The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, December 16, 1904, Image 4

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CAMILLA ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED EVERY FRI DAY* WALTER A. ALLEN EDITOR AND PCBUSHEK SUBSCRIPTION RATES* ONE YEAR - - - * 1-00 SIX MONTHS - -AO Official organ of Camilla, Ga., • # And Mitchell county • • TELEPHONE NO. 64. ' * 5 Li I ' lJLl 11 ?!!! ” *" 1 - ; -- - - . Entered at Camilla, Ga., post of¬ fice as second-class matter. ~ FRIDAY, DEC. 1C, >904._ Entertainment Tonight A number of the young people of Camilla have organized them¬ selves into a local Dramatic Club, for the double purpose of fur¬ nishing clean and attractive amusement for the people of Ca¬ milla and surrounding territory and to raise funds with which to put a neat fence around the School grounds and to make some other needed improvement to the music room of the school build¬ ing. The play to be presented to¬ night. “Diamonds and Hearts” is an attractive one and our local talent will exert themselves to make their part of the entertain¬ ment a success. In fact they have arranged a splendid pro¬ gram and no one who is able to go out should miss the evening of «ntertainment or fail to contrib¬ ute so nothing towards the laud¬ able aim the Dramatic Club has in view. Go out tonight, enjoy the play and help fence the hogs off from the school children. The Attorney General of the United Slates has ruled that the popular “guessing contests” con ducted by business houses are il *«gM. ___ Hon. II <rvi - .Iordan continues his go. I vork <f organizing the farmer , i die South, is the oom in«n* of t' Columbus Enquirer* &un. The Atlantic Coast Line rail¬ road, it i* i-aid, will build a new bridge across Flint river at Al¬ bany,cr strengthen the one they have, so that those large engines can cross. The Herald desires to give no¬ tice hen- aril now that “plate matter” article* oooming guber¬ natorial candidates will not be published except as advertising matter.—Nashville HeralJ, Notice. To Ti c i ’ations of The Camilla T,.*cohone Company. Mr. .1. L. Palmer has purchas od hi! 'In* stocks owned by us in the Mioi esaid eoupany and was, at a ocent. meeting, elected pres ideal of said Camilla Telephone Oo. All bills maturing on or by December 1st, 1904. are to be paid to J. G. Bailey, for the use of former stockholders. All debts maturing after Dec. 1st, 1904, are the property of said J. L. Palmer, and must be paid to him or his duly author¬ ised agent. W< earnestly bespeak for Mr., the goo i will and con tiuut d patronage of our present and former subscribers, who, we feel tmre, will find the improve¬ ments to be made by Mr. Palmer valuable and satisfactory I. A. Bush. T. R. Bennett. F. L. Lewis. J. G. Bailey. J. G. Wood. I. A. Bush, agt. J. B. Lewis. Loans. Five year loans negotiated on farm lands at lowest rates. When you oome to make application bring your chain of title. Edwin L. Bryan, Att’y at Law, Moultrie. Ga. Thrcc|Sheriif’s Advertisements in Twelve Months. During the year 1904, Sheriff Smith has not been troubled over nruch with having to advertise Mitchell county,property for sale at public mit-cry to satisfy judg¬ ments issued from the courts against parties for unpaid debts. In fact the Enterprise which is the legal organ of the county, has only had to publish three sheriff sales for the entire year. One for November sale day, one for December ai d one, now running, for January sale day 1905. The first two did not go to sale, because of the fact that, either claims wej-e filed or settlements made without letting the property go to sal *, What better advertisement can any county have than this. It shows, beyond question, that ‘he people of Mitchell county are not only prosperous but that they pay their debts, and therefore thio c nooi be other than an in¬ viting field for that class of imoii gratiuii that is seeking new homes where they wid be surrounded svith prosperous and honest neigh¬ bors It is a veritable 1 Og, hominy and>hay county, as is demon¬ strated by the fact that Mitchell county farmers furnish bacon and hams enough for local demands for more than half the year, be¬ sides furnishing potk for the markets if her near-by cities nearly all the year round. Her farmers, especially those who wn iheir own homes, pro¬ duce more than enough corn for their own consumption and many of them sell hundreds of bushels each year, while it is no uncom¬ mon sight to see big wagon loads of hay for sale on our streets. Is it ary wonder then that a county vtiih a record of this kind Joes not have many sheriff’s sales paraded in her public gazette? Mitchell County Syrup. Mr. J. B. Palmer, of Camilla, has furnished the Herald with a simple galion of'Mitchell county syrup—this year’s vintage. It was attractively sealed in a tin case manufactured for the pur¬ pose, and we are glad to be able to bear testimony concerning the excellent character of the “long sweetening” itself. We have seen no finer syrup in this or any other season. The time seems to have come in the agricultural history of this section when the farmer who knows how to make good syrup is not a ram avis. The syrup yield of Southwest Georgia is in¬ creasing at a phenomenally rapid ra e, and the majority of it is good syrup.—Albany Herald. What is true of Mr. Palmer’s syrup is true of almost every far¬ mer in Mitohell county. They make syrup and large quantities of it is shipped to northern mar¬ kets, in barrels and tins. That put up in tin cans is preserved and kept in better shape than that put up in barrels and brings from 10 to 25 cents per gallon more, Telfair Enterprise: The En¬ terprise stands “pat” for making the old party come around point blank to Southern principles, and a just recognition of Southern men, or for the organization in the South of a party that will stand for the principles Of government in which our people believe. Every real thought on every real subject knocks the wind out of somebody or other. As soon as his breath comes back he very ; probably begins to expend it in hard words. These are the best evidences a man can have that he has said something it was time to say.—Oliver Wendell Holmes. NOTICE. w a rworn'wn 11/ D C ' ' have Oil hand car OI select Mules and Horses duu Sind will w lil boon Keep a c fnll lull ennrdv supply on hand until- Spring. We Sell Cheaper than any firm south of Atlanta. Call and'see us. Respectfully, G. B. Cochran & Bro. Camilla, * * Georgia. XMAS! |»(biiL75| HERE is music in the name It !l§§ I has been a time of feasting and pleasure, when good things come Will you have it remain sol We want to impress on our customers that their inter¬ ests are ours ami that we intend to make this year a success, that is, as far as our feeble efforts can avail. If there is any thing you want in the line of Fancy or Solid Groceries you can get it from us. We want you to remember this ‘‘Do you need a fruit cake?” Leave your order with us. We will have on hand a fresh line of nuts, raisins, candy, oranges, etc. J. H. Bailey© Our Holiday Line of Ladies Skirts is » - ' * A ..... = Complete. ................ = Dress skirts and Walking skirts from one to eight dollars each. Brown colors light or dark, blue colors, castor colors, warmest scotch colors with or without drop skirts. Length from 38 to 43 inches long, all prices from $1 to $8 each. Lookers are Buyers! They well repay looking at and we will be glad to show them to you. Our line of men and boys suits, pants and evercoats are complete. Don’t order and be vexed by delays but come around and I guarantee to suit you. Berman’s, Camilla, Georgia. Studebaker took the Double Grand Prize at St. Louis. We handle his goods—one or two horse wagons and buggies. -yragsB Remember! Yon can secure first-class Optical services by calling on Dr. C. L. Taylor who is fully qualified to make a thorough examination of y«ur eyes and prescribe glasses to suit each patient. Graduated in Optics four years ago. Have had four year’s experience and all his patients are well pleased with his services. Anyone wishing to majke a Holiday present either for yourself, friend or rela live can take advantage of the following liberal offer: In order to mftre fully advertise his skill and best quality Crystal Lenses, he will accept the coupon below at 50c payment on eaCh pair of Spectacles or eye glasses purchased. Tliis coupon is no good alter J&ucary 10th, 1905. •H©Bsawa«««E«B«a«a-3s«B® •M This Coupon is good for SO In part payment for any Eye CH isses or Spectacles « bought of me, before January 10th, 11/05. c. L- TAYLOR. « JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, - Camilla, Ga. <a»*»seoo*0aoa»HO3©«#H*B»B®ssoa«6««5*B«H Clip the above coupon out around the dotted lines and bring it to me. It is worth 50 cents-