Newspaper Page Text
Pelham Journal.
VOL. 6. NO. 38.
The margin between success and failure in life is sometimes very
Success is often wrested by the help of a few convenient dollars upon
which one can lay his hands at just the right time to grasp an opportunity.
A snug bank account is one of the best friends that a person can
have at all times and particularly when thegp is a chance to make some
profitable investment or business venture.
Start a savings account today and add to it regularly every week or
every month. You will soon have a tidy sum that w r ill continue to grow
until some day it may be the mean of marking an important turning point
in your eareer.
It may start you on the road to great business success.
I per cent, compounded interest paid on savings accounts.
City Court of Pelham.
City Court of Pelham held its
adjourned term Wednesday. In
the absence of solicitor Bennett,
who was unavoidably detained,
the court appointed Col. J. J.
Hill Solicitor protein.
The case of the state vs. G. W.
Gullege was called, the defend¬
ant entering a plea of guilty, and
was fined $5.00 including cost.
The state vs, Anderson Bonds
was called, but was bound over
to the City Court of Camilla, it
being ascertained that this court
did not have jurisdiction to try
There were no other cases set
for trial, and after attending to
some other minor matters the
court adjourned.
Officers Installed.
The officers elected for the
suing six months by the Odd
"Fellows were installed at
regular meeting Monday night.
The officers are as follows; J.
Blanton, Noble Grand; G
er, Secretary; H. H.
Pelham Lodge No. 98
ues to flourish and much
est is manifested by the
The Lodge has over eighty
bers in good standing. Their
port for the past six
shows that they have paid
quite a neat sum for the relief
The lodge is not only
responsible and out of debt
it has money loaned out at
Death of an Infant.
On last Saturday afternoon at
half past five o’clock the
of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Lane
of general congestion, after
illness of about six w r eeks.
interment took place
afternoon at Pavo.
The child was about a year old.
It was thought that it was doing
nicely, and its death was sudden
and unexpected. The sympathy
of the community is extended the
bereaved one3.
Superior Court.
The adjourned term of Mitch¬
ell Superior Court will convene
at Camilla next Monday. It is
learned unofficially that there
will probably be two weeks of
court, the first week being devot¬
ed to civil business, and the sec¬
ond week to the trial of criminal
On account of this Judge
Scaife has adjourned over the term
of City Court of Pelham until
the first Monday in pept^mhor.
Quarterly Conference.
The quarterly conference of the
Pelham charge was held on Mon¬
day afternoon. The conference
now includes the reports of the
church at the cotton mill and the
church at Cotton, which are serv¬
ed by Rev. J. A. Mills.
The financial report at this con
ference, however, only includes
the Pelham church. It showed
that there had been collected for
salary, $147.54, for Missions,
$63.00 and for Sunday School
literature, etc. about $13.00.
There are twenty-two subscribers
to the Wesleyan Christian Advo¬
cate and the Nashville Advocate.
The report showed that the Pel¬
ham church is behind with its
collections but the official board
stated that they expected to be
able to make up this deficiency
by the next quarter.
Double Wedding.
Land Sunday Morning at ten
o’clock at the home of Mr. W. R
B1 as i; i g an ip occurred The .mar
rgtejioY Vilas Jossk Bowen anil
Mr. Eugene McMath, and Miss
Lessie McMath and Mr. Berry
Wilder. Elder B. F. Bentley of¬
ficiating. The affair was a quiet
one, only a few friends witnessed
the ceremony.
The young ladies are both very
popular and atractive. Mr. Mc¬
Math resides east of Pelham and
Mr. Wilder west of Pelham. They
are both prominent young farm¬
Best wishes and •ongratula
tions are extended them.
Pelham vs. Columbus.
An interesting schedule of three
games of base ball is arranged for
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
of this week on the local diamond
On these days the Pelham boys
will play the Columbus team,
which is one of the strongest ama¬
teur teams of this state.
The Columbus team has just
completed a series of three games
with Camilla, in each of which
Camilla won.
Another Library Dona=
Messers. HiJl & King made a
much appreciated donation to
the Library Saturday. The do¬
nation consisted of sixty two
staudard books. A number of
these were the Henty books so
popular with boys. The re¬
mainder of them were standard
works of fiction
The books have been catalogued
and placed on the shelves for
the use of the public. The gift
of this enterprising firm is es¬
pecially appreciated by the book
’’TV* {'.'■'A
Legislaturne Will Inquire
Into Brown’s Dismissal.
The question as ■ to why Joe. the'
Brown was dismissed from
Railroad Commission by Gover
ernor Smith is still van undeter¬
mined one. Although the Legis¬
lature has been in session some
time, Governor Smith has not
yet reported his reason for the
dismissal. On Wednesday Rep
resentative Johnson from Jasper
county introduced resolutions of
the House calling upon Governor
Smith for a report bn this mat
ter. The Legislature is deter
mined that it shall not go ovro
for investigation.
D. Simmons Arbitrate;
Tax Returns.
When D. Simmons returned hb
firm lying just northeast of Pel¬
ham for taxation at $7.00 pei
acre , Tax Receiver Geo. T. Ak
ridge declined to accept the same.
saying that it was not a fair
valuation. Mr. Simmons called
ed for an arbitruttipn as provided
by law. As a result his lund is
assessed at $20 00 per acre.
The arbitrators were C. G.
Lott,, C. V. James and D. L
M Our Phone’s Working
For you. Any time you need something we can
supply, don’t jjv ate to call us up. It will be a pleas¬
ure to us to by of se,iyice to you. JVe carry about every¬
thing that e'ao 1> found in the ' drug traefe: The largest: m
stock in the city. The number of our
phone /
M W and it will be a good idea for you to make a note of it
and ring u when in need.
The Old Reliable Druggists.
aik/Tli® Kind ihere’A“ Goodness *inA cieTnTnc! How
8 in /
^ Sunshine “
good for the hair,
but sunshine won’t make hair grow —it takes a
perfectly kept scalp to do that. Krom Soap cleanses,
cures and invigorates the scalp, and keeps it in prime
Thick, arrowing hair is then a natural consequence.
Brushing and sunshine are of much assistance, and
.will add a splendid gloss.
Cake 25c at all druggists
DR. J. J. KROM CO., Atlanta, Ga.
IOtMtrated directions for a correctly done shampoo are given In oar little
book, "The Charm of Cleanliness.” Write for a free copy.
Consolidate'! ClctMn?* &: D?t"* .3 Ccrrrrr.v, i. / 1
7 n
We represent only the best ancl strongest companies and solicit
your business.
Resourses of companies represented over $150,
Offices at Pelham State Bank.
C. fi. Lott, Sec. & Treas. W. C. Twitty Jr., Manager.
Cigarette Smokes Furth
er Hampered.
It is reported that Judge Fite
>f the Cherokee Circuit has
•barged the grand jury of
L.rtow County that under the
-late law it is a misdemeanor for
iuv person to give a boy a match
with which to light a cigarette.
Judge Fite said to the grand
jury: “A boy with cigarette
papers and tobacco, or with a
cigarette, could .make no use of
them until he had procured some¬
thing with which to light the
cigarette. I charge you that a
mail who gives a minor a match
with which to light a cigarette is
as guilty as the man who furnish
eded him with the paper and to¬
bacco, or the cigarette.”
$1.00 PER YEAR.
Prohibition in Pelham,
While the city of Pelham is
more nearly free from violations
of the state prohibition law than
many of the towns of the state,
there is no doubt that some in¬
toxicants are sold here. There
has been evidence of it which is
unmistakable to those who have
been observant. There is some
talk of an organization to take
the matter up and force prosecu¬
tions. It is claimed that if the
officers cannot catch the blind
tigers, there are those who can,
and that when the citizens are
once in behind the move, there
will be something doing, and
prosecutions will result.
Editor McIntosh Lands
22 Pound Striped Bass
Albany, Ga., July 12 —Wbat 13
probably the -largest fish ever
landed in this part of the state
with a light rod and small line
was 22 J- pound striped bass, or
rock fish, which Editor H. M.
McIntosh,‘of The Herald, took
feom-the. rapids of Mucksifoonee
creek, just below the power dam,
a mile aud half north of Al¬
bany, yestesday afternoon.
These are the gamest fish found
in these waters, and to land oue
weighing more than ten pounds
with light tukle is an achievement
of which sportsmen are to be
pardoned for boasting. Editor
McIntosh’s catolq therefore, U
something so out of the ordinary
that it has made something of a
sensytion in local sporting cir¬
cles. A number of rock fish have
been caught in this vicinity this
City Court of Pelham Ad¬
GEORGIA, Mitchell County.
It appearing that to hold the regu¬
lar adjourned term of City Court of
Pelham will conflict with an ad¬
journed term of Mitchell Superior
It is Ordained, That the July
Term 1908 of City Court of Pelham
be, and the same is hereby adjourn¬
ed over to the first Monday in Sep¬
tember 1908, when the parties, wit¬
nesses and jurors w ill be required to
attend without further order of this
All parties interested will take
notice and be in attendence upon
said court on said date tow’it: the
first Monday in September 1908.
J.H! Scaife, J. C. C. P.
To The Public.
Having accepted the position o€
Manager of the Grocery Depart¬
ment of the Hand Trading'Co., I
take this means of announcing
to my friends that I will be -glad
to have them call aud see me at
m 3 ’ present location, and will take
pleasure in supplying their needs
in this line.
R L Stripling.