The Pelham journal. (Pelham, Ga.) 1902-current, May 22, 1908, Image 8

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APRIL HAS ENDED WITH ' * r it win end milliner Showers of Pretty Things 0 at our * VE RETT MERCANTILE C9 Sper^meth^g pretty In store for you in the form of pretty belts, olJars and ~ wash belts, . our assortment - is complete, stylish belts with pins and buckles, large 1 small enough fit " or to ; any any one, one, prie^frofm pTie^f 15 to 65 cents. Our stock of embroidered collars, all colors, is sure to please and then there are the stocks for ladies who prefer somethiilu soft Price 20 and 25 cents*. . ^ 011 can find almost any color or Style in belts for the little girls or the would be '‘Buster Browns Remember our combs are handsome land reasonable, they come back combs or the back comb and ban This is where you can buy, “Cadet Hose, F. P. Und for children and the famo ; American Ladv Corset Everett Mer rantile t ompany Roddenbery Strong In Grady. Tha following communication addressed to and published by the Times Enterprise tickled the jov bulb of some of the Rodden¬ bery supporters of Pelham. “Cairo, Ga., May 19, 1908 “Editor Times-Enterpvise: “The friends of Judge S. A. Rod denbery, and they are legion in this lmliwick, read with interest a re¬ cent article in the Times-Enterpriso under the 1 ad of “Roddenbery’s Gbances Good.” Certainly! In this .neck of the woods his chances are not only good but par-excellent. A conservative estimate of his strength i;> this county gives him at least four to one. Anderson, as lie is familiarly xe Shoes Chesterfield Hats T. LANE & COMPANY ' ^*7 4 h * HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS ^ Having recently added to our business a first class Gents Furnishing We carry the Ceiebrated Burger Hcod & Co. and the Southern Cloth¬ Depertment. We will carry in stock an up-to-date line of men's, boys ing Mfg. Co’s lines of medium priced and high grade clothing, also the Nesirn and youths suits, Low cut »lioes, straw hats, neckwear, hisiery and Traymore Tayloring Co’s line. These lines are noted for style, fit, work¬ P. W'leiwam* manship and duribility. Every suit we sell is guaranteed to fit & wear well £ DISCUSSIu known by his friends, will roll such an overwhelming majority, against his opponent here, that lie will not know where he is “at”. From every nook and corner in Grady county comes the most en¬ couraging reports for Grady's favorite son—And why not? Judge Roddenbery as a statesman is the peer of any man in tne state. He has all the attributes of our most il¬ lustrious statesman; the sound logic and reasoning of a Webster; the per suaviseness of a Clay, and the elo¬ quence of a Calhoun, and the idea that is being put forward by his op¬ ponents that be cannot do as much as our present Congressman is all rot. At one stroke he can reach a rung on the ladder never approached by him, and so quickly that we will wonder why we haven’t made tire change be¬ fore. And again, some of Judge Rod- opponents think that has a different platform from Not at all. Griggs has climbed every plank put forward by Rod and especially on the liqour on which question he has as far a* the ultra prohibitionist desire by introducing a bill in National legislature to prohibit importrtion of whiskey in the dry But whether Griggs is elect¬ or Roddenbery the prohibitionists like a iilttle of the ardent for the sake need have no fear they will be deprived of their toddy. Therefore, everything being equal, us put stone new blood in the Nat¬ House of Representatives by Judge Roddenbery for • Very respectfully, “JOHN R. SINGLETARY.” GEORGIA’S GREATEST SEASIDE RESORT Offers the greatest attractions for a Summer Outing, Fishing, Boating, Dancing, Surf Bathing, Skat¬ ing, Bowling, and many nther forms of Amusement. Under new management has been thoroughly overhauled, and refurnished and is new throughout. Splendid Orchestra, Fine Artesian Water, Fresh Fish and other sea food. STUBBS & KEEN, Proprietors. Also The New Pulaski, Savannah.