Newspaper Page Text
* urs ;. 3 *« rrow Pelha Journal.
i ne
VOL. 6. NO. 35.
Farmers Bank of Pelham, - Pelham, Ga*
Condensed Statement of Condition at the close of
business May i6, 1908.
Capital Stock............................$100,000.00
Surplus and Profits................ 19,407.48
Deposits ..................................... 100,733.36
Bills Payable..............J............ 55,000.00
J. I.. HAND. President J. i- HAND, J. 51. HURST,
J. NY. EVEKETT, Vice President. ,7. YV EVERETT. H. !.. McDONAL 1),
B. IT, Cl'KRY,-CasV r W. S. KIEL, E. 51. SMITH,
THOS. A. HARROY Vsst.Cashier I). L. TURNER.
Mitchell County Masonic
r i'he second quarterly meeting of
the Mitchell County Masons was'cal¬
led to order Wednesday morning at
9:30 o’clock in celebration of the an¬
niversary of St. Johff's birthday.
The meeting was called by District
Deputy D. M. Rogers who presided
over the meeting.
At 9:30 o’clock they met in the Ma¬
sonic Lodge arid many good speeches
were made by the visitors. At elev¬
en o’clock they inarched in a body to
the Opera House where Hon. Henry
Banks, of LaGrange, Deputy Grand
Master of Georgia, made an excel¬
lent speech which lasted until twelve
o'clock. At 12:30 a barbecue-dinner
was served in the old HiR& McRree
store After dinner, at two o’clock,
the Masons were again called togetn
er and third degree work was taken
up until adjournment at five o’clock.
It yy'hs a good convention and many
prominent visitors were present,
There were about seventy-five visit
ing Masons and eighty of home mem
pehship. About two hundred people
j cerfe of the convention were Dr. W.
R. McClain W. M. aiuLM. S. Stewart
The next meeting will take place
at Sale City, Ga., on September, 18,
What The State Conven¬
tion Did.
The State Democratic Conven¬
tion has met and adjourned. All
the business of the convention
was transacted without a hitch. I
Mr. Brown did not attend the
convention but he was met by a
great many of the delegates at tlie
Kimball House and was given an
ovation. The convention refused j
to endorse Thos. E. Watson for
vice president, though a motion
to that effect was made.
A platform was adopted along
the lines upon which Mr. Brown
made his race. Disfranchisement
and prohibition were endorsed.
The platform recommended that
the members of the Railroad
Commission lie reduced, and that
the office of special attorney be
discontinued, and that the Rail¬
road Commission shall cease to
exercise jurisdiction over street
car lines. It favors going back
to the unit plan in the primaries
insted of the popular vote as we
had in this last primary. It
favors paying all of the old sol¬
diers anaTTa! pensions in one pay-,
ment instead of quarterly as at
present nnd the prompt payment
of school teachers.
Judge Twiggs of Savannah
made the nominating speech . Sev¬
eral elo np^p t speeches seconding
the nomination were made. Al¬
together it Yvas a notable conven¬
tion. Absolute harmony existed
and therntmost enthusiasm and
everything passed off as smoothly
as one could wish .
Loans........................................... $239.742.96
Stocks and Bonds................... 3,000.00
Furniture and Fixtures........ 1,732.95
Casl) and in Banks................ 60,664.93
Will of J, J, Mize Probat=
The last will of J. J. Mize has
been filed in the ordinary’s office
for probate.
The estate is estimated worth
fully $50,000.
There are nine heirs at law
and vithe terms of the will
the estate is left to these and
their phildren.
The five one story store build¬
ings are left to the five oldest
The three youngest children
and the widow share equally in
the remainder of the. estate after
^ debtg arfl id
, T Meriy ,, . appointed
* ls exe
cuter and provision is made for
the'sale of a considerable portion
of the property '
The win Wl!1 be probated at tbe
July term of ordinary’s court.
On last Tuesday a fish fry was
given at the Big Fish Pond in hon¬
or ofithe birthday of Miss Mattie
MaudHill and Mr. Maurice Hurst.
Quite a number of voting people
went and all reported a delightful
day under the chaperonage of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Smith. ,
“Many” fish were fried at all
intervals of the day^md an ex
cellent dinner was served to the
“tired” fishers at the Gee Land
ing. Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Smith, Misses
Florence Upson, Frances Cleve¬
land, Katherine Cooper, Annie
Qooper, Wilma Twitty, Marie Mc
Donald, Mattie Maud Hill, and
Nannie Perry of Sylvester, Ga.,
and Messers Hugh McElvey, Sam
Btindrick, Paul James, Carrol!
Hurst, Crockett Twitty, Cuthbert
Barrow, and Maurice Hurst.
Rev. Raymond Rigdon to
Preach at Baptist
Church Sunday.
Mr. Raymond Rigdou, brother of
our townsman, W. C. Rigdon will
preach at the Baptist Church next
Sunday. At the eleven o’clock
service his subject will be “The
Way back to God.” The young
people and especially the young
men of our town are cordially in
vited to be present. Mr. Rigdon
will be remembered as having
beeu.a pupil in the Pelham High
School a year or two ago. His
subject at the evening service will
be “The one thing I do,” pro¬
vided the protracted services at.
the Methodist Church do not con¬
tinue oyer Sunday.
Have you seen the low- cut shoes
at Hand Trading Co. They are
Grover Cleveland, Only
Ex=Presidetm Died
Suddenly ;AVed=
Grover Cleveland,o r presi¬
dent of the United ded sud
d*mly at his home €tfj||day at Prime i •... \. J
at 8:40 o’clock We morning. |
Death plicated was with due other to hi ^ggRihue, ifttekses.
The passing away ‘uif M r. Cleveland C
was not immecUateIf ? |»riiounced, but
was delayed until official state¬
ment had been prepared by the phy¬
sicians who had bee||> attending him
in the various period 4 of his recent
illness. The followbi t statement,
signed by Dr. Josepfi.L N Bryant. Dr.
George B. Lockyvoqid and Dr. J. M.
Carnochan, Yvas g! off:
“Mr. ClevelaiBSMT many years
had suffered from repeated attaets
of ga.stro-intestinal, jfegan, and had a
long-standing organ.y ■ east* of the
heart, and kidneys.-, Heart failure,
complicated with ^feliiiftnary troni
bosis and oedema, 2' ere the imme¬
diate cause of his df'-rh."
Grover Cleveland was elected by
the Demoe.xatic pa in 1885 and
served one term, iprtih* was again
elected by the I)emo ‘rats in 1893 ahd
served one term. ■!; president lias
ever had a more pop . a r iMhninistra
tion with both parti> ,.
Grover (Tevdand lHnNHpud v asln im in Cald¬
well, N. J. in in Prince
enty-one ton, N. J. years on J une of 2-t. pg)8, the being time ■ sev¬ of
bis death.
Proposals »*io IS,} asked for
by the gover-rnDqi.i. < r the leas*
o" a 6 uitabla|| ftyff 0 ')»a ;,t->r the post
office for vv’ -s, Th-iv. a:-'
HU '
Is delicious and refreshing. Our syrups are
made from granulated sugar and the juices of M
M ! fresh fruits—pure—nothing else. a
H Is absolutely pure. It could’nt be purer. .Scores M
N of popular drinks to suit every taste. Come to H
M s M
M and bring friends with
H M see us your you*
The Old Reliable Druggists.
The Leading Druggists.
Phone 32, t
We represent only the best and strongest companies and solicit
vour business.
esourses 0 f companiesrepresented over $150,
Offices at Pelham State Bank.
. fi. Lott, Sec. & Treas. W. C. Twitty Jr., Manager,
Raids By Revenue Officers
On last Tuesday United States
revenue officers Z. E. Norton and
C. D. Williams made a raid out
west of Pelham a few miles and
found Frank Roam with every¬
thing in readiness to start lip bus¬
iness, He was preparing to make
a choice brand from the juice of
the plentiful black-berry, using a
fishing pole for a worm. Frank’s
still was demolished, his berries
-and juice turned out and Frank
was carried up to Albany, for
This is not Frank’s first offense
in the \va\ of illicit distilling and
it may be some time before he vis¬
its those parts again.
Tlie raid at Jonas Johnson’s re¬
sulted in a find of a still and a
bout 75 gallons of beer. The still
and beer were destroyed but no ar¬
rest was made.
A still was also destroyed
Sam Hastp’s, a white man
in Gradv Comity but nothing
•; -• * A A
. . - ■
$1.00 PER YEAR.
The Revival Meeting At
The Methodist Church
The services have grown in in¬
terest and scarcely, if ever, have
the church goers of Pelham heard
better preaching than that done
by Rev. Mr. Jenkins.
Many of his sermons at night
have been great expositions of the
book of Romans and wherever
the text may be he always brings
to his hearers the great truths of
the Gospel.
Mr. Jenkins went from the pas¬
torate of the church here to a pro¬
fessorship at Wesleyan College,
Macon, Ga.
Recently he was elected presi¬
dent of one of the Church Colleges
with a compensation of $2,500 per
year, .but declined owing to his
great desire to re-enter the pas¬
torale this fall when his Confer¬
ence meets in Quitman. His
many friends predict for him an
appointment to one of the largest
churthes in t lie .Conference- or- per¬
haps a presiding eldership. .
^ t ua $
he, and his lay f riends will rejoice
in his success.
• The meetings will continue
throughout Sunday. And all who
fail to hear the sermons will miss
a rare treat both spiritually and
F, R. & N. E. GETS
And Other Improvements
in Pelham. Work to
Begin at Otlce.
Contract was Jet this week to
J. M. Culpepper, the local con¬
tractor and builder, covering the
erection oft he Flint River &
Northeastern depot building,
and work will begin at one.
The F. R. & N. E. has secured
terminal facilities just west of
the Water and Light plant., and
will lay out on this property
ample freight yards for the hand¬
ling of their increasing busiuess
at Pelham. The depot building
will be erected just North of Nel
sen street, in accordance with
plans prepared by Architect
M. S. Stewart, and will be neat
commodious and convenient.
The contract calls for the rapid
completion of the building, and
the Roadway Department of the
F. R. & N. will begin work on the
tracks at once.
The Flint River & Northeast¬
ern has the best wishes of every
one in Pelham, and these increas¬
ed facilities will enable them to
better serve their friends. They
will continue the joint use of the
A. C. L. terminals until their
Building nrd yr.r’s arc Pr.:shed