The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, December 16, 1904, Image 7

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HOME NEWS. Local, Social. • Personal Syrup cans for sale by—Camil¬ la Supply Co. Only one more week ’till Xmas. One more issue and Xma3 will be here. New car load Lime just receiv ed —Holton & Harrell. It is just fifteen days until the first day of January. . Col. S. S. Bennet left Monday for Atlanta on business. Mr. E. B. Brooks, ofBaconton, was a visitor to Camilla on last Monday. Col- R. J. Bacon, of Baconton, attended to business in Camilla last Monday. Dr. Sharp, of Baccnton, at¬ tended to business in Camilla on last Tuesday. Try Japalac on your furniture and floors. All colors, for sale at—Lewis Drug Co. Mr. Charles Gillenwaters, of Branchville, was a visitor to the city Wednesday. Have you made your arrange¬ ments for another year? If not, your time is short. For Brick, Lime, Cement and all kinds of Lumber. Call on Hol¬ ton & Harrell. Mr. Frank Beck, of West Mitchell, was among Tuesday’s visitors to Camilla. Well, did you win out in your choice for Mayor and Council in yesterday’s primary. They are selling out. Call! they will interest you. Cincinnati Bargain House. Mrs. T. J. Griffin and children, ■of Tallahassee, Fla., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Har¬ rell, the first of the week. HEAD© A R T E R S FOR Santa Claus and Xmas Goods of Every Kind. Our line is now ready to sell and we extend a cordial invitation to everybody in Camilla and Mitchell county to call and examine our stock. We have too many goods to mention, but our stock is immense. These goods were bought in New York. Our prices are the lowest. We have the stock to select from. Come to See Us and Let us show you our goods. Bring the children with you and give them a Peep at Toy land. Yours Truly, > - 4 Lewis Drug Company, Phone No. Broad Street. Camilla, G Chattanooga Plows and Liver¬ pool Salt at -Camilla Supply Co. Miss Stella Duren, of Meigs, was the guest of Mrs. J. T. Owen this week. • Mr. Wimberly Cullens, Jr. f is reported quite sick at his home in Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. Julian Weil, of Savannah, was registered at the McNair House on last Tuesday. Don’t forget that clearance sale at Baggs & Perry’s. See their big two-page ad. in this issue. Carload of Christmas Furni¬ ture just in. See us before you buy.—Camilla Supply Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baggs, of near Branchville, nave been the guests of relatives in the city this week The Camilla Telephone Com¬ pany have sold their interest in the local telephone sydtem to Mr. J. L. Palmer. Mr. Carswell Spence, of Haw kinsville, Ga , is jn Camilla, the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cl C. Spence. All parties indebted to us by note or open account will kind¬ ly call in and make prompt set¬ tlement. These matters must be closed up. CAMtLLA Supply Co. The Cincinnati Bargain House has put on an auction sale of their goods. See their advertise¬ ment on first page. Mr. Elmo McNair was a recent visitor to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McNair, and other relatives in Camilla. Remember that the tax books will close on December 19th, which is next Monday and if you have not paid your tax look out for a fi fa. WANTED —Salesman and col. lector for Camilla, Ga., and sur¬ rounding territory. The Singer Mfg. Co Valdosta, Ga. Mrs. J. L. Brown visited Th un asville Wednesday. Dr. D L Ricks, of Valdusr* a former citizen of Camilla, wa shaking hands with eld friends ir the city this week. Miss Lois Alien, who hascharg of the music department, of Me Phaul Institute, Sylvester, is home for the holidays. Mr. R. B. Brown, one of South east Mitchell’s progressive citi¬ zens, was » pleasant visitor to the Enterprise office last Wed¬ nesday. Mrs. W. W. Cullens is in .Tactt sonville this week, where she was called by a telegyam announcing the serious illness of her son. Wimberly. Mr. J. W. Everett, of Pelham, was here Tuesday in attendance upon the regular monthly meet¬ ing of the Board of County Com¬ missioners. Mr. J. L. Weaver, one of Mitch ell’s most successful farmers, has bought a fine farm in the north¬ ern part of Colquitt county and will move there at once. Maj. R. E. L. Spence,* of Ft. McKenzie. Wyoming, together with his wife and children arrived in Camilla this week, where they will spend the Christmas holidays with relatives and friends in their old home. Dr. J. L. Brown returned Wed¬ nesday morning from a visit Savannah, where he was in at¬ tendance upon the annual meet ingijof the Atlantic Coast Board of Physicians and geons. The doctor rep >rts a Bplendid meeting and an enjoy¬ able trip. For Sale—E nglish Swine. 4 boars and one left stock. Eligible to registry. 2i months old; $10 each. J. B. Davis, Baconton i Mrs. J. S, Jones, of Jackson, Miss , arrived in Camilla on Fri¬ day of last week and will be the guest of her brother’s family, Mr. M. R. Freeman, during the holidays. The Enterprise job office has been exceedingly busy for the past two weeks getting out extra Xmas advertising matter besides its regular run of commercial sta¬ tionery. In the recent election for Jus¬ tice of the Peace and Constables for the Camilla District, J udge J . C. Walker and Messrs. D. W. Morgan and L. A. M. Alligood were the successful contestants. Mrs. Thomas Lang and chil¬ dren, are in Camilla for the holi¬ days, the guests of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Swindle, Sr. Rev. Mr. Lang, who will be lo cated at Ft. Valley another year, will arrive tomorrow. If it is an Xmas present you are looking for call on Periy’s Phar¬ macy or the Lewis Drug Co., they can supply you. Their stocks are complete in every line, from the cheapest of toys to the most expensive silver, china and cut glass wares, besides many novelties in pleasing and valu* able patterns. S«e their well dis¬ played advertisements. They will interest you. Some time since the town au¬ thorities had the old cemetery j cleaned out of trash and under¬ growth. This was alright, but should go! a step further and have the unmarked graves round¬ ed up and marked. It has been ; suggested to an Enterprise re¬ porter that this should be done now while Mr. Swindle, who knows about all of them, can aid in the work. Valdosta has a rest loom for ladies who do their shopping in that city. Williauis-Peacock. On last Monday evening at the home of the bride’s naren s. Rev. H. N. Burnett performing the impressive ceremony which uni¬ ted Miss Ada Williams and Mr. Samuel Hiram Peacock in the holy bonds of wedlock. After the ceremony a splendid wedding supper was served to the many invited guests. Miss Ada is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil¬ burn Williams, and is possessed of many graces of character that made her a favorite among all her acquaintances, while the groom is a prosperous young business man of Perry, Fla. The happy young couple left on the morning train Tuesday for Perry, Fla., where they will make their future home, carry¬ ing with them the good wishes of their many friends and well wishers. A Quiet Wedding. On last Sunday afternoon, at the Methodist parsonage Rev. C. T. Clark, officiating, Miss Pearl, one of the accomplished daugh¬ ter.? of Mr. T. B. Beck, was uni¬ ted in marriage to Mr. Frank Newell, of Albany. From Monday’s Albany Her¬ ald we clip the following: “Mr. Frank Newell, of this city and Miss Pearl Beck, of Camilla, were married yesterday after¬ noon in the latter place, the cere¬ mony being a quiet home wed¬ ding The newly married pair returned home on the 7:15 Coast Line train yesterday evening, and are at home to their friends at the residence of the groom’s parents on Broad street. “Mr. Newell is employed at A. F. Churchwell’s, and is a deserv¬ ing young man whose friends are overwhelming him with congrat¬ ulations.” The Enterprise extends con¬ gratulations and best wishes for a long and happy wedded life.