The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, December 09, 1904, Image 8

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Camilla Supply Company 4* Every department of our business is complete with all necessities of men and beast. Cash buyers will find prosperity disylay ed in any purchase. It is our desire to somewhat reduce our enormous stock preparatory to our annual stock taking immediate¬ ly after Christmas. Come to see us before you fill yd hr wants in |g| Ladies Dress Goods and Notions. Gents Furnishings. Ladies and Men Shoes, ( Queen Quality, kin s Quality, (.Stacy-Aams. Clothing, Hats, Hardware, Sporting Goods, Furniture and House Furnishings, Groceries, &c. ^FECIAL ACiEACIES: New Home Sewing Machines, Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, Clauss' Razors and Shears, Lisk’s Anti-Rust Tinware, Chattanooga Plows, Cane Mills, Kettles and Evaporators. ' : - - / De Soto Flour. Barrett & Richmond and Enterprise stoves. .Give us your business—we appreciate it.. CAMILLA SUPPLY COMPANY, J. C. T. TURNER, R. J. BENNETT, B. LEWIS, President. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Secretary and Sales Mgr. 1 H AVERY COMPANY 51 (f 55 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, Engines, Boilers - ' US- Saw „ Min All Kinds of Machinery. .£ "ex' e. LU «S f* O Smm U, CD _o eg “55 LAKGE ENGINES AND SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators, All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular saws, Saw Teeth Locks, Steam Governors Mill Supplies, Engine and Mill repairs Send, or Cat*0 ROTECT your Property against losses by with a policy in the ^TNA OF HARTFORD, CONN. One of the best and most reliable Fire In surance Companies in America. W. A. ALLEN, Agent, amilla, Georgia. r,‘ Him“; ‘3’.“ "C'T‘wk "——~ ‘ lii‘””" ’Ps. " ' gt. "“7’ AL»: \~"1. 1 -‘ {| ' J k. .7“ ‘ | \f“ .' 2' f | ' """'"“7'“"-.~~~ - . g ' V fix\\ Z M’\ \. ‘ yum ‘ - _ ,7“?- l Ir" v” dflsfl.’ N. "K, 1‘ , I??? .7; ‘»i“>«‘-Eif‘v‘r/aj *1 '1“; . k‘ ‘ 2‘7 i i “if“; ‘ new Mums—vi? 7:. ' __ S .4... I... CU J C Q 2 E 3 63 (I) 4-) (D 63 n WHITE WOMEN CONVICTS. There Are Now Seven in the State Penitentiary. The pardon of Mamie DeCris leaves seven white women in the penitentiary: Kizzie Anderson, of Ware county, 17 years old, sent up for 15 years for man¬ slaughter; Jennie Bennett, of Forsyth county, 39 years old, srfnt up for life for murder; Sarah Dickson, of Johnson county, 32 years old, sent up for life for mur¬ der; Mary Dillard, of Fannin county, 23 years old, sent up for 10 years for manslaughter; Mary Traylor, of Fulton county, 38 years old, sent up for 10 years for larceny from the house (there' being also a charge ot arson, not tried); Elizabeth Nobles, Twiggs county, 57 years old, sent up for life for murder; Sallie Tucker, of Bibb county, 39 years old, sent up for 2 years for felony. It will be noticed that five of the seven are in for murder or manslaugh ter. _______ No More Suffering. If you are troubled with indigestion get a bot tle of Kodol Dyspepsia Core and see bow quickly it will cure you. Geo. A: Thomson, of Spencer. Ia., says: •■Have had Dyspepsia for twenty years. My ease was almost hopeless. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure was recommended and I used a few bottles of it and it is the only thing that has relieved me. Would not be without it. Have doctored with local physicians and also at Chicago, and even went to Norway with hopes of getting some relief, but Kodol Dyspep¬ sia Cure is the only remedy that has done me any good, and I heart ily recom¬ mend it. Every person suffering with Indisgestiou or Dyspepsia should use it.” Sold by Lewis Drug Co. The International Cotton Seed 011 Company’s plant at Selma, Ala., was partially destroyed by fire on last Sunday afternoon. The loss is estimated at S100,000, but is partially covered by insur¬ ance. JOHNSON VS. ROCKEFELLER. Former Says Latter Has no Right to Be a Church Member. A Boston clergyman, Rev. Her¬ bert S. Johnson, in a recent ser¬ mon, expressed rather emphati¬ cally the opinion that John D. Ropkefeller has no right to be the member of any church. Admit¬ ting, merely for the sake of argu¬ ment, that Mr. Rockefeller is one of the tares mentioned in scrip¬ ture does not Mr. Johnson make a mistake in pulling him up or desiring to pull him up from the growing wheat? The parable of the Wheat and the Tares would, inferentially, be dead against Mr. Johnson. If Mr. Rockefeller con¬ tinues to remain in the church he may repent of any alleged or ac¬ tual sharp practice. If cast forth he may become obdurate and bring some of the wheat along with him. Head About to Burst From Severe Bil¬ ious Attack. “I had a severe bilous attack and felt like my head was about to burst when I got hold of a free sample of Chamber¬ lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. I took a dose of them after supper and the next day felt like a new man and have been feeling happy ever since,” says Mr. J. W. Smith, of Juliff, Texas. For bil¬ iousness, stomach troubles and cousti pation these Tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. For sale by Lewis Drug Company. During the fiscal year just end¬ ed, 812,870 immigrants have land ed in the United States of whom 549,100 were males and 263,770 females. Be Quick. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham¬ berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even af¬ ter the croupv cough appears, will pre¬ vent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Lewis Drug Company. RECTOR OF ST. LUKE’S, Ashburnham, Ontario, Testifies to the Good Qualities of Cham¬ berlain’s Cough Remedy. Astiburvham. Out., April 18, 1008.— I think that it is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Cham¬ berlain’s Cough Remedy has produced. The day before Easter I was so distress¬ ed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties the next day, as my voice was almost chok¬ ed by the cough. The same day I re¬ ceived an order from you for a bottle of your Cough Remedy. I at once procur¬ ed a sample bottle, and took about three doses of the medicine. To my great re¬ lief the cough and cold had completely disappeared and I was able to preach three times on Easter Day. I know that this rapid and effective cure was due to your Cough Remedy. I make this testi¬ monial without solicitation, being thank¬ ful to have found such a God-seulfrem¬ edy. Respectfully yours, E. A. Lan’gfei.ijt, M. A., Rector of St. Luke’s Church. To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This remedy is for sale by Lewis Drug Company. In New York state a woman has been sentenced to 30 days in jail for endangering the lives of her children by smoking cigar¬ ettes in their presence. The con¬ viction is the first of its kind un¬ der the New York state law.— Exchange. If Georgia had a law of this kind, it would not catch any of her women, but what it would do for her men would be a plenty.___ A Pleasant fill. No pill is as pleasant and positive as DeWitt's Little Early Risers, DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are so mild and ef¬ fective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect , while strong people say they are the best liver pill sold. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. Valdostv. Times: Avery wise man once said that when he be¬ gan to feel too important he got a map of the universe and tried to find himself on it. Camilla Enterprise, $1 a year.