— Mitchell county. Will be sold before the Court house door in Camilla, said county, on the first hours Tuesday of iu Dec. next, between the legal sale, the following property to wit: One hundred and fifteen and one half acres of land being part of lot no! 65 in the known 1194 Dist. the G. M. of Mitchell county, as C. N. Nesmith place levied on to satisfy two mortgage fifas in favor of T. N. Carter vs. C. Nesmith. This, ISov. 8, 1904. I. Smith, Sheriff M. C.