The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, December 02, 1904, Image 4

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CAMILLA ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. WALTER A. ALLEN EDITOR AND Pl’BLISHEK SUBSCRIPTION RATES’ ONE YEAR - $1-00 SIX MONTHS - - - __J>0 Official organ of Camilla, Ga., • * And Mitchell county • • TELEPHONE NO. 64. Entered at. Camilla, Ga-, post of¬ fice as second-class matter. FRIDAY. D EC. 2, 1904. Death Of AGr. Joseph B Wilson. The Enterprise, in common with the people of Camilla and Mitchell county, is bowed with grief over the death of Mr. Joseph B. Wilson, rhich sad event occur¬ red at the home of his father, Mr J. M. Wilson, at about 12 o’clock on last Tuesday, attended by Jhn wife, his parents, his brothers and sisters and other relatives and friends. The funeral services were he'd at the home and were impressive¬ ly conducted by Rev. A. Mu Lauehlin and Rev. E. S. Atkin¬ son, the respective pastors of the Presbyterian and Baptist churches, the pastor of the de¬ ceased, Rev. C. T. Clark, being absent in attendance upon the conference at McRea. A large number of the friends and acquaintances of the de¬ ceased gathered at the home to pay their respects to the memory of this good man. After the services at the home the remains were taken to Beth¬ any church, four miles south of Camilla, where they were laid to rest beside other loved ones who had preceded him to the home beyond. In the death of Mr. Joe Wilson, not only his family, but Camilla has sustained a great loss, but his splendid Christian character will live after him. being the richest inheritance a man can leave to family, friends or coun¬ try. This is the fourth time during the present year that Camilla has been called upon by an alwise Providence, to give up one of her brightest and purest young men, whose daily walk was worthy of emulation, and while our hearts are sad over our loss, yet let us submit to the will of the Fa¬ ther, who doeth all things well. Requiescat in pace. Tomorrow’s Election. Agreeable toan order published by the Ordinary, an election in each district in the county will be held tomorrow for the- pur¬ pose of electing Justices’ of the Peace and Constables, to serve their respective districts for a term ol two years. In the Camilla district there is considerable electioneering by the different candidates and a lively time in expected. The candidates for Justice of the Peace are Messrs. W. B. Spence and J. C. Walker, the present incumbent, whileMessrs. D. W. Morgan, Geo. X. Johnson, J. A. Dollar and L. A. M. Alii— good are contesting for the con¬ stable’s place. Among other good things to eat, Jell-O, the delicious desert. The Butler-Bush Co. The harvest edition of the At¬ lanta Constitution published last Sunday was a splendid paper and was a big advertisement of many sections of the state. It was a special tribute to cotton, whose white mantle covers the people of the whole earth. Amalaga Grapes, simply deli¬ cious.—The Butler-Bush Co. $.SO,OUO IN IMPROVEMENTS. Camilla Steadily Forging to the Front as One of the Best Wiregrass Towns. The ring of the hammer and trowel and the hum of the saw is daily music in Camilla just now, and what is true of the present has been true of the past four months and from the amount of work that is in contemplation, will be true of the next twelve months. In addition to german’s new two-story brick store which is re¬ ceiving the finishing touches, is the two two-story brick stores of the Messrs. Cochran, and the new jail building, all of which will soon be ready for their roofs, and the new ware rooms, that Messrs. Baggs <fc Perry are building, which will give to them 7,200 feet of additional floor space. This means quite an addition to Ca¬ milla’s large area of land in the business portion of town, that is covered with brick and mortar. To these is to be added another story to the Spence building, now occupied by Perry’s Pharmacy, which, with the contemplated City Hill will give to Camilla an added investment in brick build¬ ings for the seasons of 1904-’05 of nearly or quite thirty thousand dollars. While these improvements are being pushed forward in the bus¬ iness portion of the town, the res¬ ident portion is, by no means, being neglected. Many old resi¬ dences arc being remodeled, new roofs being put on,* and new ad¬ ditions made and many handsome new homes being built, among the latter now uuder construction are those of Messrs. T. B. Twitty, G. C. Cochran, C. C, Spence and G. J. Stripling, with large' addi¬ tions to the homes of C. L. Tay¬ lor, W. C. Spence, G. B- Coch¬ ran, j. H- Palmer, Frank Butler and others. The Enterprise understands that the above enumerated im¬ provements now under construc¬ tion is but a beginning of what is in contemplation. The homes of both Dr. J. M’ and Judge W. N. Spence are, at an early day, to be remodeled and another story added to each, while it is said that a number of new buildings have been contracted for, to be built during the next year. Putting it all together it is no exaggeration to say that fifty thousand, or more dollars in the way of improvements will be ad¬ ded to the taxable values of prop¬ erty in Camilla for 1905 over that of 1904. % Otterbein Quartette. A fairly good house greeted the Otterbein Male Quartette here Friday night of last week. They displayed excellent control of vocal powers, and while thepro gram rendered was exceedingly light, altogether it was a pleas¬ ing entertainment. The readings by Miss Forbes, a Georgia girl tilling the place of Miss Adams on the pi’ogram, were especially worthy. City Court. The adjourned term of the City court convened last Monday, with Judge I. A. Bush presiding. Very little business was dis¬ posed of, only three or four cases being heard. The court adjourn¬ ed Monday afternoon to Thurs¬ day when Judge again resume? the business of the court. For Sale —English Berkshire Swine. 4 bodrs and one sow, left stock. Eligible to registry. 2^ months old; $10 each. J. B. Davis, > Baconton, Ga. NOTICE. WE have on hand car of seleet Mules nd Horses and will keep a full supply on hand until Spring. We Sell Cheaper than any firm south of Atlanta. Call and’see us. • Respectfully, G. B. Cochran & Bro. Camilla, • • Georgia. XMAS! iiffili pleasure, when good things come Will you have it remain so? We want to impress on our customers thAt their inter¬ ests are ours and that we intend to make this year a success, that is, as far as our feeble efforts can avail. If there is any¬ thing you want in the line of Fancy or Solid Groceries you can get it from us. We want you to remember this *‘Do you need a fruit cake!” Leave your order witn us. We will have on hand a fresh line of nuts, raisins, candy, oranges, etc. J. 31 . Bailey. Our Holiday Line of Ladies Skirts is ------------- = Complete. = Dress skirts and Walking skirts from one to eight dollars each. Brown colors light or dark, blue colors, castor colors, warmest scotch colors with or without drop skirts. Length from 38 to 43 inches long, all prices from $1 to $8 each. Lookers are Buyers! They will repay looking at and we will be glad to show them to you. Our line of men and boys suits, pants and evercoats are complete. Don’t order and be vexed by delays but come around and I guarantee to suit you. Berman’s, Camilla, Georgia. Studebaker took the Double Grand Prize at St. Louis. We handle his goods—one or two horse wagons and buggies. Hofmayer, Jones & Co., piholeettle department, This branch of our business is flourishing, sales so far this season being way ahead of last year. If you have not yet placed your or¬ ders for Holiday Goods you should not delay longer. Our line of the following goods are complete and up-to-date: Toys, Dolls, Games, China Bric=a=brac, Fancy Goods. Deserving of special mention are the verv attractive novelties we are showing in Comb, Brush and Mirror Se'ts. Prices guaranteed as lpw as any New York or Baltimore jobber. „ and freight rates from Albany are much lower. Write to us today and make arrangement to have your transpor¬ tation paid so you ean.coirie up and see our line. Some of the big¬ gest merchants in this section are oar permanent customers. It pays them to buy from us— it will pay you. If vou can’t come send for a trial order of $25.00, $50.00 or $100.00 assortment, Qofntmiet, Itoitee Sc (jfox, South Georgia’s Leading Store, ALBANY, - - - GEORGIA.