The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, November 25, 1904, Image 7

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! ®s®E©B©B®ffl®a®aea©8©E®i:ea63 1 Cl Legal Notices. K ! • • S9S<SE®!J98933SM*a«B*«*SCas Georgia,, Mitciiod County. After four weeks notice, pursuant, to Section 2546 of the Civil Code, a peti¬ tion, of which a- true copy is subjoined, will be presented to the Hon. W. N, Spence, Judge of the Superior Court, at the court house in said county, on trie 30th day of November, ISO*. J. O. Turner, Guardian for Mrs. Hattie Hurst, nee Turner, and John C. Turner, Jr. Georgia, Mitchell County. To the Honorable W. N. Spence, Judge of the Superior Court of said county: Tlie petition of J. C. Turner shows: 1 That lie is the natural guardian of Mrs. Hattie Hurst, nee Turner, and John O. Turner, Jr., minors, of said county, being their father, and having given bond as such in said county. 2 That he desires to sell for reinvest¬ ment, at private saje, the following pro¬ perty, the same being all of the estate of 1 lis said wards to wit:' An undivided one half interest, each of them being entitled to a one-fourth interest, in and to flic following the property; One acre of land known as Sol Steven’s place, on the North side of Stevens street, in Camilla, Ga., bounded on the West, by an alley, on the North by land of H. (J. Dasher, and on the East by land formerly owned by Geo. O. Cochran; also all the South half of lot of laud No. 395 in the Tenth district of Mitchell county, Gn., contain i ing 125 acres more or less; also lot of land No. 394. and 182acres on the North side of lot No. 393, all in the Tenth dis¬ trict of Mitchell county, Ga., ing 452 acres, more or less, known as the Cannon place; also lot of land No. 354, and 190 acres, more or less (lying North of the Johns place) of lot of land No. 367 all in the Tenth district of Mitchell county, Ga., and containing 140 acres, more or less; also ten shares of stock in of Camilla, Camilla, Ga., of the par valid; of one hundred dollars per share, evidenced by certificate No. 107; also 7 1-2 shares of stock in the Mitchell County Fertilizer Co., of Camilla. Ga., of the par value of one hundred dollars per share, evidenced by certificate Nos. 46 and 61. 3 Owing to the fact that said interest of said minors is undivided and held in connection with other persons, and to the fact that said property is not improv¬ ed to its fullest extent, and may fluctu¬ ate in value, and for other good reasons it is to the best interest of said wards to sell their said property. 4. Petitioner desires to invest the proceeds of such sale as follows: Good paying improved corporate stocks and bonds, and real estate. 5. Petitioner shows that notice of his intention to make this application has been ’published once a week for four weeks as required by law. J. C. Turner, Guardian for Mrs. Hattie Hurst, nee, Turner, and John C. Turner, Jr. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 27th day of October, 1904. R. M Fkhuiug, N. P. M. C. Ga. Commissioners’ Sale. GEORGIA— Mitchell county. By virtue of an order of the County Commissioners of Mitchell county, granted at the October term, 1904. Will be sold before the court house door in Camilla. Mitchell comity, on the first Tuesday in December, next, between the legal hours of sale, the following city lots in the town of Camilla, the same, being fully apart of the court house square and described in survey and plot made by S. B. Lucky, county surveyor, on Oct. 18th, 1904, and which is on file in the Ordinary’s office of said county. Said sale made to pay off existing indebt¬ edness against the county and to pay on public improvements The for the use of said county. will sold the, following bidder. described Terms lots be to highest of sale cash: Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, as described in the before mentioned plot made by County Surveyor. Said, lots containing 81 feet front and running back one hundred feet, except lot ten (10) which only extends back 91 Scott feet. The first nine lots fronting on street and the last lot fronting on court house alley. T. R. Bennett, Ohm. J. W. Everett. A. B. Joiner. Wyatt J. G. Wood. Adams. Notice to Validate Bonds. GEORGIA— Mitchell County. Notice is hereby given, in terms of the law, that on the loth day of November, 1904, at 10 o’clock a. m., will be heard before his Honor, W. N. Spence, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Albany Circuit, the case ot the State ot Georgia vs. Camilla, The Mayor and Council of proceeding the Town of the, same being a to validate 820,000 in gold bonds, author¬ ized in the Special Election held October 12th, 1904, by the qualified vo¬ ters of the Town of Camilla; the pro¬ ceeds of said bonds to be used in paying off the present bonded indebtedness of said town, for acquiring an electric light plant for said town, and for the, acquir¬ ing of a system of waterworks for said town. S. E. Cox. Clerk Superior Court, Mitchell Co., Ga. SHERIFF SA ES* GEORGIA— Mitchell county. Will be sold before the Court house door in Camilla, said county, on the first Tuesday in Dec. next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: One hundred and fifteen and one half acres of land being part of lot no. 65 in the 1194 Dist, G. M. of Mitchell conn ty, known as the O. N. Nesmith place levi( d on to satisfy two mortgage fifas in favor of T. N. Carter vs. C. Nesmith. This, Nov. 8, 1904. I. Smith, Sheriff M. C. The Acknowledged Leader The Penn iutual Insurance Co., Wrote in the state of Georgia last year over Worth of new business. Their next competitor wrote Two Million less. Comparison with other companies would he too ridiculous. If you want Good, safe, clean and attractive in= surance, see me. I will take pleasure in giving you an illustration at any time. We invite comparison. O. 15 . Cox, Agent, Camilla, * • Georgia. Double Daily Passenger Service. - TO - Montgomery, Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, Thomas ville, Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Charleston, Brunswick. Jacksonville and all Florida Points. Through Pullman cars on all through trains and to New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond, and all points east over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk, to St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louis¬ ville, Chicago. Kansas City, Birmingham, Nashville, New Orleans, and all points west and northwest. No. 72. Leave Camilla going North an 10:36 a. m. No, 74. Leave Camilla going North at 6:04 p. m. No. 71. Leave Camilla going South at 5:00 p. m. No. 73. Leave Camilla going South at 8:45 a. m. Connection at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. & M. T Company tor New York, Boston and Baltimore. No. 32 leaves Shomasville daily at 6:15 a m., connects at Jesup with through sleeper for Wash¬ ington, Philadelphia, New York and the East. No 40 leaving Thomasvllle at 2;35 p m makes con¬ nection at Waycross for the same easterrppoints. No 57 leaving at 1 ;15 a m carries through sleep¬ er to St Louis. No 39 leaving at 10;50 a m connects at Montgomery with through sleeper for all western points. For further information call on nearest Ticket Agent or address T. J. BOTTOMS, T- P- A-, J. A. TAYLOR, T• P- A., Thcmasvilie, Ga- Montgomery, Ala W. H. LEAHY, D. P- A-, W. J. CRAIG, G- P- A., Savannah, Ga, Wilmington, h. C H- M- EMERSON, Tra. Mgr., Wilmington, N-C- I Notice Of Dissolution. , i ! ?! Jp» m i8 f i* 10 “aWy 5>r°" t i°! ls I ,Qblic l ''l ,1U g °f, tbat T l ]r . lymg -solved and i. by E. mutual Maultsby , consents . have . this J. day it. . ui | King continuing the business, assuming all indebtedness and collecting all out¬ standing accounts. T. E. Maultsby re¬ tiring Oct. 20th 1904. J. R. King. T. E. Maultsby. Thanking the public for their patron¬ age and request that they continue same with Mr. King. This Oct 20th, 1904. T. E. Maultsby. CITATION. GEORGIA —Mitchell county. To all whom it may concern: Amelia Hilliard, having made appli¬ cation to me in due form to be appointed permanent administratrix upon the es¬ tate of Handy Hilliard, late of said county. Notice is hereby given that said application will be hoard at the reg¬ ular term of the court of ordinary of said county, to he held on the first Mon¬ day in December, 1904. Witness my hand and official signa¬ ture, this 27th day of October. J. Gc. Wood, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA —Mitchell county. J. G. High, a creditor of the estate of Mrs. Mary Scarborough, late, of said county, having made application to me in due form that S. E. Cox, clerk of the Superior cfihrt of said county, he appoint¬ ed permanent: administrator upon said estate. Notice is hereby given that said application will be hoard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in December, 1904. Wit ness my hand and official signa¬ ture, this 7th, day of Nov. 1904. J. G. Wood, Ordinary. Citation for Dismission. GEORGIA— Mitchell County. Whereas J. 0. Turner administrator ot Isah Sweet represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, t hat lie lias fully administered Isah Sweet’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and cred¬ itors, to show cause, if any they can, why discharged said administrator should not be from his administration, and receive letters of Dismission, on the first Monday in December 1904. J. G. Wood, Ordinary. Notice of Election. Georgia, Mitchell County. Mitchell Court of Ordinary at Cham¬ bers It Nov, 8th, 1904. is ordered that an election be held in the now militia district in said coun¬ ty, known as Raiford district No. Kill, G. M., for one justice of the peace and two constables. Said election to be held on the third day of December 1904, in the usual way of holding such elections. There will also be an election held on the same day at all the precincts in said county for the above named officer. This Nov. 7th, 1904. J G. Wood, Ord. Administrator's SaFe. Georgia, Mitchell County, By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary public of said county will be sold at outcry on the first Tuesday in December 1904, at the court house in said county between the legal hours of salt;, the following real estate situated: in Baconton, Mitchell county, Two and one-half (2 1-2) acres of land, more or less, on Railroad street, in said town. Terms, Cash. E. B. Mullins, Administrator of T. R. Mullins. Notice of Dismission. In the District Court of the United States for the Western Division of the Southern District of Georgia. Notice on application for discharge in tlie Company, matter of E. A. Rogers Lumber a firm composed of Edward A. Rogers and DeWitt W. Rogers, of -Pelham, county of Mitchell, state of Georgia: In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of the above named bankrupts. You are hereby notified that, the above named bankrupts have filed their appli¬ cation for a discharge from, all of the debts provable in bankruptcy against the firm of E. A. Rogers Lumber Com¬ pany, as a firm, and against Edward A. Rogers and DeWitt W. Rogers, mem¬ bers thereof and their respective es¬ tates. The said application will be heard by the Honorable Emory Speer, Judge of tlie. United States District Court for the said district and division; at the United States Court House*at Macon, Georgia, on the first day of December, a. n., J904, at 10 o’clock a. in. All creditors of the said bankrupts are hereby notified stated,'and to be and appear at the time and place show cause, if any they can, why the prayer contained, in said application should not be granted. Dated at Macon, Ga., this November 17tll, a. d. 1904. L. M. Erwin, Deputy Clerk. Notice Of Primary Election. A Democratic primary election is here¬ by called for the purpose of selecting candidates for the offices of Mayor, Treasurer and Councilman for the town of Camilla, to succeed the present in¬ cumbents ; said election to be held on December loth, 1904. In said election white , Town all Camilla qualified will voters of the of be allowed to vote - Said (. lection will State be governed Democratic by the Primal laws governing above who y Elections, except as as to sh.ill he allowed to vote in said el ction. For th ■ purpose of defraying the ex¬ penses incident to holding said election, >-aoh candidate for the offices of Mayor and Treasurer of said town in said < lec¬ tion shall be asse-sud tlie sum of 83.00, and each Candida o for the office of Councilmen of said town in arid election shall be assessed the sum of 50 cen s, payable to the Secretary of. the Demo- «rati<5 Executive Committee for the town AifeXliuoni ‘l” on Ticket until said as:em inents have been paid. This November 15th. K'04 J . i-l. SUAirE, Chairman Executive Committee for tlie Town of Camilla . J. W. Butler, Secretary. What we call society is v.-iy narrow. But life is verv broad. It includes ” 'hd whole world of God’s cheerful, fallible men and women ” It is not only the fa¬ mous people and the* well-dressed people who are worth meeting. It is every one who has something to communicate. The scholar has something to say to me if he be alive But I would hear also the traveler, the manufacturer, the soldier, the good workman, the forester, the village school teach¬ er,, the nurse, the quiet observer, the unspoiled chtid, the skillful house wife. The real simplicity is not outward but inward. It consists in singleness of aim, clearness of vision, directness of purpose, openness of mind, cheer¬ fulness of spirit, sincerity of taste and affection, gentle candor of speech and loyalty to the best that we know. I have seen it in abut. I have seen it in a palace. It is the bright ornament and badge of the best scholars in the school of life.—Van Dyke. Not A Sick Day Since. “I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which re¬ lieved me. One day I saw an ad. of your Electric Bitters and de¬ termined to try that. After tak¬ ing a few doses I felt relieved, and-soon thereafter was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick clay since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles and' General Debility.” This is what B. F. Bass, of Fre¬ mont, N. C., writes. Only 50c. at Lewis Drug Co. North Georgia Citizen : Stand¬ ing 0 ©* the street corners and ■‘cussing out” everything arid everybody doesn’t help anything or anybody. A Runaway Bicycle. Terminated with an ugly cut on: the leg of ,1 B- Orner, Frank¬ lin Grove, III. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyeilding to doc¬ tors and remedies for four years. Then Bueklen’8 Arnica Salve cured. It’s just as good for Burris, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c. at Lewis Drug Co* Waycross Herald: The only trusts in danger are those that did not contribute to Mr. Roose¬ velt’s campaign fund. New Way of Using Chamber* Iain’s Cough Remedy. Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from Durban, Natal, South Africa, sayis: “As a proof that Chamberlain’s Cough Rem¬ edy is a euro suitable for old and young, I pen you the following: A neighbor of mine had a child just over two months old. It had a very bad cough and the parents did not know what to give it. I suggested that if they would get a bot¬ tle of Chamberlain’s Cougli Remedy and put some upon the dummy teat the baby was sucking it would no doubt cure the child. This they did and brought about a quick relief and cured the baby.” This remedy is for sale by Lewis Drug Co. Easy to take and easy to act is tP that famous little pill DeWitt's Little Early Risers. This is due to the fact that they tonic the liver in¬ stead Of purging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the most delicate lady, and yet they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed, They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneu¬ monia and fevers. PREPARED ONLY BY E. C. DeWITT & CO., CHICAGO Don’t Forget the Name. 4 ;arly Risers SOLD BY LEWIS DRUG CO