The Pelham journal. (Pelham, Ga.) 1902-current, August 28, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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k .4 4 33 3 BMM ^ ^ Ji 3 M a a k k. k doing Cheap. Everything in Hardware. k We have the most complete assortment of guns and ammuni tion ever before shown in Pelham. REMEMBER we are headquarters for Plumbing materials and guaranteed Cutlery and can save you money. Farmers Hardware Company. The Most Value For The Least Money A.'rU'U Every Month writes Mrs. E. Fournier of Lake Charles, La., “I used to suffer from headache, backache, side ache, pressing-down pains, and could hardly walk. At last I took Caraui, and now I feel good all the time. CARD UI J 26 It WU1 Help You 9 Cardui is a medicine that has been found to act {upon |ing the the weakened cause of most womanly women’s organs, pains, that strengthen- suffer be leause their work is too hard for them. : It is not a pain “killer,” hut a true female remedy, composed of purely vegetable ingredients, perfectly harmless and recommended for all sick wo¬ men, old or young. Try Cardui. Women’s Relief. AT ALL DRUG STORES $500,000.00 TO LEND on Farm Lands iu South Georgia, at 7 percent interest, in amunnts of $1000 or above and dne in 5 years. If titles are good about J/* of the value of property will be loaned. David C, Barrow* Pelham, Ga* Chills. Fever and Malaria sufferers can now obtain Wood’s Liver Medi¬ cine in liquid, form. Regulates the liver, kidneys and bladder, relieves biliousness, sick headache, consti¬ pation, fatigue and weakness. It’s tonic effect on the entire system is felt with the first dose. Pleasant to take. Clears the complexion quick¬ ly. , bottle -contains. 2 1-2 times the quantity of the 50c size—“Sold bjr, Consolidated Clothing and Drug Co. It Very is serious Serious ask a very matter to ■ one medicine and have the I wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine— BUck-draughT Liver Medicine The reputation for of constipation, this old, relia¬ ble medicine, in¬ digestion and liver trouble, is firm¬ ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa¬ vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F2 THE PELHAM JOURNAL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1908. Pineules for the Kidneys, 30 days’ trial $1.00, Guaranteed. Pineules act directly on the Kidneys and bring relief in the first dose to back-ache, weak back, lame back, rheumatic pains, kidney and bladder trouble. They purify the blood and invigorate tiie entire system—“Sold by Consoli¬ dated Clothing and Drug Co. Our complete line of American La¬ dy Corsets awaits your inspection. Everett Mercantile Co. SEEDS BUCKBEE’S SEEDS SUCCEED I SPECIAL OFFER: rMade to Valid Kew Bum! neon. A trial will 1 make you our permanent customer. Pt1zg-£P.UStfigg I I 11 tbe finest; Tomip. 7 splendid kuib»—n* ; Onion, 8 beat &U. varie- 1 ties ; !• iprinf-toworiiif varieties in GUARANTEED TO PLEASE. Write to-day; Mention this Paper. SEND 10 CENTS l I to COVtt poct&ge and packing and receive this valuable I collection of Seed# postpaid, together with my big i Instructive, Beautiful Seed and Plant Book, A i tells all about the Best varieties of Seeds, Plants, etc. j ,H.W. Stickbee, ““ "SSMffi. < West of Pellutm, a pair of spec¬ tacles in case. Originally sold by Z. II. .b m s, optician. Owner Can get same by paying for this notice at office of Pelham Journal. Notice. Patrons of the school who fail to get certificates before school opens can not get them except on Saturdays after that time. C. W. REID, Sec. Board Trustees. Road Tax Notice. I will be at the places on dates named below for |h e purpose ol collecting the balance of road taxes assessed for the vt^ar 1908 . Davis Faircloth.....Tuesday, Mill,____Monday, August 17th. 18th. August Pebble City......Wed., August 19th. Camilla......... August 20, 21 and 22. Baconton.....Monday, August 24th. Bowlesville.. Tuesday, August 25th. Sale City........Wed., August 26th. Cottorr.......Thursday, August 27th. Pelham Fri. and Sat. Aug. 28 and 29. Fi Fas will issue September 15th. F. M. COLLINS, Road Tax Collector. Make our store your headquarter while in town, and if you dorit se< whatyOu wantask for it. We have it Everett Mercantile CY. She Likes Good Things. Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West Franklin, Maine, says: “I like good things and have adopted Dr. King’s New Life Pills as our family laxa¬ tive medicine, becauso they are good and do their work without making a fuss about it.” These painless puri¬ fiers sold at Hill & King’s drug store 25c. BULBS BUCKBEE’S BULBS SUCCEED! SPECIAL OFFER:^ ’ Made to build New Business. A f tomer. trial will Satisfaction make you guaranteed a permanent cus , or your money refunded. Souvenir Collectio n^,' to following be*utiiuf BvrlafOrape Hyacinth, Feather Ilya nth. Spring Snowflake, Ixla, Spanish Iri*, ScllUa, Sparaxis, I .amine ulus, Snowdrop, Ctacua.CUiQnodoxa, Tulip, Anemone, Daffodil. Poets E re Narcissus, Darwin Parrot Tulip, Variegated “ " Tulip, OxaIR, French, Roman and Dutch Hyacinths, l la Ol'AItANTEED to Tulips, etc., etc. TO PLEASK [ Write to-day M'nliri if,Is Paper SBIiNO 2S CH.NTS to cover poBtage and packing Kud receive this valu.ibl valuable collection of Bulbs Postpaid, to,:aiher-wiih my bi? Illustrated, islTatcd, lnstrncti' o, l \ Beautiful Seed, Bulb and Plant Book. lelia all all about a bo the Best j varieties of 8e*-ds, L'al'm and Plant*. I Conuneraoration of a continuous, successful business nee H71, I will present free of charge with this Collection 1 alTjlonUn Horn d Tulip Bulb. The greatest floral woadei L of the age. This Bulb alone Is worth a quarter. If u» W. n, 0UCKS88 I,r 1173 BUCKLLE ST. rockfgrd, ill. Pineules For the Kidneys, Bladder and Rheumatism. RELIEVES 30 days’ guaranteed treatment or for money $1.00. refunded. Satisfaction BACK-ACHE Sold by CONSOLIDATED CLOTHING & DRUG CO. 7 For Results Advertise in The Journal. Portable and Stationary Boilers, Saw Mills Side Crank and S1HM ENGINES Center Crank Gasoline Highest grade Engines, Ginning Machinery, Corn Mills Shingle Mills, and Pumping Outfits to be had in the entire South. Large delivery. stock on hand, best terms, quickest It will pay you to investi¬ gate our machinery and prices. MALLARY BROS. MACHINERY CO. 0000000000000000000000000aY0O000000*0Ym000iWa0000Oa0tT White’s Cafe, Eesiaiiraii And Eatery . I have just opened up the Pelham Bakery, also a First Class Cafe and Restaurant, and take this means of announcing same to the public. I am going to give my own personal supervision to this busi¬ ness and intend that Pelham shall have a Cafe and Restaurant that would be a credit to a much larger town. I especially in¬ vite the farmers and their wives when in town to come here for their meals. I can serve you with a 10c lunch or a square meal. Come to see me. Fresh Bread Every Day, G. W. WHITE. BAKERY OLD STAND. g „ • 0 Ua000000000000<H0000O000000*?0000000000000000000000000a