The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, November 11, 1904, Image 3

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Concerning Dispensaries. At the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons, recently held in Macon, a resolution was passed debarring from membership any dispensary commissioner. It Will be remembered that for several years the Masons have refused to take in any person who dispensed or sold liquor for beverage pur¬ poses. It is now declared that no one who is a dispensary commis¬ sioner may become a Mason, or continue his membership in lodge of Masons, unless he resigng his position. In many towns of' Georgia this action will have an important hearing ier the reason that the mayor and aldermen of the towns ©re by virtue Of thoir offices dispensary commissioners. In Rome and elsewhere sKch gentlemea have evidenced their intention of giving»up their offices and holding on to Masonry. The Lodge no dsubt viewed the matter ic the light that a dispen¬ sary commissioner was in effect a bartender, and their action is final so far as these lodges that come under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Georgia are concerned.—Searchlight,. A H es r j Load. To lift (that load off of the stomach take Kodo- Dyspepsia Cure. It 'digests what you eat. Sour stomach, belching, gas on tho stomach and all disorders of the stomach that are curable, are in¬ stantly relieved and permanently cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Caro. S. P. Stores, a druggist at 2t>7 Main street, New Kristian, Omm.. says: “Kodol Dys¬ pepsia Cure -is .giving such universal sat isfactioai and Is *o surely becoming the positive relief and subsequent cure for this distressing ailment, I feel that I am always sure to satisfy and gratify my customers by recommending ir to them. I write Vlas to show how well the remedy is spoten of here.’* Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure was* discovered after year >-*,f scion - tiff", experiments and will positively cure all stxHtfkcli troubles. Sold (by Lewis Drug CVa Has tfhe cotton picker m&ohine really eerne?.?—feavanhahlBuesA It surely has. Those who have seen rise Lowry machine at work in the ootton fields near Aloany during $he week do not doubt it. —Albany Herald.. Wauled. MEN AND WOMEN ir. this county -and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise aa old established house of solid finan¬ cial standing. SaLary $21 weekly, 4o women $12 to $18 weekly with Expenses advanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Horse end buggy furnished when necessary; position permanent. Address, Blew Bros. Co., Dept. A. %o non Building, Chicago, 111. Notice! ...THE*.. Camilla Pressing Club. FIRST-CLASS WORK «^_Your Patronage Solicited by A. W. WILLIAMS, Practica Repairer, leaning, Dyeing und Pressing Gent’s clothing of all kinds. CW( * d y to e any all commercial goods any-GDlor. travelers, Special aenr- ■I Ladies’clothing r ... , , ,, . a specialty. . \0) All &(! Wm1#jUm Work done MjUr under a Guarantee- „„ LLU Lamar’s Lemon Laxative is the original lemon medicine. It is made of lemons and other harmless but powerful vege¬ table ingredients, is a safe, sure and speedy cure for Indigestion, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headache. It cleanses the system of all impurities, tones np the stomach and bowels, puts the liver and kidneys in perfect order—-in short “makes yon new.” It is gentle but prompt and powerful in action, pleasant to take and always reliable. J OE SALE BY ALE DRUGGISTS. LAMAR, TAYLOR & RILEY DRUG CO., Manufacturers, Macon, Ga. McCabe On Grafting. Bishop McCabe, better known as Chaplain McCabe, has a blunt way of saying things that j for plain understanding. In a recent interview he is I assaying: j “Graftis treason- nothing else; treason of the deepest dye. We ought to call it so. It strikes afc the vitals of American principles. The man who will graft on the government is worse than the highwayman who will sandb*^ a man up an altey. I tell you that every business man who is ho preached by a grafter should have spun« enough to expose him oit the instant. For this prac tiee must be stopped at any haz zard. I f it were left to me would set up the whipping post. Theie are some things that need ele¬ mental punishment, and this is one of them.’’ While te may be doubted wheth er the noted preacher has suggest¬ ed a remedy that would stop grafting, even were it adopted, which is not at all likely, there is a fine sort of scorn in his denun¬ ciation of grafters that rings true. The grafter is indeed a traitor and. of the meanest kind. He takes advantage of a'place, given him by the grace of the pec pie, to robiShe people. Sis philoso¬ phy that he is in public position to levy (toll on public funds is the philosophy of a traitor His,prac tice of dividing up or taking mo¬ ney on the side is the practice of a traitor. And, as the bishop savs. this grafting strikes at the vitals of American principles. It makes a government-of the graf¬ ters, by the grafters and for the grafters.—Atlanta Journal. Mothers traits It. MoWvrurs everywhere praise One Min¬ ute Cough Cure for t he sufferings it lias relieved mid the lives of their little ones it has saved. A certain'wore for coughs, croup an l whooping cough. A. L. Spaf ford, Postmaster, of Chester, Mich., says: “Our little girl was unconscious from strangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of croup. One Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved and cured her and J cannot praise if too highly.” One Minute Cough Cure relieves coughs, makes breathing easy, cuts out phlegm, draws out inflammation, .and removes every caaso of a cough and strain on lungs, ba ld by Lewis Drqg Co. “There’s a lot of fine women folks,” s&id a colored preacher, dat cornea to church to see every hat in the congregation—every hat but oee—the one that de Lord passes right under yo’ closes for help in bis cause and to save your own black souls!—-Ex. Work For The Fool Killer. Immediately after the presiden¬ tial election “the fool killer’’ may be expected to give his attention to those who made freak bets. One Parker enthusiast has pledged himself, should his choice be defeated, to stand on a 300 pound block of ice in his bare leet until the ice is melted. The man on the other side of the bet agreed in case Parker is elected, to let his hair and whiskers grow untrimmed until 1908. The first risks a bad cold and frozen toes, while the other man con tinues to pay his bet four years, In case of Judge Parker’9 de feat a man in Brooklyn will roll a peanut over Brooklyn bridge, but that will be nothing compared with what his opponent is to do if Roosevelt is beaten. He has agreed to shave only one side of his face for & month. Another absurd bet has been made by a SJarlem democrat, who will if Parker is defeated, walk bear-fasbkmed on bis hands and knees up and down several streets with his opponent seated on his back. The Roosevelt man has promised to sing once a week witn tho Salva/tion Army during one year in ease his candidate is de¬ feated. As stated before, however, the whole program may be frustrated by the work of “the fool killer.” —Exchange. The Best Liniment. “Chamberlain's Pain Balm is consul ered the best liniment on the market,” write Fostdfe Bliss, of Georgia, Vt. No other liniment will heal a cut or bruise so promptly. No other affords such quick relief from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated pains like lame .back and pains in the chest. Give tlusiinimont a trial and you will never wfcfti to be without it. Sold by Lewis Dsjqg Co. Crawfordville Advocate: It is said that, there were over 100 gal¬ lons of whiskey shipped to Craw fordvitle last Saturday. That’s nothing whole car loads of beer are shipped into Camilla constantly. ^Thousands Cured. DeWitf’s Witch Hazel'Salve has cured thousauds-of eases of Piles. “I bought a box of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve on the recommendation of our druggist,” so writes O. H. LaOroix, of Zavalla, Tex., “and used it for a stubborn case of Piles It mred me permanently.” Sold by Lewis Drug Co. Pointer Pups For Sale. I have six full registered poin¬ ter pups for sale. If you are inter¬ ested in procuring a fine bird dog, call on me. G. B. Cochran, Camilla, Ga. Tax Notice. The tax books are now open for the collection of State and County taxes for the year 1904. I will be at the following places on days mentioned for said pur¬ pose. Monday Pelham Nov. 21st. from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. And all other days in Camilla. On the ]9th, day of December the books will close, so come and pay and save cost. This Hept. 28th, 1904. J. L. Stewart, T. C. ^Iunmmnlle jgitsitteg ff (College, * @ 4 un«rt*t»iUe, CB-eorotrt * \ write The for keystone particulars. of success is a good business education. If von are interested* | < ANSON W. BALL, President. v vP’ t The New Body Builder As delicious as a Fresh Orange Supersedes old-fashioned Cod Liver Oil and Emulsion* Guaranteed to contain all the medicinal elements, actually taken from genuine fresh cods’ livers, with organic iron and other body-building ingredients, but no oil or grease, making tba greatest strength and flesh creator known to medicine. For old people, puny children, weak, pale women, nursing mothers, chronic cold, hacking coughs, throat and lung troubles, incipient consumption—nothing equals Vinol. Try It—if you don't like it we will return money. Perry’s Pharmacy. John H. Hunter. Wm. K. Pearoe. Frank C. Battey. Hunter, Pearce & Battey, Cotton Factors Naval Stores Factors. Over 30 Years in Business. Experienced and Expert Handlers of Upland Cotton, Sea Island Cotton, Naval Stores. One of the largest factorage concerns in the South. Each commodity handled in a separate department. Strictest attention to each. Sell Upland and Sea Island Bagging, Ties and Twine. Liberal advancements made on consignments. Money loaned W Oottoi i and Naval Stores Shippers on approved security. Shipments Respectfully Solicited. 126 Bay 5|\ fa 5 f. 5 avanna 1 h' ^ a. ff Mehmtfatl pJUteltute JITortux B m gumBcr tH’f’u ©ompemtj. BB m have We are prepared dry kiln to furnish and planers. you any kind of dressed lumber. We m sT our own Get our prices before buying. iHs Wo rebuild all kinds of machinery. Special attention to repair work |1 §f j|i Pipe Fittings, Cast ings, Brass Goods, Iron an d Stee l Always on Hand. || j Satisfaction ^Come and See our Guaranteed New Plant. ! H i YOURS TRULY, j|| p Mechanical Machine Works & MTg Co., || i|| * * PELHAM, GA. * * jMjj Z' O A TAILOR who knows as much about the different kinds iJ Ly AJ of Cloth as the makers—who buys only dependable fabrics— fabrics that will neither shrink out of shape when made up, nor wear “glossy.” Tl *O V/ U 7 J i-Y jV/) AJ A TAILOR that puts Linings and Trimmings into Suits as good as the Cloth, and who sews every seam and puts on every button with thread that will “hold” as long as the Suit lasts. Jr O KJ I U TMD JLJ A TAILOR who hires only skilled workmen to do his cutting At and ma ((i n g and , ra j ns them in the art of fitting customers to perfection regardless of their size or shape or where they live. J ?O 77pj 7) according A TAIL 0 to R wh0 individual cuts ever v garment by and a pattern the laid time out measurements at same follows carefully all special directions of the customer as to pockets, etc. ROSE & COMPANY Located at 337 Franklin Street, Chicago, is the Merchant Tailoring firm to whom we refer. We now have their Sample Book for the coming season of 1900. It contains over 400 of the finest Woolens and Novelty patterns ever seen in this locality. You can make your own choice or we will help you in the choosing. ROSE & COMPANY stand by their Guaranty to give a “Fit or N# Sale,” and that is GOOD ENOUGH FOR US The Butler-Bush Co., Men’s Outfitters.