The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, December 02, 1904, Image 6

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[Professional Cards! |J. L. UNDEKWOOD, Attorney-at-Law and Reals. Estate. fj Office in Bennett’s Building, Broadg street 5K. L. LEWIS, Physician ani> Scrgkon. Office at Drug Store of Lewis Residence^ Drug^ Co’s., dining the day. at night. Prompt attention given to all calls*. 5j I A Bush, It D Bush f 1. A. BUSH & SON, l Atto rnE ys-at- Law, I Camilla, Oa. I Commercial law a specialty. I :H. C. Dasher, Jr. W. H. Hoggaad.f DASHER & HO tGARD, Attorneys-at-Law, Camilla, Ga. ** ffiice in Enterprise Building. iD. A, SPENCE, a Dentat. Surgeon, d §' Pelham, Ga. Office in new City II of ill. work atj ^ The best quality pa-ft reasonable charges. Your tronage solicitated. Dr. J. L. Brown, Physician and Surgeon, Camilla, Georgia, | Residence phone 4. Office phone 30. p Physician I. A. BUSH, and Surgeon, JR., * | Camilla, Ga. & All calls promptly answered day p or night. i ........... 1.3 POPE & RENNET, Attonieys-at-Law, Camilla, Ga. Fire Insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. Pepresents the following Fire In¬ surance Companies: Lverpool ard londt ' and Globe. Hartford Fire. H<v Insurance Co of N- Y. Grc-anwich Insurance Co YOUS BUSINESS SOLICITED Up*t0‘datt Goods at the * Old Reliable 1 , J. W. Joiner’s Jewelry Store, Albany, - Georgia. ......A COMPLETE LOT 01...... Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,J Silver | and Plate Wares, • • Cutlery, Notions, Fancy Ar¬ ticles, Stationery, etc. All kinds ot Repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry at short order and at lowest pri- < > oes. I respectfully Isollolt a portion of the public patronage. J. W. Joiner^ Washington St. ALBANY, - GA CHILLS AND FEVER CURED TO STAY CUBED BY Wintersmith's (till (ure ‘ guaranteed ter a remedy Chills, 4 gue, Oengue, laGrlppe, and all Malarial Troubles. Standard Cor harmful 40 years. Drugs. No 'Quinine No bad or results other | from using II. Tones you up all j over and puts new tile and vigor Into your system. 50C,Tm _ For sale by Lewis Drug Co. THE R0\D TO POWER. Nothing Can Annihilate Charac¬ ter or Stop Its Onward March. > (Orison Swett, In Success.) If every politician and every other man were to say, with Chan ning, “My road must be through character to power, I will try no other course,’’ our country would not be disgraced by disclosures like those recently made, showing how corruption is flourishing everywhere, how unscrupulous financiers are fattening on divi¬ dends wrung from poverty’s hard earnings, millionaires are buying privileges from senators and statesmen, who, in their turn, are purchasing their path to power, not by serving in the best of their ability the people whom they were elected to represent, but by be trayipg them and debauching others through their necessities by buying the votes that elect them to office. This is the spec ! tacle that is being held up to us by magazines and newspapers all over the country. What a pitiable pieture it is to see a man who has been, long in public life and who has the divine gift eloquence, the power to stir and sway people, but who has so forfeited his right to public con¬ fidence by debauching hie word, and breaking his promises, that he carries no weight whatever! People may still listen to him and applaud, but they do not trust him, for they feel that when a man h»s bartered for patronage, or for business, the best that is in him, he is like a noble building that has been burned out. His heart and his character are gone. He is simply an empty shell. What is a man good for when you cannot toll where he stands or what he stands for, or whether he stands for anything or not? Of what use can a man be when he has betrayed his dearest friends, when he has sold out his party, when he has forfeited the approval of his own conscience, and when he is known to stoop to anything which will give him a seeming personal advantage? Would any one trust a Judas who has betrayed his Master?—a Ben¬ edict Arnold who has sold his country? People do not put their confi¬ dence in property, or in position; they put it in the man. That man only is rich who has the confi¬ dence of his fellow men, who has never betrayed his trust, who has never gone back on his word, or smirched his honor, and who can look his conscience squarely in the face without flinching. There is only one thing that persists through all history, and through all changes, which not only is not tarnished or dimmed by time, but will grow brighter through all eternity, and that is character. Nothing can annihil¬ ate it; nothing can stop its on¬ ward march and its increasing power. It is a living principle, as indestructible as the laws of mathematics. THE SECRET OP SUCCESS. Forty million bottles of August Flow¬ er sold in the United States alone since its introduction! Aud the demand for it is still growing. Isn’t that a toe showing of success? Don’t it prove that August flower has had unfailing success in the cure of indigestion and dyspepsia—the two greatest enemies of health and happiness? Does it not af¬ ford the best evidence that August Flow >r is a sure specific for all stomach add intestinal disorders?—that it has proved itself the best of all liver regulators? August Flower has a matchless record of over thirty-five years in curing the Tiling millions of these distressing com¬ plaints—a success that is becoming wid ■r in its scope every day, at home and ibroad, as the fame of August Flower spreads. Trial bottles, 26c; regular size, 75c. For sale by all druggists. Big Armies And Navies Enough To Give Devils Joy. Cincinnati, Nov. 16.— Dp. Charles W. Dabney, was today inaugurated president of the versity of Cincinnati. Mr. Dab¬ ney in his inaugural address, dis¬ cussed “Democracy and the School.” He said in part: “Let us cast out of our minds all half-hearted arguments for the free education of ail the peo pie. It is true that it pays a com munity to educate all its youth, but the public school is not a charity institution. School houses and schoolmasters are cheaper than jails and soldiers; but we do not found the public school on any such ground as this. Such arguments for free schools are little less than an insult to a free people. The true democracy is something nobler than a police¬ man guarding and protecting our property and our rights. The de¬ mocracy establishes its public schools to train new citizens, and to fit them for self-government, and when it shall have done its duty in this respect (here will be no need of policemen and soldiers. “A democracy spending hun¬ dreds of millions for warships and so forth for armies and navies is enough to give devils joy. If we spent one-fourth of this treasure in schools and mission?, the whole world would soon be ours in bonds of love, and there would be no need of these engines of death and destruction. “Men have, indeed, a right to govern themselves, but without education men have not the ca¬ pacity. Suffrage is not a natural right, but a privilege assigned to those who qualify themselves for its proper exercise in accordance with a standard fixed by the state. “Democracy means self-gov¬ ernment; self-government neees sitates universal education which can only be accomplished by free public schools under the control of all the people.” The speaker concluded with a reference to Japan as “an exam¬ ple of what education can do for a people.” Revolution imminent. A sure sign of approaching re¬ volt and serious trouble in your system is nervousness, sleepless¬ ness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never failed to tone the stomach, regu¬ late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish un¬ der its searching and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50c. and that is returned if it don’t give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Lewis Drug Co. In writing to Col. John S. M 03 - by, President Rcosevelt says; “I have always been saddened rath¬ er than angered by the attacks upon me in the south. I am half a southerner myself, and I can say with all possible sincerity that the interests of the south are exactly as dear to me as the in*, terests of the north.” A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expensive. Occasionally life it¬ self is the price of a mistake, but you’ll never be wrong if you take Dr. King’s New Life Pills for Dys¬ pepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liv¬ er or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25c. at Lewis Drug Co. Camilla Enterprise, SI a year. For tlx© Leading: Brands of Wliiskey, Wine and Beer -CALL OX A. P. JSpence, (Successor to J. W. Middleton & Co.) Soot t Street, J. H. SPENCE, Manager. The Coast Line. The Atlantic Coast Line is dis¬ cussed by the Charlotte News and Observer in the following compli¬ mentary fashion: “Is here any other railroad in America that can show an equal record of integrity and justice to small stockholders? In an era of stock-jobbing graft, and quick fortunes made by railroad wreck¬ ing, the course of the manage¬ ment of the Atlantic Coast Line cannot be too highly commended. It has never been ‘re-organized’ in order to freeze out the gullible public who bought its shares. It has never squandered its earn¬ ings in fancy salaries to enrich its officers; it has not spent the money belonging to stockholders to maintain corrupt lobbies to dictate political action; it has re¬ sorted to none of the flagrant abuses and steals that have made small investment in railroad stocks extra hazardous. To the small stockholders, the manage¬ ment has been fair and just, setting an example to all other managers of great properties. “Therecord is one that deserves to be commended and emphasize J, for it is honorable to the progres¬ sive management of the system and sets the pace for others who are given similar great trusts to execute.” Catarrh Cannot Bo Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca¬ tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, aud in order to cure it you must take in¬ ternal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood aud mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca¬ tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physi¬ cians in this country for years and is a regular proscription. It is composed of the tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com¬ bination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in cur¬ ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney, Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti¬ pation. Immense Cane And Tobacco Farm. Mr. Einstein, of the A. Cohn Co., at Amsterdam was in town Tuesday, Mr. Einstein states that his company has already shipped more than 50 car loads of cane to the Georgia Cane Syr¬ up Co, here and that they will ship them at least 75 cars more. It will be remembered that the Cohn tobacco farm in Decatur county is the largest in the south and probably the largest individ¬ ual farm in the world. Mr. Ein¬ stein states that they have 600 acres under cover this year. The Cohn tobacco has just been awarded first prize at the St, Louis Exposition.—Times-Enter¬ prise. Bewara Of Coustsrfcits, “DeWitt’s is the only genuine Witch Hazel Salve” writes J. L. Tucker, of Cenre, Ala. “I have used it in my fam ily.for Piles, Cuts and Bums for years and can recommend it to be the best Salve on the market. Every family should keep it, as it is an invaluable household remedy, and should always be kept on hand for immediate use.” Mrs. Samuel Gage, of North Bush, N. Y., says: ‘T had a fever sore on my an¬ kle for twenty years that the doctors could not cure- All salves and blood remedies proved wortliless. I could not walk for over two years. Finally I was persuaded to try DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, which has completely cured me. It is a wonderful relief.” DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures without leav¬ ing a scar. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. S m-:. The man who de¬ sires to appear neat= ly dressed, will ap= preciate the splendid line of Hats we carry. We have the swell est line ever shown in Camilla, in the latest nobbiest patterns; at unusually low prices. Brown is the lead= iiig color this season, and we have a strong line of all shapes in brown and tan. Ask to see tliem it is always a pleasure to show our goods. We have also quite a variety in Gloves* silk handkerchiefs, ties and fancy hose in Brown. The Men’s Outfitters.