Newspaper Page Text
Will k speak ' * 12 p
at o’clock noon, Monday, May
25th, Chautauqua Auditorium, Albany, Ga.
Every white man, woman, and child are invite to hear Georgia’s chief executive on the issues
of the gubernatorial |mpaign. Everybody Come.
Albany, Mond y May 25, 1908.
Doughorty (Joun Hoke Smith Club.
Oak Grove Items.
The fanners are busy killing
Mr. Green. *
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Palmer
(pent last Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. D. C. Norton and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Palmer
spent last Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. McClelland.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Palmer
spent last Sunday with the lat
ters parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Mr. Albert Powell and little
son Leonard made a business trip
to Pelham Wednesday.
Mr. J. B. Wight Grady county’s
school commissioner was visiting
the schools in this part of the
county last week.
Among those who attended the
singing at Pleasant Grove Sunday
from our section wore, Prof. John
Palmar,, M.r. I. J. Jklv*^
Catherine Palmer, C.-tHie and An
nie McClelland.
Mr. Ben Smith was visiting in
our section Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. W. B. Roddenbery from
Cairo spent last Friday night
with Mr. Albert Powell.
Mr. I. J. Adams made a flying
trip to Pelham last Saturday.
Miss Ellen Powell attended the
Commencement at Pelham this
Mr. J. B. Wight from Cairo
spent last Wednesday night with'
Mr. Albert Powell.
Mr. K. B. Spence from Pelham
spent 'ast Thursday night with
Mr. J. S. McClelland.
Among those who attended- the
Farmers Union Picnic Friday
wero: Messrs Carter Sellers and
J. S. McClelland, Misses Emma
Sailers and Callie McClelland.!
Sorry to note the illness of Mr.
and Mrs. C. Ii. Cobbles’ baby
and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Norton’s
baby. We hope they will soon
Messers C. S. Morris and San¬
ford Miller spent Saturday and
Suuday in Pelham.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Harrison
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. McClelland.
Misses Martha and Blonnie
Norton spent Saturday night and
Sunday with Misses Osa and Fan¬
nie Palmer.
Mr and Mrs. C. H. Cobles
spent Sunday with Mrs. S. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Billette spent
mday with Mr. and Mrs. D. C.
‘Two Lucky Bucks’’
R. F. D. No. 1.
The school picnic given by
Mies Lily Rauch last Friday at
the close of her school at Mt.
Ebal was a most enjoyable occas
sioti. The picnic was at tl e
Mize mill. A large crowd was
present. Among the visitors w r ere
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Davidson,
James Baisden, George Abridge,
Misses Co'ee Mock, Carrie Ab¬
ridge and Alma McDaniel from
Sale City.
Miss Lily Rauch left Monday
morning for her home in Dawson,
having completed a most success¬
ful term as teacher of Mt. Ebal
Miss Waver Powell of Leesville,
La., is visiting her sister, Mrs.
A. P. Spence of Cotton.
Miss Alpha Pullen is visiting
the family of Mr. Mr. Eugene Eugene
Thomas in Decatur
'She will be a why :about thee
Miss Lessie McMath attended
the school commencement in
Pelham this week.
Lake Pleasant Dots.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Griner gave
ice cream supper and a dancec
night last week. It was en¬
by all.
Miss Minnie Lee Moore of Sale
City r visited relatives around Lake
Pleasant Saturday and Sunday.
Misses Ila Palmer and Susie
Luckey visited here Sunday.
Mr. Roscoe Eubanks and Miss
Fannie Palmer gave Miss Alma
Lawhorn a call Saturday after¬
Hon. I. Maples and Mrs. Mag
Shiver attended the singing
at Pebble City Sunday.
Mr. T. II Palmer and sister
Miss Chan Palmer were the guests
of Mrs. A. P. Spence Saturda \
Guess what lady got a letter
from her fellow last week and she
made such an alarm until it
frightened one of their calves and
it ran against the fence and broke
its nose Who can beat that?
Mr. Albert Akridge made a
business trip to Pelham Monday.
Miss Alma Lawhorn was the
guest of the two Misses Palmer
Sunday. *
Miss Waver I’owelf is visiting
her sisters Madams A. P. Spence
and T. H. Palmer
Mr. Eugene and Miss Mary
Goosby visited here Suuday,
Sorry to say lots of people
got disappointed Sunday about
the singing but it- was postponed.
I will b the folk wing nano
ed places the purpose of re
ceiving St ind County Tax for
the year
Pebbl iy If.
Maple 12.
Pelham 1J».
Branch vil 14.
Davis Mill 15.
Halford If ® 21 from 10 to 12 a. in.
Sale City “ “ 21 “ 4 p. m.
Baconton 22 .
New Point ( 25.
I will be i lilla every gatur
lay except m / h on. which I will
be in Pelham will be in Camilla
court week books will close
June 20th. | all those having
failed to re s $ ill be doubled tax
rr t> t
Wood Burners!!
I have on hand 75 cords of
weell seasoned split stove wood
which I am offering for sale at
$4.00 Per Cord,
$2.00 Per Half Cord.
All this wood is now under
shelter and thoroughly^ dry and
| can be had by
j Phoning at 79.
Ecsides i.c8ias3 r.n r.n accurate, accurate, practical, and
larged scholarly v/ith vocabulary of English, en¬
International 25,000 NEW WORDS, the
English contains a History of the
tion, Dictionary Language, of Fiction, Guide to New pronuncia¬ Gazet¬
teer of the World, New Biographical
Dictionary, Vocabulary of Scfipture
tations, Abbreviations, Metric Syat
23S0 Pages. 5000 Illustrations.
I-argostof our abridgments. Regularand Thin Pa
rcr Editions. 11:6 Pa-es and 1400 Illi
Write for “ The Story of Sock Fro*.
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yr-',- ^ j 11
A Handsome fkocker
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Send Today for Fuh miormction
Chairs at Factory Prices
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Nervous Debility and Woaknossos strfetura harmful instruments. cnr * d wlthont A the new “•* Home of|
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Cvnhill# that terriabiedisease, in ail its forms out pain.
and stages, cured for life. Blood Hy droeelt dropsy of scrotum cured 1
Poisoning, Skin Diseases, Ulcers, SweliingB, Sores. without pain.
cured Gonorrhoea. Gleet Cured. and We all forms of private diseases, D r k nlmOSIS I m a * ! • without See book-cured pain. In a few days] I
te stay guarantee to refund your
money if not permanently cured Pnnif £#V/VlL FREE TO MEN upon applictionsl disease,I
Kidney Bladder and Prostatic with description of above wrapper.!
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nieateae UlacaoVd euccessfully treated and permanent- CvjaM ill! Hhcahim mUScUnl of Anatomy for Men when!
ed and ly cured bloodless PILES and RUPTURE ear¬ instructive. You are invited to see nothing, it
by painless methods. in the city. Very Costs you i
DR. KING (Thoroughly MEDICAL CO., *’ 7 “Atlanta, ofQe 4 CA^ sw ‘
responsible. Legally Incorporated under the laws orgia.)
Spring and Summer Lines
— " - : r - REA DY==
Men, Wciren 2nd Children.
Best Values : moderate Brices.
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CATALOGIE spring description U} cn requi and st and sinmer we prices. will catalogue, n.ail you a copy giving of full cur
♦ —
♦ Goods on Approval.
♦ Upon request will ser.d goods by Expresss C.
♦ we O. U. SUb
♦ ject to examination.
♦ B. H. LEVY, BRO.
♦ ♦ ♦ & CO.