The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, December 16, 1904, Image 8

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Prof essional Cards| | jj.L, UNDERWOOD, Vttohmey-at-Law and Reals Estate. $; 0 ;!i:e in Bennett'S Building, Broad ■41 «vet K. L. LEWIS, I'llVdlCIAH SUl'.OEON. | AND Office at Drug Store of Lewis Drugs; CoV, doing the Hav. Reaitlenoe|; mngtit. cal'a. Proinjil attention gieen|' to It S; .... ___V; 1 A Bush, R D Bush l. A. BU>H <4 sov, ATIOHSBYS-AT- Law, Camilla, Oa. Commercial law a specialty. H. C. T> sher, Jr. W. H.; | DASH KR & HO KURD. Attokheys-at-Law, Camilla, Oa. & Office in Enterprise Building. D. A. SPENCE, l junta I, Surgeon, Pelham, Ga. $ Office in new City II 11. Tite best quality of work at reasonable charges. Your pa¬ tronage BaiicUttied. Dr. J. L. Brown, Physician and Surgeon, Camilla, Georgia, jj| Residence phone *, Office phono 30. I. A. BUSH, JR., § Physician and Surgeon, Camilla, Ga. All calls promptly answered day p j| or night. ---------— POPE & RENNET, Attomeys-at-Law, ^ Camilla, Ga. jg Fire Insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. represents the following Fire In¬ surance Companies: Lverpool a."d Lort'le^ and Globe, Hartford Fire. H*- Insurance C»ofN. Y. G . .nwich insurance Co YOU"* BUSINESS SOLICITED »« <>■ -.»♦*-.►•♦♦'*■♦♦**♦*'***'* Up'loxlate Old Gtliabh Goods at the | j J. Jewelry W. Joiner’s Store, | Albany, • Georgia. 1 ......a comm Jewelry,,* as* or...... | Watches, Clocks, Silver | and Plate Wares, t • • 4 Cutlery, Notions, Fancy Ar¬ ticles, Stationery, etc. Jewelry All kinds at short ot Repairing order and 'Watches, lowest Clocks, prt- £ at A oes. 1 respectfully Isollolt a portion of the publlo patronage. J. W. Joiner, Washington St. t ALBANY. GA- * - - Wititercsnith’s (Sill @b I CVARANTtXO fl I CtT«f 1 CHILLS DENGUE, AGUE, LaGRIPPE, BILIOUS FEVER AND AU MALARIAL ILLS. 50 c s 7 U A* HUT Onrff aww «NNp rtf AwrfU R U 4bm JMW a*w • lUrtrM. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. If The South’s Representation Should Be Reduced. (From The Albany Herald.) Hon, John Sharp Williams, the Democratic leader fn congress, ha-« advanced what appears to be a sensible idea embodying a sug¬ gestion as to what the South shall do in the event ot the reduction of representation of Southern states in congress on account of the disfranchisement of the ne¬ gro Should the Republican party pass such a bill as that introduced by Senator Platt and as is being advocated by other prominent Republicans, Mr. Williams thinks that ihe South should ignore it and refuse to redistrict the states —that they should goon e'ecting the same number of representa¬ tives as heretofore. These South¬ ern members would doubtless be denied admission by a Republi¬ can House, the sergeant at arms would decline to pay their sal¬ aries, though the members would have the proper state certificates, jetc. As a result mandamus pro¬ ceedings would be instituted and the matter would be referred to the courts. Continuing in the elaboration of his idea, Mr. Williams says: “Meantime, the oilier result, which would be more serious, would be that the several states affected would not be represented at all in the House of Represen¬ tatives, or in the electoral college, as long as a Republican supre¬ macy continued. We would, by a visible object losson, say to our brethren in the North: “ ‘It is nbt the representation that wo care about, and we are not afraid of your governing us. It is not politics, it is ethnology I that we are thinking of—will you »ver learn this? As long as :t is a white man’s government, guid¬ ed by the whit'e man’s traditions and the white man’s ideals, we are safe. Any laws cf a purely fiscal.ot industrial character that you can live under we can under, no matter how vicious in our opinion. What we are protesting against, not by any active war¬ fare, but by passive resistance, is usurpation, inequity and en equaiity. We will not have our children believe that we craveBly consented to either. Go ahead and elect your presidents and your representative;!, pass laws and execute them. Do this until you yourselves are tired of it.’ “The white people of the North would, in my opinion, grow tired in the course oL time of the spec¬ tacle of a half dozen of the states of the union voluntarily unrepre¬ sented in the national councils, rather than to acknowledge the rightfulness of political serfdom, or the inequality of the states within the union. They would come to see the rank injustice of it all. If not, then better far to possess no representation than cravenly to submit to arbitrary inequality.” THE SECRET OF SUCCESS. Forty million bottles of August Flow¬ er sold iii the United States alone since its introduction! And the demand for it is still growing. Isn’t- that a fine showing of success? Don’t it prove that August flower has had unfailing success in the cure of indigestion and dyspepsia—the two greatest enemies of health and happiness? Does it not af¬ ford the best evidence that August Flow¬ er is a sure specific for all stomach intestinal disorders?—that it has proved itself the best of all liver regulators? August Flower has a matchless record of over thirty-five years in curing the .filing millions of these distressing com¬ plaints—a success that is becoming wid jr in its scope every day. at home and Abroad, as the fame of August spreads. Trial bottles, 35c; regular size, 76c. For sale by all druggists. Brooks County Sued Rye. Foi sale by Townsend, King & Co. Quitman, Ga-, Colquitt To Work Convicts. Moultrie, Ga., Dec. 7.—The county commissioners of Colquitt county, at their regular session, passed an order providing for the working of the misdemeanor con¬ victs of the county ott the public roads. Road machinery, mules and other equipment will be pur¬ chased at once and the work of building good roads by the con¬ vict labor of the county will begin January 1st. The revenue derived from the hire of the felony convicts has been appropriated to the road fund, and it is probable that a bond issue for this purpose will also be made. Mitchell county will soon follow suit, or at least it 19 the intention of the county commissioners to carry out the recommendations of the grand jury as soon as they can practically do so. Good roads is what all wiregrass Georgia needs.„ Catarrh Cannot 3o Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot roach the .-oat of the disease. Ca¬ tarrh is a blood or constitut ional disease, and in order to cure it you must take in¬ ternal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Ca¬ tarrh Cure Ls not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physi¬ cians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com¬ bination’of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in cur¬ ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. C 1115 NEY, Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, "5c. Taktj, Hall’s Family Pills for consti¬ pation f ”‘ . At Columbus on last Saturday night a young white man by the name of James Howard, was shot and dangerously wounded by Jim, Culpepper, while the latter was badly cut with a Jirk by Howard, who seems to hdve been the ag¬ gressor. Howard is only 18 and Culpepper 22 years old. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching re¬ volt and serious trouble in your sy-tero is nervousness, sleepless¬ ness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never failed to tone the stomach, regu¬ late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish un¬ der its searching and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is only oOe. and that- is returned if it don’t give perfect Lewis satisfaction. Guaranteed by Drug Co. The south would prefer no rep¬ resentation in the federal con¬ gress and no'- a single vote in the electoral college rather than sub¬ mit to negro supremacy in local political affairs. To talk of the southt submitting to the latter is to be ignorant of souttiern history and the southern spirit.- Atlanta Constitution. A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expensive. Occasionally life it¬ self is the price of a mistake, but you’ll never be wrong if you take Dr. King’s New Life Pills for Dys¬ pepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liv or Bowel troubles. They are : e tie yet thorough. 25c. at j * * V" is Di ug Co. JKj ..... - 1 " * 1 "" " ......... United , A white private in the States army was given a dishon¬ orable discharge for “marrying” a negress. Pains were taken to explain, however, that the ne¬ gress was a bigamist.—Atlanta Constitution. For tlie £,eecltng Brands ot Whiskey, ’Wine and Beer , -CADE OlV As P. Spence, (Successor to J. W. Middleton & Co.) JSoott Street. J. H. SPENCE, Manager. wwwwtwmffiwwwmmft Butler-Busb Company. When you think of your list of friends who you desire to remember at Christmas time, you begin to puz¬ zle over what gifts would be suita¬ ble for each one. For young men you can give them nothing nicer than something in stylish wearing apparel. Something nobby and Stylish / Select one of these: Fancy Vests! In Solids, Stripes and Mixtures. Something that will be appreciated. Ascot Ties. The most stylish things in Neckwear. Handsome Fob, A necessity to a young man. A swell Hat, Latest patterns in Tans, Browns and Blacks. Pair of good shoes, Worn by the best dressed men in the city. Pair of Gloves, Something useful. Silk handkerchief, No wardrobe complete without one. Loud sox, Worn by appreciative men. Other useful things in abundance. Tor Young Ladies, Nothing betier thrn a I ox of Sohreffs Chocolates and Bon Bons. Our Heart designs and Art Squares are a thing of beauty, therefore a joy for a short while. No palate is able to resist the dainty things when a box is opened and the sweets exposed to view. ^—THE ->■ The People’s Outfitters*