The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, November 11, 1904, Image 6

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2 7S2% &£ COTTON. As you bring to market your cotton, the thought naturally arises, where must I buy my Winter Supplies? We are daily receiving New Goods for each Department of our business. Our buyer has fi I been diligent during the Summer months and we can save you money and furnish what you need. gii contcE C S cvcr"f car s'of Furniture and House Furnishings, just received Almost anything you need for a home can be found in this department and the prices right, Notice our Departments, They are Complete. Ladies Dress Goods and Notion. Gents Furnishings. Ladies and Men Shoes, (Queen kin Quality, Quality, (Stacy-Adams. , s m Clothing, Hats, Hardware, Sporting Goods, Furniture and House Furnishings, Groceries, &c. SPECIAL ACHESfCIES: New Home Sewing Machines, Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, Clauss' Razors and Shears, Lisk’s Anti=Rust Tinware. Chattanooga Plows, Cane Mills, Kettles and Evaporators. !S DeSOTO UUUK. CAMILLA SUPPLY COMPANY, J.*C. T. TURNER, R. J. BENNETT, B. LEWIS, President. Vice-Pres. Secretary and and Sales Gen. Mgr. Mgr. ■fife# fe® ^as w« K AVERT COMPANY tSc 51 cf 53 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, Engines, Boilers D Saw Mills All Kinds of Machinery. to a> c “cr c LU _o *&. u, _C5 eg "o oc LARGE ENGINES AND BOILERS SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators, All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular saws, Savr Teeth Locks, Steam feovernors Mill Suvvlies , Engine and .Mill repairs Send or Cal’# ROTECT your Property * against losses by fire with a policy in the /ETNA, OF HARTFORD, CONN. One of the best and most reliable Fire In¬ surance Companies in America. W. A. ALLEN, Agent, Camilla, Georgia. v gm". u‘umnf-fr‘;n ‘ l v A A I- M? ‘1' t I ‘ E" a; .3!‘ {\v}. 1 ‘ { 1;." ‘7'“. " ' J \ \S‘iu“ ., . ' “-44% i §\\flgc Q “1 // (”7“ ‘ 1 . : 5"?" ., ; ‘Akym a!“ Mywtgzufi-wr Ffiyfifv‘fixl '\ i ~ ». £_ ns jJ £= O 5 ctS C/3 co <x> General J. J. Finley Died In Lake City. Lake City, Fla , Nov. 0.—Gen¬ eral Jesse J. Finley, one of the few surviving brigadier-generals of the Confederate army died here today. General Finley was 92 years old. He was aTennejsean by birth, coming to Florida in 1848. He resign the district judge ship of Florida to enter the Con¬ federate army. In the southern service he rose from the rank of private to that of brigadier-gen¬ eral. He was a member of con¬ gress three terms and held many positions of honor and trust in his adopted state. AONTINUAL STRAIN. Many men and women are constantly subjected to what they commonly term "a continual strain" because of some fi¬ nancial or family trouble. It wears and distresses them both men tally and phy¬ sically, affecting their nerves badly and bringing on liver and kidney ailments, with the attendant evils of constipation, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, low vital¬ ity and despondency. They cannot, as a rule, get rid of this “continual strain, ” but they can remedy its health-destroy¬ ing effects by taking frequent doses of Green’s August Flower. It tones up the liver, stimulates the kidneys, insures healthy bodily functions, gives vim and spirit to one’s whole being, and event¬ ually dispels the physical or mental dis¬ tress caused by that “continual strain.” Trial bottle of August Flower, 35c; reg¬ ular size, 75c. At all druggists. Homicide is becoming the greatest and steadiest crop that Old Satan propagates in this country. The pistol-totor must go!—Macon Telegraph. Doesn’t Respect Old Age. It’s shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old age, but just the contrary in the case of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe and irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation all yield to this perfect Pill. 25c. at Lewis Drug Co. sSESsa VMC&E3 m Purity, Accuracy, I Dispatch . We use the best Drugs in th^om= pounding of Prescriptions and Fam= m ily Recipes. 11 Our method is up=to=date and ac * 1 curacy is aways obtained. We deliver Drugs to any part of the city on short notice. a 1 Your to serve, I Perry's Pharmacy, 1 Phone No. 6. Camilla, Georgia. I JOn I I Printing the best at the En terprise office. Send us your future orders. All kinds of Printing,