The Pelham journal. (Pelham, Ga.) 1902-current, October 16, 1908, Image 8

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WANTED! Five Thousand Customers to move our entire stock of heavy Groceries in the next 60 days. Pelham Mercantile Company. Phone 2. Free Delivery. Pelham, Qa. The Pelham Journal. Kuterwl December 3rd, iw> 2 .at I'cllmm.Ca *1 second.class mall matter, under act of Con ress of March 3rd, lWit. Published Evey Friday, Term of Subscription. Jne Year $1.0t Six Months 50? Three Month? 26 f. Farmers Wanted. Three thousand practical far¬ mers are wanted who would like to own homes of their own. The government has nearly 200,000 acres of land lying under the var¬ ious irrigation projects through¬ out the West for which water will be available next season. The farm unit on these projects var¬ ies in most cases from 40 to 60 acres of irrigable laud, depending upon location. In many sections a tract of grazing land has been iuclnded in the farm unit wher¬ ever practicable, bringing the to¬ tal up to 160 acres. The only charge for these farms, besides the regular laud office fee for filing, is the actual cost of getting water to them, and pay¬ ment may be made in ten annual installments, without interest. These irrigation projects are scattered over the entire arid re¬ gion from Canada to the Mexican liue. In consequence, every va¬ riety of crop grown in the tem¬ perate zone can be raised under them. If you would like a fruit or dairy farm, a garden for mar¬ ket truck, a tract for diversified farming, hog or poultry raising, just write to the Statistician of the U. S. Reclamation Service, Washington, D. C., for particu¬ lars. City Council. A meeting of the city council was held last night, all the mem¬ bers being present except Council¬ man J. L Hand Only routine business was before the body, and this was dispensed in a short while. The session lasted only an hour. A number of accounts iTere ordered paid, and monthly reports of the officers were re¬ ceived. Had A Close Call. Mrs. ; Ada L. Croom, the widely known proprietor of the Croom Ho¬ tel, Vaughn, Miss., says: “For sever¬ al months I suffered with a severe cough, and consumption seemd toe have its grp on me, when a friend recommended Dr. King’s New Dis¬ covery. I began taking it, and three bottles affected & complete cure.’g The fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, and lung and throat healer is world wide. Sold at Hill & King's drug store. 50®. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. T.HE PELHAM JOURNAL, FRIDAY, OCT, 16, 19QS. Burning With Curiosity. A certain famous authoress who is much worried by unknown correspond¬ ents has taken her revenge in a some¬ what eccentric fashion. She received a letter from a woman Informing her that the writer had named her last baby after her and requesting the authoress’ views on her choice. She received a thick envelope, heavily sealed, with this inscription: “Not to be opened till baby's thirtieth birthday." Now the mother is worrying herself day and night as to the contents of the envel¬ ope. Lines by a Sick Poet. Mr. William Watson, when ill in London and attempting a dinner for which he had no appetite, scribbled these lines on a scrap of paper, which he threw to his attendant: Strange sauce that's mingled with the meat. Strange- meat that's mingled with the sauce—In vain. I eat and. wond'rlng what and why I eat. Long for the porridge of my youth again. —Lpndon Chronicle. Quite Clear. Masquerader (explaining who he Is supposed to represent)—I’m that fellow who fought the battle of what do you etui It; you know. Whafs his name bout him in his great book You retnember, every one took him for the other chap until they found he couldn't be; then they knew he wasn’t. Think 1 look the part?—London Sketch. Going 8om«. "Was his auto going very fast?" “Your honor, it was going so fast that the bulldog on the seat beside him looked like a dachshund.”—Hous¬ ton Post Her Limitations. "These pianos look too cheap," said the young woman, her brows contract¬ ing slightly. “Show me some of the best you’ve got.” “Yes, ma’am,” said the salesman. “May I ask how high you care to go?” “Me? Oh, I only go to G, but I want one with all the octaves just the same.”—Chicago Tribune. Let Him Try. “I fear no foe in shining armor," sang the man at a concert "Don’t you, old chap?” grumbled the bachelor in the front row. "Then you try to open a sardine box with a pocket knife.” One 8ecr«t. Lawyer—I must know the whole truth before I can successfully defend you. Have you told me everything? Prisoner—Except where I hid the mon¬ ey. I want that for myself. Ha Knaw. “I suppose you know why you are here?” asked the judge severely. "Yes, sir,” answered the prisoner. “I wuz drug here.”—Birmingham Age Herald. Teapots were the invention of either the Hindoos or the Chinese and are of uncertain antiquity. They came to Eu¬ rope with tea in 1010. The nectar of flowers from which bees make honey contains 70 to 80 per cent of water, but honey contains only about 20 per cent. “Is Gladys pretty?” “Why, old man, she’s almost as pret¬ ty as her mother thinks she is!"—Har¬ per’s Bazar. Extremes. Nodd—I came home late the other night and got in the wrong house. Todd—What happened? “The lady was very nice. Treated me like a human being and sent word to my wife that she would like to keep me in exchange for her husband.” “What was the matter with him?” “One of the kind who stay home all the time and bore every one to death.* —Life. RALPH BINGHAM WEDDED TO MISS CHRISTINE GILES The Lecturer and His Bride Will Soon Start for the South. Now London, Ohio, October 14. Mr. Ralph Bingham, the wide¬ ly-known lecturer and platform entertainer, was married here this evening to Miss Christine Giles, a member of a promiuent family. After a brief trip the couple will leave for the south, where Mr. Bingham will fill his regular professional engagements for the season. Senior Union. Following is the program for Sunday, October 18th. Leader^ J. R. Cross: Topic—“The Holy and Loving God Has a Right to be Sover¬ eign.” Scripture—Ephesians iii. 14-19 Paper—“God, Our King ” By Miss Lillian Cooper. Paper—“God’s Love and God’s Power.” By Miss Dyer. Scripture Reading—Ephesians i. 3-14. T. T. Roland. Address—“God Came to Us Before We Came to Him.” Rov Hill. Address—“The Comfort in the Doctrine of God’s Sovereignty.” Wm. Cook. Song and prayer of dismissal. The meetings are growing in in¬ terest. All young people invited. A Healthy Family. “Our whole family has enjoyed good health since we began using Dr. King’s New Life Pills, three years ago,’’ says L. A. Bartlet, of Rural Route 1, Guilford, Maine. They cleanse and tone the system in a gentle way that does you good. 25c. at Hill & King’s drug store. Hon. J. L. Hand left the early part of this week for St. Louis. He will visit New York and other points east before returning to the city. The Consolidated Clothing and Drug Company opened their big clothing sale Wednesday. They have on hand a large force of clerks, and their store has been thronged with purchasers during the two days. A meeting of the directors of the Pelham Land Loan and Im¬ provement Company was held at the office of the secretary, D L. Turner, this afternoon. It was the regular quarterly meeting at which the quarterly report was Tk o-'ived. I ired of rtim. 1 At a trial in Scotland a Ia*ry got into the witness box to be exan.; j&d. when the following conversation took place between her and the opposing coun¬ sel: Counsel—How old are you? Miss Jane—Oh. weel. sir, I am an unmarried woman and dinna think It right to answer that question. The Judge—Oh. yes; answer the gen¬ tleman. How old are you? Miss Jane—Weel-a-weel, I am fifty. Counsel—Are you not more? Miss Jane—W T eel. I am sixty. The inquisitive lawyer still further asked if she bad any hopes of getting married, to which Miss Jane replied: “Weel, sir, 1 winna tell a lee. 1 hln na lost hope yet.” scornfully adding. “But I wldna marry you. for I am sick and tired o’ your palaver already.” $ 15.00 Is Worth $20.00 $22.50 or $25.00 For a Few Days at The One Price Store To Men Who Need Winter Suits. This is a limited sale, becauselthe number of suits which we are enabled to offer at this price is necessarily limited. These are brand-new suits, made of the latest fashionable materials and tailored after the popular 1908 models. If you are going to need a suit any time this winter, you cannot, in justice to yourself and your purse, neglect this rare opportunity. Every purchase represents a saving In cold, hard cash of TO $ 11.00 ROSENBERG BROS. Albany, Ga. Psychology of Broken Jaws. It might be a bit of a strange fact, but you would be astonished to see the broken jaws which are presented at free institutions on holidays—elec¬ tion day. New Year’s day and the Fourth of July. A great number of fractured jaws are the result of quar¬ rels among the very lowest classes. It surprises me that the number of bro¬ ken jaws is not on the Increase on ac¬ count of the heated newspaper discus¬ sions that we are constantly having on various topics of the day. It has been said that were it not for the mouth nine-tenths of the gossip and the miscTiief of the world would l>e prevented. And very often were It not for the month there would be no broken jaws.—D. B. Breundllch in New York Medics' fwi-nri