The Pelham journal. (Pelham, Ga.) 1902-current, June 26, 1908, Image 4

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The Pelham Journal. Entered J k > i- 1 11 . >* . r <;. : t ! i :li:iii>, < n M •econrt.cljss i i;»U nutter, under act <t Coi. gress of March 3rd, i"7«. Published Evey Friday, Term oi Subscription. One Year - - $ 1.00 Six Month"' 50?: Three Month* - 25?. R. F. D. No. 1 Items. Little B-rssie Cranford who has been very sick lor 1 three weeks was buried at «Mt. Ebal Tiif\sd«ty. Rev. S. 0 . Thomas conducted the funeral servises. He's built a lionic for you and me, That shall forever stand ; Let’s run life’s race, by His dear g race, And gain that happy land. Mrs. Byrd and Mrs, Burnett are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tucker this week on It. F. I). No. 1. Miss Mamie Tucker visited Misses Bronhie Mae Brim and Annie Mae Strickland Tuesday afternoon, who are the guests of Misses Jella and Floy Culpepper. Mr. Hirsm Cox took Mrs. Maggie Shivers to the sing at Hinson Sunday. Mrs. Ida Hurst and Mrs. Hattie Norton spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Tucker. Pear Crop a Valuable One. The raising of pears which got somewhat into dispute as a mon¬ ey industry is again coming into prominence. Every now and then we hour of some one making a nice sum out of pears. Jas. Tift of Dougherty county has just sold his crop of 45 acres to a New York concern for 05 cents a crate and it is estimated the yield will be $75 00 per acre. Notice. The city tax hooks will close on July 1st. and only a few more days remain for returning your property. A A. Turner. y%rjc. __ When Maflk Twain was editing the Virginia City “Enterprise” writing copy one day and mining the next, a superstitous subscri¬ ber once wrote and said he had found a spider in his paper. Was this good or bad luck? Twain re¬ plied to him in.the “Answers to Correspondents” column as fol¬ lows: “Old Subscriber: the find¬ ing of a spider in your .copy of the ‘Enterprise’ was neither good or bud luck. The spider was merely looking over our pages to find out what merchant was not advertis¬ ing, so that it could spin its web across his door in anticipation of leading a free and undisturbed ex¬ istence forever after.” Local Paragraphs. Mr. L P. Tucker has added to his already well equipped plant a new and expensive collar machine which gives to this article of ap parel the domestic finish so much desired. Special values in India Linens and Persian Lawns at Everett Mercantile Co. Mr Rescue Mansfield left Mon¬ day morning for Atlanta, Chuta nooga and other points. He stop p H d over in Atlanta for the con¬ vention which met Tuesday. Go to Hand Trading Go’s. Clothing Department for your hats and caps. Mr. W. A. Lassiter of Albany who has been in Pelham some time has returned to Albany where he accepted a position with the Atlantic Coast Line. DOOMED! We’ll show what cut. priees n eans, the you need the goods, we need jnoney, Mr. Ben Cross left Monday for Uheus where he to attend school. NEW GET-"!’ M I LI, for sale ches p, 15 horse international gasoline en¬ gine, /all in grocKsbape. 100 bushel capacity. W. I). Barber, Pelham, Ga. The reports from all over the county are to the affect that Cot¬ ton is looking exceedingly well and that the corn crop will be fair. Mr. Lelnnd Blanton has sign'd with the Winston-Salem bad to m for the season. He is a son of S. R. Blanton well known in this county and now the publisher of the Home at Boston, Ga. Among those frcrni this city who went to the state convention and to be present at the opening session of the legislature were D. M. Rogers, C. M. Baggs, J. M. Watts,, A. L. Brim, .T. J. Hill and H. H. Merry. We received the B. Y. P. U. Program, but were forced to leave it out for want of space. The Union will meet Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock . Everybody invited . Beef Was Second. A man in a condition of inebriety was walking up n small side street when he saw on a restaurant a board w r ith file words: "Eleven to 3, beef, mutton, vegetables, cheese; 5 to h, soup, joint,” and so on. “Ilelloo! Eleven to 3—de¬ cent price!” he said to himself. “That sounds all right.” lie walked in, placed a shilling on the cashier’s desk and muttered thickly: "A bob on beef. D’y’ear?” Then he zigzagged out. An hour later he made his way back to the establishment. As he entered one of the waitresses was given her order, "Mutton one, beef two.” “Confound it all!” remarked the backer of beef. “Just my luck—a secoud again!”— Lon don Scraps. Mount Rainier’s Shadows. There are some wonderful shadow effects produced by nnd upon the gi¬ gantic snowy cofie of Mount Rainier. It sometimes happens that the sky as seen from the city of Tacoma just be¬ fore sunrise is covered with a dome -irf- ftU i jn) 1 1W,"n, 1 * ipyj. jyove rore ' while behind the peak, toward the east, the sky Is clear. In such circumstances the rising sun casts the shadow of the great mountain upon the cloud curtain overhead In the form of a vast blue triangle, the point of which rests upon the apex of the peak. At other times the shadow of the earth can be seen creeping up the cone in 4 distinct curve, while the flush of sunset stains' the snow above the line of shadow to a deep pink The Foot of a Horse. The foot of a horse is one of the most ingenious and unexampled pieces of mechanism in animal structure. The hoof contains a series of vertical and thin laminae of horn, amounting to a-bout 500 and forming a complete lin¬ ing to it. In this are fitted as many laminae belonging to the coffin bone, while bath sets are elastic and adher¬ ent. The edge of a quire of paper, in¬ serted leaf by leaf into another, will convey a sufficient idea of the arrange¬ ment. Thus the weight of the animal is supported by as many elastic springs as there are laminae in all the feet, amounting to about 4,000. distributed in the most secure manner, since every spring is acted on in an oblique direc¬ tion. May and Marriage. “Marry hi May and you'll rue the day" is an ancient old world proverb. The superstition dates right back to ancient Rome, for the poet Ovid al¬ ludes to It in one of his books. It is especially believed in Scotland, owing no doubt to the fact that the ill fated Mary, queen of Scots, married Earl Bothwell in this month, and it is cer¬ tain that no more unfortunate wed¬ ding ever took place. It seems a pity that this genial season of flowers and sunshine should have such a black reputation: but, as every one knows, it is easier to get a bad name than to lose it. “Marry In May and you’ll rue the day” is likely to remain a popu¬ lar belief for a very long time to come. —London Mail. Old Time Bathing. What would mixed bathers In Eng¬ land think of Blackpool as it was a lit¬ tle over a century ago? When ladies went to bathe, a bell was rung to an¬ nounce the fact, and any gentleman discovered on the parade after it had sounded was fined a bottle of wine. When the ladies had been bathed and completed their toilet, the bell was rung a second time, and the gentlemen had their turn.—London Chronicle. The LATEST 1908 MODEL RACYCLE. ===== One of The Best Bicycles Made. We carry several models in stock. The RACYCLE is without a doubt the lightest running, most durable and most substantially*made Bicycle that is on the American market today, and are sold under a guarantee. Call and see. them or mail us your orde r. . Full supply of Bicycle sundries We can Repair your Wheel, Gun, Pistol, or most anything —I-- else, —.....> no matter what part is broken. • 1 >; Out of town work solicited. We do all work promptly and,guarantee satisfaction.' *L OUR PRICES Are The LOWEST. I F. M. SMITH & CO., Pelham. Ga. Lake Pleasant Dots. I guess the fanners were proud to see the rain. Miss Winnie Lea Luckey is visiting Mr. H. P. Palmer’s family this week. 1 wonder what young man got fooled Sunday afternoon. Miss IIa Palmer visited the home of Mr. Tom Mock Sunday. Mrs. Albert Ott .visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt lAdams Sunday, 1 | Quite a crowd from here and ; Cotton went out fishing last, ; b nd:l , >’ 011 Loss r crepk , aud , re P 0rt , grand time- and plenty oi & fish. 2'* Miss Irene.Palmer visited here Sunday afternoon. We are g ad to say that little Pearl Tlio,ums ;*» better. She has been on uitr sLk list for the past week. „ - her school tits term on ae count of men 1 s Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Palmer visited Cotton Sunday last. We are glad to say that our lit¬ tle Sunday school is progressing fine. Mr. Alfred Palmer of Florida is visiting his old home again. We are glad to see him back. Mr. Burl Maples of Camii'a visited here Sunday afternoon. Mr. Frank Williams of Camilla was shaking hands with his friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sloan wen out here visiting relatives Sun¬ day. Mrs. John Abridge and brother, Albert, visited Pelham last week. Mrs. Bob Morgan visited friends at Lake Pleasant Tuesday Messers Tom Luckey aud Ros coe Eubanks visited Hinsontou Sunday. T wonder what drew their attention over there. Miss Winnie Luckey gave Mrs R L. Eubanks a Mall Tuesday af¬ ternoon. U nknown. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Anyone sending Copyrights Ac. Quickly ascertain a sketch and description may KSI? ut *°JL5 our opinion free whether an »L.YrL rt AU 9 P r °hably a<1ential patentable. HANDBOOK Cornmnnica 0 '; - on Patents pent Tree, oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mima & Co receive tpeuai notice, without » Scientific charge, in the A hacfisotnely American. culation of illnstrated weekp Largest cir¬ Rny scientific iLkl journal. Terms, $3 a linVllu r tb6 ’ by all newsdealers. iViUNN « Co.setsrosdHsr, « Kg York Branch & WasMngto" w Office. £25 F Si. D. C. I | Shoes! Shoes !! Shoes !!! f I American Lady Fine Low Cut Shoes, Very Lat= est Styles and Patterns. We have a large and complete stock of this cele¬ brated line of shoes for you to choose from, in Tans, I not Dull he Kids, beat. Patent Leather and Yicis, at prices that can¬ M Come in and let us show von, its always a pleasure $ I to have our customers look through. McCormick & Co. (jj v general merchants fji F’ellia.m. Georgia. % xaxxsss:xxs **&*csnraexiQg&aES3BS2S2SE&!sgBnE& i - Thomasville L ”\ BUSINESS Thomasville, Georgia. This School Secures the Best Positions a for its Graduates. Open ’M All The Year. ENTER NOW! A IS SON YV. B\LL, = President. 5 T Q R king used* ‘ d«tntTon y W No I structfd?*Ch.rV5 from C gaze ^r'breakage 1 ££%£® Ben » & O. D. unlesa in-1 DR. A I A U and Staff of Spcciaixttt hZT Mervous Debility and "“r"’*.* *r tcture radically ’cured without the ofl of Ken. ’If n ees—causing the results >» «f or loss« -vour„; vou b d use aplssand he head, pains blotches o t L f ™ rushe or with in the fused lo^s 1 fo I cel,lossof b . a?bf u j ne? a v e r g I on* to " so c iet y. if- w gat losses, manhood, etc., cored YLaiit/ f<5r Vancacelfi scrotum—I develop and mature restore res tore lost lost ritaiity. Enlarged Teins 1 b th. weakly aud wrecks young or middle aged who are and make them fit for n refUOd ro« ; P h I III 0 S I S wtthout°pLn Ured l “ * f#W d ‘ T *l o vL^ n « r o^t! n h 7n| DR. KING MEDICAL CO. I XThorougfily responsible. LegaUy Incorporated fiadsr'th XlbfUfiJA C A *