The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, November 18, 1904, Image 8

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BAGGS & PERRY, General Merchants, CAMILLA, - • GEORGIA. Great “Red Letter” Chewing Gum Sale, Saturday, Nov. 19, ’04 lOOO Fresents To Be Gheii Away ABNOLITEL1 FREE! Besides a number of other useful articles, including a $25 Talking Machine, 2 banjos, 2 Guitars, 2 Zithers, 2 Violins and an Accor deon. This is the Plan of the Sale. With every ten cent package of Chewing Gum, yon draw a ticket calling for a Useful Present. Yon get something useful every time. There fire no blank numbers. Yon may draw one of the fine Musical Instrument and it will only cost you 10 cents. Buy chewing gum and get a present. Remember the Date and Place. Saturday, November 19 th, 1904. Zb* ButkrSusb (& Men's Outfitters, Camilla, Ga. Stanley’s Business College. Macon, : Georgia. Success is yours if you attend a good business college. We will qualify you and secure you a position. Write for catalogue. G. W. II. Stanley, President. Mt. Zion Dots. As it has been some time since I have seen anything from these parts, 1 will try to gather up a few items. The farmers of our section are about through gathering and housing their crops, and syrup making is the order of the day now. Messrs. Charlie Palmer, Jason Pope, Tom Mock and Geo. Pal¬ mer have returned from a trip to the coast, and report a very en¬ joyable time while there. The health of the community is very good now, there has been some sickness, but not a grsat deal. On last first Sunday Bro. S. 0. Thomas, was ordained to ths min¬ istry, there being a large crowd to witness the ordination. We all wish Bro. Thomas much success in his new field of labor. The many friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Powell, are glad to learn they anticipate re¬ turning to Mitchell the first of December. They have resided in Texas for the past two years. The members of Mt. Zion church appointed a committee on last first Saturday to raise funds for the purpose of putting a wire -nee around the cemetery. They have raised enough to get the wire aDd have it put up, which will be appreciated very much by all interested. Occasional. Decatur Superior Court. Judge W. N. Spence has been holding court in Bainbridge dur¬ ing the past week, having finish ed the civil docket early in the week, the case against Neel Sut ton, who is charged with kidnap¬ ping little Alice Skelton, was then set for a hearing but sever¬ al important witnesses could not be located however, and the trial was postponed until Mon¬ day of next week, Nov. 21st. Notice Of Primary Election. A Democratic primary election is here¬ by called for the purpose of selecting candidates for the offices of Mayor, Treasurer and Council men for the town of Camilla, to succeed the present in¬ cumbents; said election to be held on December 15th. 1904. Iu said election all qualified white voters of the Town of Camilla will be allowed to vote- Said election will be governed by the laws governing State Democratic Primary Elections, except as above as to who shall be allowed to vote in said election. For the purpose of defraying the ex¬ penses incident to holding said election, each candidate for the offices of Mayor and Treasurer of said town in said elec¬ tion shall be assessed the sum of |3.00, and each candidate for the office of COuncilmeu of said town in said election shall be assessed the sum of 50 cents, to the Secretary of the Demo¬ Executive Committee for the town of Camilla; and the name of any candi¬ shall not be printed on the ticket until said assessments have been paid. This November 15th, 1904. J. H, Scaife, Executive Committee for the Town of Camilla. J. W. Butler, Secretary. Citizens Bank of Camilla, Camilla, Georgia. Capital Stock $30,000. Stockholder’s liability $30,000 //7JA Depositors protection $60,000. Accounts of Individuals and merchants solicited. All busines intrusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. Call and see our Safe Deposit Boxes, They will protect your valuable papers. Geo. C. Cochran, President. E. M. Davis, Yice-President. Jno. C. Wilson, Cashier. Syrup Barrels. Five car loads cypress barrels. Do not wait, buy while you can be supplied. Baggs <fc Pem _____ Notice of Election. Georgia, Mitchell County, Mitchell Court of Ordinary at Cham¬ bers Nov, 8th, 1904, It is ordered that an election be held in the uew militia district in said conn ty, known as Raiford district No. 1611, G. M., for one justice of the peace and two constables. Said electien to be held on the third day of December 1904, in the usual way of holding such elections. There wiU also be an election held on the same day at all the precincts in said county for the above named officer. This Nov. 7th, 1904. J G. Wood, Ord. Administrator's Sale. Georgia, Mitchell County, By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of said county will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in December 1904, at the court house in said county between the legal hours of sale, the following real estate situated Two m Baconton, Mitchell county, towit- land’ and one-half (2 1-2) acres of more or less, on Railroad street, in said town. Terms, Cash. E. B. Mnllius, Administrator of T. R. Mullins.