The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, March 01, 1907, Image 8

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White Goods and Embroidenes. Our stock of Dry Goods is now complete. We have a beautiful line of Embroideries, Laces and White Goods. Miss Bottoms has left for St. Louis to purchase our Millinery Stock. We will show this season a Large and Complete Line of Millinery and Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Goods. The line of Ready=to=Wear will consist of Shirtwaists, Linen Suits, Skirts, etc. We invite your special at¬ tention to an inspection of our large stock of Ladies’ Muslin Underwear and Silk Petticoats. Mr. B. F. Whitworth, with the assistance of Mr. J. G. Perry, will conduct a sale of Men’s tailor-made clothing on February 11. Hold Your Orders and Be Fitted. F. S. PERRY CO., Camilla, Georgia. Greenwood News. Mr. and Mis. J. C. deGraffin reid, of Pelham, spent Sunday with Mrs. deGraffinreid’s pa¬ rents, Mr. and Mrs- E. F. Fitz¬ gerald. Mr. R. D. Bush and family, from near Camilla, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baggs, on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Byron Dey, of Pelham, was the guest of Mr. Wallace Cooper, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Faircloth and Miss Cleveland Baggs attend¬ ed “Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch,” which was played in Ca¬ milla last Thursday night. The dance at Mr. and Mrs. Davis Smith’s on last Friday night was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Joe Kirbo and Miss Sadie Kirbo spent part of this week in Camilla with Mrs. W. L. Camp¬ bell. Miss Odessa Harrison spent a while this week with Miss Kate Kirbo. Misses Ruth Salter and Katie Harrell, from Mt. Pleasant, were among the visitors at Greenwood on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lee Sanders, after a pleasant visit to her mother, Mrs. Cooper, returned to her home near Pelham last Wednes¬ day. She was accompanied by Miss Jessie and Mr. Wallace Cooper, who spent a few days with her. Mr. Jodie Harrison made a business trip to Camilla Tuesday. X. _______ LOST—There strayed from my place in the 12th District of Mitchell county, about six weeks ago, one black horse-mule, blind in one eye, and hard of hearing. "Will pay 810,00 reward to finder. Earl Cox, Stubbs, Ga. Pinecliff Dots. Our Sunday school is progres¬ sing nicely, although a good many of our members have with¬ drawn their membership to at¬ tend the other Sunday school. We wish for them much success. As the old adage goes, where there is a will there is a way, and the good people of Pinecliff are not lacking in the will and then too, they have the blessed assurance the Lord says, where two or three are gatherei togeth¬ er in my name there will I be also. Mrs. L. J. Joiner and daugh¬ ter, Mias Hattie, visited Mrs. John Parker, at Hopeful, Satur¬ day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beck and children visited Hopeful Sunday. Dr. W. C. Webb went down to Bain bridge and Apalachicola last week to attend to business. Miss Carrie Smith, who is at¬ tending school at Norman Park, came home Saturday on a visit to homefolks, returning Sunday, Mr, Tom Crosby visited at the home of his uncle, Mr. Alman Crosby, at Hopeful, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mae Joiner, who has been attending school at Norm a n Park, is at home at present suffer¬ ing from a very painful tooth, caused by an abscess. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Crosby vis¬ ited Mr. and Mrs. f rank Beck Sunday. Emily. To remove a congh yon most- get at the cold which causes the cough. There is nothing so good for this as Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup. The liquid cold relief that is most quickly effective, that stills and quiets the cough and drives out the cold. Sold by Spence Drug Co. Send us your Job Printing. Union News. As we did not get in the news last week, will send some for both weeks. There was preaching at Union Sunday. A large crowd was present. There was a quiet wedding Sunday morning at the home of Mr. Elisha Glover. His son, Lum and Miss Godwin were united in marriage by Bro. Wil¬ liamson. Their many friends wish them much happiness. On Friday evening, Feb. 15, there was a delightful entertain¬ ment at the home of Mr. Jacob B. Taylor. There was quite a large crowd in attendance, and all report a nice time. There was some splendid music render¬ ed by Messrs. Taylor, Edgar and Guy Fitzgerald, Hayes and Brooks. Mrs. T. J. Coran is on tlje sick list this week. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Carrie Belle McClendon and Mr. Will Smith were married the third Sunday. Their friends wish them both long and happy lives. The “Chuglus” went to Sun¬ day school at County Line the third Sunday and enjoyed a nice talk by Mr. Wynn. Say! one of the Union boys has a swell new buggy with white wheels. Guess some girl will get to go to ride next Sunday. Mrs. T. J. Coram and son, Wayne, visited Pelham Saturday and Sunday. Mr. W. D. Fitzgerald has a new substitute now, Mr. Howard Smith. Mr. Jacob B. Taylor and Miss Earle Hiveley made a business trip to Camilla Saturday. Everybody down in here be¬ lieves in going to ride on Sunday afternoon. Our school is still progressing nicely. Miss Cecil and Mr. Oswell Burgess and Mr. Dan Bullard, of Branchville, attended preach¬ ing at Union Sunday. The wedding bells are ringing all around us, think there is a chance for everybody, Messrs. Willie Joiner and Dan Bullard took dinner at Mr. T. B. Crosson’s Tuesday. We are glad to say that Miss Zollie Taylor has fully recovered from recent injuries caused by a burn. Chuglus. Arrested Por Kidnapping. The ‘‘Florida Blossoms,” a ne¬ gro minstrel company that play¬ ed in Camilla on Friday of last week, were arrested in Cairo Saturday following and brought back to Camilla to answer to the charge of kidnapping two negro girls who left here with the show company Saturday morning. A commitment trial was held before Judge Scaife Monday morning, at which the evidence plainly showed that the girls went away of their own accord, and the Judge promptly dis¬ charged the “Blossoms,” who left Monday afternoon for Cairo, one of the girls going with them, but the other was taken off the train by her brother and carried to her home. Your Entire Family. Do you appreciate the advan¬ tage of taking your family into a store and fitting them with shoes at one time? You can do this at M. R. Freeman’s. Read the ad. It will not cost yon a cent to try Cham¬ berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and they are excellent for stomach trou¬ bles and constipation. Get a free sam¬ ple at Spence Drug Co. this Space is Reserved Tor Lewis * s Brown Drug Company.