The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, December 02, 1904, Image 2

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As you bring to market your cotton, the thought naturally arises, where must I buy my Winter Supplies? We are daily receiving New Goods for each Department of our business. Our buyer has been diligent during the Summer months and we can save you money and furnish what you need. conteK" Furniture Zl h and ot House Furnishings, just reeeive a Almost anything you need lor a home can be found in this department and the prices right. Notice our Departments, They are Complete. Dress Notions. Gents Furnishings. Ladies and Men Shoes, { Queen K'V Quality, Ladies Goods and Stacy--Adams. Q»aiity, Clothing, Hats, Hardware, Sporting Goods, Furniture and House Furnishings, Groceries, &c. SPECIAL ACLEJSCIES: New Home Sewing Machines, Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, Gauss' Razors and Shears, Lisk’s AntFRust Tinware Chattanooga Flows, Cane Mills, Kettles and Evaporators. DeSOTO FLOuR. CAMILLA SUPPLY COMPANY J. C. T. TURNER, R- J. BENNETT, B. LEWIS, President. Viee-Pres. Secretary and and Sales Gen. Mgr. Mgr. AVERT <£e COMPANY SI §■ S3 S. Forsyth Si,, Mlunta, 6a, Engines, All Kinds Boilers of Machinery. Saw Mills Reliable Frick Engines LARGE ENGINES AND BOILERS SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators, Alt kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular saws, Saw Teeth Locks, Steam Governors Mill Suimlieft, Engine and Mill r, epairs Send or Cat*4 ^ against ROTECT losses your Property by fire ' i with a policy in the /ETNA, ' OF HARTFORD, CONN. One of the best and most reliable Fire In surance Companies in America. W. A. ALLEN, Agent, Camilla, Georgia. Sr ^ vw TV w >1 » v«r SrfNpiri^i \ '3 aim“; ‘ hum-W. ”:7. L .‘ -. Wm. 0“ H\‘ {fffii'fi‘zvr‘f 5-5... 2:. J. N) ( m; . T 3% . ‘ 2 ‘ jii; " V V “. ff. ' v \di/V I”""” ”3‘ " ‘96,: ’1' aV-q;¥gl '4“ ”v" - “7 ¢ /.'5i 1&1 ...- : - .51,- . ‘2'.) \ \fi _ “ w ‘- «mum-.y, ¥mW.-M ibest Saw mills on tarth- A Southern Party (From The Albany Herald.) Hon. A. M. Knight, for a nun Jber of terms the mayor ot Way croes and at present the chairman of the Democratic Executive Com¬ mittee, of Ware county, is on the Heralds line with reference to the future policy of the South in na¬ tional politics—organize a South¬ ern party, stay away from the na¬ tional Conventions and play the game cf practical politics forming a balance ol power between the two national parties, at election time. The New York Herald publishes the following letter from Mr. Knight: “To the Editor of the New York Herald: The South has again been whipped in the national elec¬ tion. It seems that we cannot de¬ pend upon the Northern and Western Democrats for assis¬ tance. ‘ In the future I shall advocate an exclusive Southern party, a Southern convention, Southern nominees for President and Vice President, and a refusal to enter a national Democratic conven¬ tion. Let the North and West ‘run the thing’ as far as the na¬ tion is concerned, and we will take care ot local affairs. A. M. Knioht, “Chairman Democratic Execu¬ tive Committee, Ware Coun¬ ty, Georgia. “Waycross Ga., Nov. 10, 1901. The Enterprise believes that Mr. Knight has expressed the sentiment of a large majority of the people of the South in the above sentiment. Let the South declare its political independence. A Pleasant fill. No pill is as pleasant and positive as DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are so mild and ef¬ fective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pill sold. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. HOW HE FOOLED HIS HENS. Wisconsin Man Piays Trick on Motherly Inclined Fowls. Timothy Varney, who lives three miles east of Le Lueur, Wi9., and keeps about 200 hens, has been greatly troubled, as has been most people who keep hens, by the persistent desire manifest¬ ed by the fowls to set, in season and out, on eggs, stones, or door¬ knobs, or anything else that comes handy. But he has got hold of a plan now which he has quietly tried this season with per¬ fect success, and which he war¬ rants will cure the worst Light Brahma duck, that ever vexed the heart of a man, of all desire to set and all in less than three hours. 'T'he cure consists of a cheap watch, with a loud and clear tick to it, inclosed in a case that is white and shaped like an egg. When a hen manifests a desire to set out of season he gently places this bogus egg under her shelter¬ ing breast and the egg does the rest. It ticks cheerfully away and soon the’hen begins to show signs of uneasiness and stirs the noisy egg around with her bill, thinking’ perhaps, that it is al¬ ready time for it 10 hatch, and there i3 a chicken in it wanting t > get out. She grows more and more nervous as the noise keeps up, and soon jumps off the nest and runs around awhile to cool off, but returns again to her self im¬ posed duty. It gets worse and worse with her, and she wiggles about and cackles, ruffles her feathers and looks wild, until at last, with a frenzied squawk, she abandons the nest for good and all. That incubating fever is broken up completely. Mr. Varney finds use for half a dozen of these noisy eggs, and claims that they pay fer their cost over and over during the year by keeping the hens at the business of laying and not per¬ mitting them to waste the golden hours in useless incubating. RECTOR 0F~ST. LUKE’S, Ashburnham, Ontario, Testifies to the Good Qualities of Cham¬ berlain’s Cough Remedy. Ashburnham. Out, April 18 , 1903 .— I think that it is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Cham¬ berlain's Cough Remedy lias produced. The day before Easter I was so distress¬ ed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties the next day, as my voice was almost chok¬ ed by the cough. The same day I re¬ ceived an order from you for a bottle of your Cough Remedy. I at once procur¬ ed a sample bottle, and took about three doses of the medicine. To my great re¬ lief the cough and cold had completely disappeared and I was able to preach three times on Easter Day. I know that this rapid and effective cure was due to your Cough Remedy. I make tins testi¬ monial without solicitation, being thank¬ ful to have found such a God-sent rem¬ edy. Respectfully yours, E, A. Langfeldt, M. A., Rector of St. Luke’s Church. To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This remedy is for sale by Lewis Drug Company. The State Baptist Convention he{d its annual session in Colum¬ bus last week. No Hors Sufisr nj. If you are troubled with indigestion get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and see how quickly it will cure you. Geo. A. Thomson, of Spencer. Ia., says: “Have had Dyspepsia for twenty- years. My case was almost hopeless. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure was recommended and I used a few bottles of it and it is the only thing tliat has relieved me. Would not be without it. Have doctored with local physicians and also at Chicago, and even went to Norway with hopes of getting some relief, but Kodol Dyspep¬ sia Cure is the only remedy that has done me any good, and I heartily recom¬ mend it. Every perspn suffering with Indisgestion or Dyspepsia should use it.” Sold by Lewis Drug Co.