The Pelham journal. (Pelham, Ga.) 1902-current, May 22, 1908, Image 3

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PROFESSIONAL CARDS. M. S. STEWART, ARCHITECT Estimates on Plans and Specifi¬ cations cheerfully furnished. Office No. 8 Hurst Building PELHAM, GEORGIA. J. W.McClain, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in » Piney Woods Dr u g Coi building. Residence on McDonald Street. C-W. REID. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. PELHAM, GA. Office in new City Hall building. Residence on Hand A venue. J> R- CLEMENTS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. PELHAM, GA. Office in Turner Building, and can be found at night at residence on Hand Ave., formerly occupied by Dr. J . W. McClain. All calls answered promptly W. S. Hill, T/X. D. Pelham, Ga. Office at Drug Store during the day And residence at night. J. R. O’INeol. DENTIST. Office in mize building PELHAM GEORGIA. DAVIS & MERRY ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, Camilla, Ga. Offices Ga. Pelham Practice In All Courts o. B. BUSH. Physician and Surgeon Office in Piney Woods Drug Co’s store. Residence on Barrow Ave Calls answered day or night. Leav c calls with Piney- Woods Drug Co. or Residence. Residence Phone No. 11, office No. 34. REAL ESTATE Farm and City property bought and sold. Rents seen after on rea¬ sonable terms. List your lands for sale. Let us know your wants. Pelham Land Loan & Improvement Co. D. L. Turner, Sec. & Mgr. Office over Pelham State Bank. It is a- sure sign of spring when you quit counting the strawber¬ ries served in your short cake at the restaurant. YOU LOOK FOR TROUBLE If you obtain a Firearm of doubt¬ ful quality The experienced Hunter’s and Marksman’s Meal Is a reliable, unerring STEVENS FIND OUT WHY by shooting our popular RIFLES—SHOTGUNS PISTOLS Ask your local Hardware or Sporting Goods Mer¬ chant for the STEVENS. If you cannot*obtain, we ship direct, express pre¬ paid, upon receipt of Cata¬ log Price. Send 4 cents in stamps for 140 Page Illustrated Catalog,including circu¬ lars of latest additions to our line. Contains points on shooting, ammu¬ nition, the proper care of a firearm, etc., etc. Our attractive Ten Color Lithographed Hanger mailed any¬ where for six cents In stamps. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P. O. Box 4007 • " Chlcouee Fall*. M- vr. <5. ,* 0 -.. Items From Hinsonton, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hinson were oft' on a fishing spree last Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Morphy from Bethel spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Autry. Harvey Harrell went over to Pelham Friday evening on busi¬ ness. Henry Leverett from Cotton accompanied by his best girl call¬ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Autry last Sunday. Leon Murphy from Bethel was the guest of Miss Florence Hin¬ son last Sunday. Miss Ester Murphy visited at Hinson last Sunday, the guest Misses Florence and Annie Mae Hinson. Edwin Barron attended the singing at Chastain Sunday. Miss Minnie Morris visited Miss Myrtiee Autry Sunday. Clifford Harrell preaching at Harmony Ask Walter Freeman how enjoyed the huckleberry Friday afternoon. Richard Lewis was the of Miss Ocie Harrell Sunday. Mr. W. U. Lastinger Tuesday with his father out of Pelham. Mrs Bettie Clark spent Friday with her sister Mrs. Moye. Walter Freeman went over Sale City Monday. • Mrs. Mary Plodges visited Mrs. Emma Autry Saturday afternoon. Mr. Lois Brown visited in City Sunday. Dennis Autry was the guest Miss A-mne Hinson SvwH&pr — Tharp Grant spent Tuesday night in Meigs. Scribbler Kodol for dyspepsia has helped thouoands of people who have had stomach trouble. This is what one man says of it: U E. C. Dewitt & Co. Chicago, 111.—Gentlemen—In 1897 I had a disease of the stomach and bowels. I could not digest anything I ate and in the spring of 1902 j bought a bottle of Kodol and the benefit I received from that bottle all the gold in Georgia could not buy. I still use a little occasionally as I find it a fine blood purifier and a good tonic. May you live long and prosper. Yours very truly C. N. Cornell, Boding, Ga., Aug. 27, 19 q6. Dissolution Notice. I have sold my interest in the mer¬ cantile business of G. W. McCormick & Company and will be no longer connected therewith. The purchas¬ ers will assume all the liabilities and collect all debts due the fim. Respectfully, 4t. J. T. WATTS. The World’s Best Climate is not entirely free from disease, on the elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is en¬ countered to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To overcome climate affections lassitude, malaria jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague and general debility, the most effect¬ ive remedy is Electric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodify weakness, nervousness, and tisom nia. Sold under guarantee at Hill & King’s drug store. Price 60c. Wind Mill for Sale. Will sell cheap one Aermotor— 6 foot wheel—with 1050 gallon steel tank with piping and fixtures complete. Prpper size for farm purposes. Ail in first class cou dition. 4 21 0°-'t. D. T. f An Artificial Bird. The force of gravity received a body blow in January when Henry Farmau, * the French aeronaut, traveled a circular ftmr fifths of a miie in alheavier than air flying machine. By this flight Farman won the *1 outsell Arch¬ deacon prize of $10,000 for the first successful air ship. His ex ploit is regarded as t he • greatest since Santos-Dumont circumnavi¬ gated the Eifel Tower in a dirigi¬ ble balloon, and of)far more prac¬ tical and scientific value. Suc¬ cessful navigation of the air seems now onlyw Question of per¬ fection of detail. Farman’s aero pi ui weighs 800 pounds, and is operated by a fifty horse-power motoij. It looks like a lunch wagon w th wings. On the occasion of its .official trial it ran along the ground for a hun¬ dred yards; then its |ings ylno it got the idea, flapped and rose j to feet. a height At about of twenty the speed ve or thirty of I , an Erie Railway te nd it, traveled the required distance, lu le a grace¬ ful curve, and n. limed to the starting point. F irman then dis¬ mounted from hi -riIons posi¬ tion between the igs and gave oh, himself over to it stall more demonstrative perilous congrafc.JJnt ‘.buntrymen. ions of his Farinan’s aerbpfrana would not ta*ke neither a prize does in it a h, ^beauty ’ look contest; like a comfortable place in which to live. There is iu> (lining room, and the motor Is o boisterous that a sleep iivl: compartment would be a superfluity. Fifty years hence the small boy will snigger at this erode crontrivance if he sees it in his history book But it looks as it this ingenious Frenchman had ) niched the long sought goal, *i>; t uns'mictiofi o manageable, heavier than air machine that will fly.—Success. J M-"- ... P NATURE’S OWN IRON TONIC A remarkable combination of Sulphuric Acid and Iron. It is the Strongest Natural Water Known. Endorsed text-books by leading physicians and medical for Indigestion, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and all diseases of Stomach, Bowels and Liver, and when applied as an antiseptic for Eczema and all Skin afflictions. Dose: Tea to tablespoonful. If your druggist cannot supply you, we will make you a trial shipment. Price $1.00 pint, or 6 pints for $5.00. Medical testimonials on request. ■ MATCHLESS MINERAL WATER CO $ . OFFICES >ELL, ANDALUSIA, ALA. GREENVILLE, ALA. Piney-Woods Drug_ Company. W. R. Blasingame Has Early Peaches. Mr. W. R. Blasingame gather¬ ed from a tree in his yard last week the first ripe peaches of the season. Two fiine specimens he brought to the Journal office as proof of his claims. It is always well to prove these matters. The tree is two years old and the peaches are of the 4 Spiller” variety. 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending n sketch and description whether may quickly ascertain our opinion free an invention strictly is probably confidential. patmiUjbJe. HAHOBOOK CemmuiHca- on Patents lions fdr sent free. Oldest — agency ---- securMg pa stents. Patents tnken through Muiih & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated week 1 5 largestcir¬ 13 culation of any scieDtlOc Sold Journal. by all newsdealers. Terms. a year: four months, $L Vnrk MUNN & Co, 36,SrMdwa » Lin__cli office, 625 J* ft* 4> @0 or o Young Men’s Clothes Ederheimer, Stein & Co. - Makers WttNT a Young Man’s suit W without frills, with simple yet stylish lines, a tone of quiet elegance combined with quality? Take this one. You’ll say we’ve rare good judgment in clothing values; and see why we emphasize the Ederheimer-Stein make. Other styles with more marked features if you want them. Tell you more when you come in. A pattern to please every fellow. Sizes up to 38. Consolidated Clothing & Drug Company. ...... 0 G n® Shoes! Shoes !! Shoes !!! American Lady £ Fine Low Cut Shoes, Very Lat= M (;] est Styles and Patterns. || I l brated We line have of shoes a large for and you complete to choose stock from, of this in Tans, cele |Si vjjj Dull Kids, Patent Leather and Yicie, at prices that can not be beat. Come in and let us show you, its always a pleasure to have our customers look through. McCormick <& Co. GENERAL LaERCHAMTS fe: m Felliam., Georgia. >S3*5