The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, December 09, 1904, Image 2

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rovessional Cards.! p fj. II UNDERWOOD, g Attorney-at-law and Real» Estate. Office in Bennett’s BuiWing, Broadg if street. [K. L. LEWIS, g Physician and Surgeon. Office Go’s., dining at Drug the Store dav. of Lewis Residence Dragsj •£ at night. Prompt attention given |? to all calls. §( $ -- 1 A faaah, R D 3«sh 1. A. BUSH A SON, S< Attorneys-at-Law,, Ga. Commercial law a specialty. *H. C. Dasher, Jr. W. II. Hoggaad.g | DASHER & HO JGARD, Attorneys-at- Law , Camilla, Ga. lOffice in Enterprise Building. D. A. SPENCE, $ Dental Burgeon, "Pelham, Ga. Office in new City H ill. work atg g The best quality of reasonable charges. Your -----—--I tronage Solicitated. h Dr. J. L. Brown, | Physician and, Surgeon, f | Camilla, Georgia, Residence phone 1. Office phone 30. 'V I. A. BUSH, JR.. ft Physician and Surgeon, Camilla, Ga. U All calls promptly answered day j| ---------T-—| or night. u POPE & I SEN NET, Attomeys-at-Law, £ Camilla, Ga. Fire Insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. the following lore In¬ j surance Companies: ard to-’k’ and Globe. Ha'tfart. Fire. ' Insurance C”of f • Y. Riwith Insurance Co. BUSINESS SOLICITED frfrfr' • *• * ♦ V V V W t - Up*iQadatt Goods at tbi J O d Hetiabh j J. W. Joiner’s Jewelry Store, Albany, Georgia. ......a ccH.’uis uas or...... £ Watches, Clocks. Jewelry,; Silver * and Plate Wares, * * ’ t Cutlery, Notions, Fancy Ar- « tides, Stationery, etc. * All kinds of Repairing Watches, Clock-, £ Jewelry ftt short order and at lowest pH- 4 s cos. I raspaciftuly .solicit a portion of the public patronage. « J. W. Joiner, t Washington St. ' ALBANY, - - GA guarantee! j o cure, CHILLS dengue, Ague, LaGRIPPE, Bilious Fever and all other Malarial Ills. 50c SSKT 441 pr DrugpHl for from fte9fife wfo have heea cured. For t<aW- hy Lutvis Drug Co. Weallh In The Small Farm. Two yeara ago a young man in Atlanta found out that his $50 per month wages were making it hard for him to support himself and young wife in the city. He sat down one night and carefully figured out his problem. The next day h8 resigned his clerkship and with less than <§100 capital took himself and wife to a small town north of Atlanta, says the Macpn Telegraph: He found an old farm of 110 acres for rent for ten bales of lint cotton. The place had a small comfortable house, passable barns and a couple of shaniy tenements. The neigh¬ bors all tot'd him that to rent the place would be a losing specula¬ tion. But he rented the place and went to work. His good creden¬ tials procured .him credit. He hired three stout hands and a wo¬ man for the dhmestic work. He read up diligently on cotton far¬ ming and kept close track with his most successful neighbors. Last year, after living well and working hard, he paid his rent and debts and had surplus enough to begin this year’s work on a cash basis. Now he has market¬ ed his ct op and without a dollar of debt lo pay, his bank book shows a balance to his credit over S3,ODD. This is a simple and true story and shows what the right sort of a man, even if an amatura, can do on a small farm in Georgia. A hundred acres is not a big patch of ground to oversee and a man bright enough to take lessons from the wise and brave enough to use them in a personal battle will) the soil is sure to come out large winner in the end. There are like chances for fifty thousand young men in Georgia io duplicate the above man’s ex¬ perience every year. One bun¬ dled acres produced for him this year one hundred bales of cotton. That much of a cotton farm inten¬ sively cultivated and cared for >‘ ili not only produce home lux¬ ury, hut make the owner eompar tiively an independent mau in a couple of decades. TIiE~SECRETOE SUCCESS. Forty million bottles of August Flow¬ er sold in t he United States alone since its imroductiou! And the demand for it is still growing. Isn’t that a fine ’lowing of success? Don’t it prove that August flower has had unfailing success m the cure of indigestion and lyopcpsia—the two greatest enemies of lea it h tlud happiness? Does it not af¬ oot the beat evidence that August Flow¬ er is a sure specific for all stomach and intestinal disorders?—that it has proved itself the best of all liver regulators? August Flower has a matchless record of over thirty-five years in curing the ailing millions of these distressing com¬ plaints—a success that is becoming wid¬ er in its scope every day, at home aud abroad, as the fame of August Flower spreads. Trial bottles, 85c; regular size, , mc. For suk by all druggists. -— » «■» ,,. In a fracus, at Bold Springs in Thomas county last week, result¬ ing from a wrestling match be¬ tween Bertie Bryan and Wesley Ja<-kson, hi which the latter was vorsted and becoming angry, in d four shots at Mr. Bryan, one ,f which took effect in the left side, ranged upward and passed through the left lung. Mr, Bry¬ an’s condition is said to 13b dan¬ gerous. A Costly Mistake. ! lunders are sometimes very ensive. Occasionally life it i-lf is the price of a mistake, but you’ll never be wrong if you take Dr. King’s New Life Fills for Dys¬ pepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liv¬ er r Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25c. at Lewis Drug Co. Brooks County Seed Rye. Foi sale by Townsend, King & Co. Quitman, Ga-, Subscribe for the Enterprise. Mr. J. R. Cross and Miss Loris Mock Married. One of the most interesting so¬ ciety events of the week occured Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Mock, on Curry street, when Miss Loris Mock and Mr. James Romeo Cross were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. A. White, of Thomas ville, and witnessed by a select circle of close friends. The at¬ tendants were Mr. M- B. Mock with Miss Susie Mansfield and Mr. J. W. Parker with Miss Mae Mock After.the ceremony a delicious supper was served at which Misses Mell Pickron, Reba Mock and Eloise Mansfield served as the charming waitresses. The large number of elegant presents received attest the popularity of the happy couple. Mr. Cross holds an important position as book keeper for the Hand Trading Co.,an$ is a.\oung man of sterling integrity. The bride is quite popular, her amiable disposition and charm of manner having won for her a wide circle of admiring friends. —Pelham Journal. Mr. Cross is a • brother of Messrs, W. D. and Charles Cfoss, of Camilla, and has many friends in Mitchell who will wish him bon voyage o’er the matrimonial sea. Catarrh Cannot S3 Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the (Usguscl Ca¬ tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, aud in order to cure it yonmust take in¬ ternal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Care is taken internally, aud acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Ca¬ tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best jihysi cians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com¬ bination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in cur¬ ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials tree. F. J. Cheney, Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti¬ pation. John G. Car'isle, of Kentucky, wh: was Cleveland’s secretary of the Treasury, is advocating the education of the whites and ne¬ groes in the same schools of his state. This pimply out Teddy’s Teddy, and there’s no way of getting around it.—Forest-Blade. And this is the man we thought so great a statesman during Cleveland’s administration. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching re¬ volt and serious trouble in your system is nervousness, sleepless¬ ness, or stomacbjUpsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never failed to tone the stomach, regu late the- Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all Un¬ usual attending aches vanish un¬ der its searching and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50c. and that is returned if it don’t give perfect sati.-faction. Guaranteed by Lewis Drug Co. The different Odd Fellow lodges throughout the Southern Judicial Circuit, held a conven¬ tion at Tifton on Monday of last week and perfected a permanent district organization which will hold semi-annual sessions. The next session will be held atThom asville sometime between Febru¬ ary and May. Pox* the Leading Brands o* Whiskey, Wine and Beet* -CALL ON A. P. Spence, (Successor to J. W. Middleton & Co.) Scott Street. J. H. SPENCE, Manager. mmmnmmnmmmmmmu Company. When you think of your list of friends who you desire to remember t at Christmas lime, you begin to puz- ’ zle ovei'Vhat gifts would be suita¬ ble for each one. For young men you can give them nothing nicer than something in sty¬ lish wearing apparel. Something Hobby and Stylish / Select one of these: Fancy Yosts ! In Solids, Stripes and Mixtures. Something that will be appreciated. Ascot Ties. . The most stylish things in Njckwear. Handsome Fob, A necessity to a young man. % A swell Hat, Latest patterns in Tans, Browns and Blacks. Pair of good shoes, Worn by the best dressed men in the city. Pair of Gloves, Something useful. Silk handkerchief, No wardrobe complete without one. Loud sox, Worn by appreciative men. Other useful things in abundance. Tor Young Cadies, Nothing better than a box of Schraff’s Chocolates and Bon Bons. Our Heart designs and Art Squares are a thing of beauty, therefore a joy for a short while. No palate. is able to resist the dainty things when a box is opened and the sweets exposed to view. THE. Outfitters,