The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, November 18, 1904, Image 7

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The Acknowledged Leader The Penn Mutual Insurance Co,, Wrote in the state of Georgia last year over Eight Million Dollars. Worth of new business. Their next competitor wrote Two Million less. Comparison with other companies . would be too ridiculous. If you want Good, safe, clean and attractive in= surance, see me. I will take pleasure in giving you an illustration at any time. We invite comparison. O. E>. Cox, Agent, Camilla, Georgia. italic Coast Line Railroad Co. Double Daily Passenger Service. Montgomery, Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, ‘ ville, Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Charleston, Brunswick, Jacksonville and all Florida Points. Through Pullman cars on ail through trains and to New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond, and all east over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk, to St. Lonis, Cincinnati, ville, Chicago. Kansas City, Birmingham, Nashville, New Orleans, and all west and northwest. No. 72. Leave Camilla going North an 10:36 a. m. No, 74. Leave Camilla going North at 6:04 p. m. No. 71. Leave Camilla going Sonth at 5:00 p. m. No. 73. Leave Camilla going Sonth at 8:45 a. m. Connection at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. 4 M. T Company tor New Boston and Baltimore. No. 321eaves ShomasviUe dally at 6:15 a m., connects at Jesup with through sleeper for ington, Philadelphia, New York and the East. No 40 leaving Thomasville at 2;35pm makes nection at Waycross for the same eastern points. No 57 leaving at 1 ;15 a m carries through er to St Louis. No 39 leaving at 10;50 a m connects at Montgomery with through sleeper for western points. For further Information call on nearest Ticket Agent or address T. J. BOTTOMS, T.P. A-, J-A. TAYLOR, T- PA., Thomasville, Ga- Montgomery, W. H. LEAHY, D- P- A-, W. J. CRAIG, G- P- A., Savannah, Ga, Wilmington, N. H. M- EMERSON, Tra- Mgr., Wilmington. N-C. . ■ n Georgia, Mitchell County. After four weeks notiee, pursuant to Section 2546 of the Civil Code, a peti¬ tion, of which a true copy is subjoined, will be presented to the Hon. W. N, Spence, Judge of the Superior Court, at the court house in said county, on the 30tli day oi November, ]yo4. J. C. Turner, Guardian for Mrs. Hattie Hurst, nee Turner, and John C. Turner, Jr. Georgia, Mitchell County. To the Honorable W. N. Spence, Judge of the Superior Court of said county: The petition of J. C. Turner shows: 1 That he is the natural guardian of Mrs. Hattie Hurst, nee Turner, and .Tolm C. Turner, Jr., minors, of said county, bond being their father, and having given as such in said county. 2 That he desires to sell for reinvest¬ ment, at the private sale, the following the pro¬ perty, his said wards same towit: being all An of undivided estate of one half interest, each of thembeingentitled to a one-fourth interest , in and to the following property; One acre of land known as the Sol Steven’s place, on the North side of Stevens street in Camilla, Ga., bounded on the West by an alley, on the North by land of H. C, Dasher, and on the East by laud formerly owned by Geo. C. Cochran; also all the South half of lot of land No. 395 in the Tenth district of Mitchell county, Ga., contain¬ ing 125 No. acres more or less; also lot of laud 394. and 182 acres qnthe North side of lot No. 393, sill in fch'tfJTenth dis¬ trict of Mitchell county, tin., contain¬ ing 432 acres, more or less, known as the Gannon place; also lot of land No. 354, and 190 acres, more or less (lying North of the Johns place) of lot of land No. 367 all in the Tenth district of Mitchell county, Ga., and containing 440 acres, more or less; also ten share.-of stock in the Bank of Camilla, Camilla, Ga., oi the par value of one hundred dollars per share, evidenced by certificate No. 107; also 7 1-2 shares of stock in the Mitchell County Fertilizer Co., of Camilla. Ga., of the par value of one hundred dollars ]«;r share, evidenced by certificate Nos. 46 and 61. 3 Owing to the fact that said interest of said minors is undivided and held in connection with other persons, and to tlie fact that said property is not improv¬ ed to its fullest extent, and may fluctu¬ ate in value, and for other good reasons it is to the best interest of said wards to sell their said property. 4. Petitioner desires to invest the proceeds of such sale as follows: Good paying corporate stocks and bonds, and improved real estate. 5. Petitioner shows that notice of his intention to make this application has been published once a week for four weeks as required by law. J. C. Turner, Guardian for Mrs. Hattie Hurst, Turner, and John C. Turner, Jr. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 27th day of October, 1904. R. M Fleming, N. P. M. C. Ga. Commissioners’ Sale. GEORG IA—Mm ■/1 r. i .1, county. Commissioners By virtue of an of order Mitchell of the County coumy, granted at the October term, 1904. Will bo sold before thu court bouse door in Camilla, Mitchell county, on the first Tuesday in December, next, between the legal hours of sale, Camilla, the following city lots in the town of the same being apart, of t lie court house square and fully described in survey aud plot made by S. B. Lucky, county surveyor, on Oct. TStli, 1904, and wltieh is on file in the sale Ordinary’s office of said county. Said made to pay oft' existing indebt¬ edness against the county and to pay on public improvements for the use of said county. The following described lots will be sold to the highest bidder. Terms of sale cash: Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, <>, 7, 8, 9, 10, as described in t be before mentioned plot made by County Surveyor. Said lots containing 31 feet front and back one hundred feet, except lot (10) which only extends back 91 feet. The first nine lots fronting on Scott street and the last lot fronting on court house alley. dim. T. R. Bennett, J. W. Everett. A. B. Joiner. Wyatt Adams. J. G. Wood. Notice to Validate Bonds. GEORGIA —Mitchell County, Notice is hereby given, in terms of law, that on the 16th day of November, 1904, at I() o’clock a. m., will be before his Honor, W. N. Silence, of the Superior Courts of the Circuit, the case of the State of vs. The Mayor and Council of the of Camilla, the sdnJh being a to validate $20,000 in gold bonds, ized in the Special Election October 12th, 15)04, by the qualified ters of the Town of Camilla; the pro¬ ceeds of said bonds to be used in off the present bonded indebtedness said town, for acquiring an electric plant for said town, and for the ing of a system of waterworks for town. S. E. Cox. Clerk Superior Court, Mitchell Co., SHERIFF SA ES GEORGIA —Mitchell county. Will be sold before the Court dc or in Camilla, said county, on the Tee; day in Dec. next, between the hems of sale, the following property wit: One hundred and fifteen and half acres of land being part of lot 65 in the 1194 Dist. G. M. of cc uiity, known as theC. N. Nesmith li vii d on to satisfy two mortgage fifas favor of T. N. Carter vs. G. Tlii.-, Nor. 3, 1904. I. Smith, Sheriff M. C. Notice of Dissolution. This is to notify the public that the firm of King & Co., consisting of J. R. King and T. E. Mauitsby have this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. it. King continuing the business, assuming all indebtedness and collecting all out¬ standing accounts. T. E. Mauitsby re¬ tiring Oct. 20th 1904. J. R. King. T. E. Mauitsby. Thanking the public for their patron¬ age and reque.i that they continue same with Mr. King. This Oct 20tli, 1904. T. E. Mauitsby. CITATION. GEORGIA— -Mitchell county. To all whom it may concern: Amelia Hilliard, having made appli¬ cation to me in due form to be appointed permanent administratrix upon the es¬ tate of Handy Hilliard, late of said county. Notiee is hereby given that said application will be heard at the reg¬ ular term of the court of ordinary of said county, to be held on the first Mon¬ day in December, 15)04. Witness my hand and official signa¬ ture, this 27tli day of October. J. G. Wood, Ordinary. Notice. Notice is hereby given to all the cred¬ itors of the estate of C. W. Collins, Sr., late of said county, deceased, to render in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, prop¬ erly made out. And all persons indebted to said de¬ ceased are hereby requested to make im¬ mediate payment to the undersigned. This 6th day of October, 1904. Wm. B. Collins. Administrator of C. W. Collins, Sr. CITATION GEORGIA— Mitchell county. J. G. High., a creditor of the estate of Mrs. Mary having Scarborough, late, of said county, in tlue form made application clerk to me that S. E. Cox, of the Superior court of said county, be appoint¬ ed permanent administrator upon said estate. Notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first. Monday in December, 1904. Witness my hand and official signa¬ ture, this 7tli, day of Nov. 1904. J. G. Wood, Ordinary. Citation lor Dismission. GEORGIA— Mitchell County. Whereas J.C. Turner administrator of Isali Sweet represents to the court in his petition, dul y filed and entered on record, that he lias fully administered Isali Sweet’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and cred¬ itors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not, be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of Dismission, on the first Monday in December 1904. J. G. Wood, Ordinary. Many wild po'itical rumors are afloat and this newi dispatch sent out from Washingto : is one of them. President Roosevelt will soon visit Georgia and it is said au¬ thoritatively that on this visit he will take occasion to make his position on the negro question clear. He will make one or more speeches and will by this method let it be known exactly how he stands on (he important matter. Since the election the Presi¬ dent’s friends have been actively discussing this coming trip and they say that the President feels very friendly toward the South. He is now in a position whire he can disregard all negro claims to office or recognition and he will probably Ije heard from in a man¬ ner that will entirely change the opinion of the white people of the South toward .Vad n‘. him.—Times Enter pri8 1*i _ Not A Sick Day Since. “1 was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which re¬ lieved me. One day I saw an ad. of your Electric Biiters and de¬ termined to try that. After tak¬ ing a few doses I felt relieved, and soon thereafter was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles and General Debility.” This is what B. F. Bass, of Fre¬ mont, N. C., writes. Only 50c. at Lewis Drug Co. The worst slaves of habit usu¬ ally boast of their chains. A Runaway Bicycle. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner, Frank¬ lin Grove, 111. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyeilding four to doc¬ tors and remedies for years. Then Bucklen’s Arnioa Salve cured. It’s just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c. at Lewis Drug Co. Council Proceedings. Camilla, G».,Nov. 7th, 1904. Council me; in regular suasion. Present Mayor Palmer, Councilmen Bonnet, D:w,jier, Turner*, Perry and Watt - Minutes read and adopted, with the following amendments, should read in appeal case of Robert Rachols, Jr., ivi >. peal ill said case dismissed. Also an ordinance repealing Section 58 of the Code should read, said ordi¬ nance read second time by unanimous consent. Appeal case of G. W. Swindle, Jr., talc -u up for investigation, ordered dis¬ missed, for failure to give bond in com¬ pliance with law of said town. Nuisance ease, Stubbs heirs wooden building, taken lip and after hearing evidence and argument in said case, the same was declared to be a nuisance and that it be torn down under thenaaaagc meiit of the Marshal of the town by the 15th January 1905. The nuisance case, sheet iron room of J. B. Acree was taken up, after hearing the evidence in the within ease, ordered by the town council of Camilla, the within building^be found and it is here¬ by declared the same to be a nuisance and (hat same he removed as a nuisance at the east of defeudant J. B. Acree, and Marshal is hereby ordered to execute this order within 80 days from date of this judgment. This 7th, day of Novel. - ber 1904. J. II. Palmer, J. L. Cochran, Mayor, Cler’.. The following ordinance was read the third time by unanimous vote, adopted: Be it ordained by theMayorjuudCoun¬ cil, of the town of Camilla, that Section 58 of the Code of Camilla, providing for appeals from the Mayor’s court to the council, be and the same is hereby re¬ pealed. On motion, Mayor was authorized (o secure a street superintendent to look after the streets of the (own, the matter be in the discretion of the Mayor, how¬ ever, not to pay more than $-10,00 per month, for said service. On motion, street committee was in structed to investigate the condition of streets and ditches, and to purchase any sewerage that is necessary in the accor. - plishnient o’’ On motion, Mayor appointed Council men Turner, Perry and I ennet to pur ehiise.a site to erect, an electric light plant and waterworks for the town of Camilla, the same , committee was .au¬ thorized to purchase a site to erect a city hall, On motion, Ernest Baggs was relieved from paying third quarter street tax fox police services rendered. Marshal Hilliard made the following report: Amount of fines collected $110 !u id same turned over to clerk. On mo¬ tion report received. On motion, Marshal was instructed to turn oyer lines of Jno. Davis and Will Gurley to clerk, On motion, Marshal Hilliard was ex¬ cused from charges prefered.against him in failure to discharge the duties of his office will) instructions to be more dili¬ gent in tlie future in the duties required of him as marshal of saick town of Ca¬ milla. -No other business council adjourned. J. L. Cochran, Clerk. New, Way of Using Chamber¬ lain’s Cough Remedy. Mr. Arthur Chapman, writing from Durban, Natal, South Africa, says: “As a proof that Chamberilstin’s Cough Rem¬ edy is a cure suitable tor old and young, 1 pen you the following: A neighbor of mine had a child just aver two months old. It had a very bad cough and the parents did not know wliat to give it. I uggested that if they would get a bot¬ tle of Chamberlain’S Cough Remedy and put some upon tho,dummy teat the baby was sucking it would no doubt cure the •liild. This they did and brought about i quick relief awl cured the baby.” This remedy is for sale by Lewis Drug Co. ______ Oe WITT’S WITCH HAZEL SALVE. THE ORIGKAK A Well Known Cure for Piles. Cures obstinate sores, chapped h*»Nd», eo rema, skin diseases. Makes bu) rfld scalds painless. We could not !mpro«* ftie quality If paid double the price. The best salva that experience can t. tuc X that money can buy. Cures Piles Permanently DeWitt’s is the original and only pure and genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for the name DeWITT on eveij, -wx. All others sre counterfeit, fkifarbd ,r X. C. DeWITT * CO.. CHICAGO. SOLD BY LEWIS DRUG CQ