The Pelham journal. (Pelham, Ga.) 1902-current, November 06, 1908, Image 5

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THE PELHAM JOURNAL, FRIDAY, NC 6, i908 # -§k BUSINESS GOOD! Our Sale Continues and Trade Increases. % The great crowds which has thronged our store for the past moth isjevidence H if of the fact that this sale is a direct and original dollar appeal is equivalent to the ecomical instinct of thinking people to whom the saving of a to the earning of one. & A SALE AT THE RIGHT TIME. % No sale could be comprehensive==none could offer greater variety of more a % seasonable merchandise. NOW IS TH E ACCEPTED TIME. Do not wait until the time is out and then want to kick yourself because you did not buy while you had an opportunity [to ■jf buy cheap. strongly the | We cannot impress upon you too importance of takingl advan= tage of this wonderful price cutting sale==the sale that stands preemenent in the matter of values Remember the sale will close Jan. 1. Come now==your money back if dis= satisfied. Yours for business, T. LANE co. Underwood Standard Typewriter. Machine of Merit Possessor of originality in “Billing,” “Visi¬ ble” and “Tabulator” construction, Securer of Large Contracts, Recipient of Grand Prizes, and Winner of Speed Championships, the Underwood Standard Typewriter stands foremost to=day in the estimation of the Commercial World. The Machine You Will Eventually Buy. Underwood Typewriter Company, ( i*c,) 119 Peachtree Street, - - ATLANTA, GA. Subscribe For The Journal. Senior Union. Following are the new officers elected by the B. Y. P. U. on last Sunday for the following six months: B. U. Curry, President. S. Bundrick, Vice President. M. B. Mock, Secretary and Treasurer. Programme Committee—J. W. Parker, Chairman; J. J. Blanton, Mrs. J. B. Scott, Miss Mell Pick ron. Membership Committee—J. L. Singletary, Chairman; J. T. Her¬ ring, C. L. Kelly, Hugh McElvy, Miss Hattie Everett, Miss Annie Cooper. Visiting Committee—Mrs. J. B. Minton, Chairman; Mrs. Wm. Cook, Mrs. J. R. Cross, Misses Ma¬ rie McDonald, Jetta Glausier, Gussie Spence, Lillian Cooper. Mrs. W. S. Hill, Chairman; Mesdames J. W. Parker, C. G. Lott, J. B. Scott, D. C. Barrow, B. U. Curry, Mr. M. H. King. Cast of “The Traitor.” The cast which will present “The Traitor” was selected after months of careful seeking to ob¬ tain those best suited to the roles to be portrayed. As a result the company is one of the best bal¬ anced ever sent on tour. Among the talented players who will be seen in this stirring dramatic se¬ quel to “The Clansman” are Cath¬ erine Tower, Adell Barker, Lydia Knott, Marion Willard, Vira Bar¬ ker, John T. Doyle, John Maurice Sullivan, Arthur J, Pickeus, Har¬ rison Crofford, Guy G. Oliver and Frank Leo. Will show at Thomas ville, November 10. Write C. L. Thompson for seats. Salt! Salt! Salt! We have a solid carload. Price 60 cents per sack. J. T. Lane & Ho. A Remarkable Record. Thomas Dixon, Jr., is the only playwright who has written a play that has been popular enough to spend an entire season in the South. This record has been held by “The Clansman” for three seasons, during which period one of the touring companies has been continuously confined to south¬ ern territory. This year a still longer tour of the same section of the country will be made by “The Traitor,” the dramatic sequel to “The Clansman” by Channiug Pollock and Thomas Dixon, Jr. “The Traitor” company will play( for thirty-two weeks without go¬ ing north of Mason and Dixon’s line. Another organization will, at the same time, play the north¬ ern territory. This remarkable play will be the attraction at Thomasville on November 10. Write A. L. Thompson for seats. Motor Cycle for Sale. A two-horsepower Yale Motor Cycle for sale. Almost new. Has been run very little. In good condition. Best make. Will sell very cheap for cash. Apply at this office. oc!5tf Seven Years of Proof. ‘I have had seven years of proof that Dr. King’s New Discoveiry is the best medieine to take for eoughs and colds and for every diseased con¬ dition of throat, chest er lungs,” says W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mo. The world has had thirty-eight years of proof that Dr. King’s New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchi¬ tis, hemorrhage of the lungs and the early stages of consumption. Its timely use always prevents the de¬ velopment of pneumonia. Sold under guarantee at Hill A King’s drug! store. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. TAX NOTICE. My books are open for the pur¬ pose of collecting State and County Taxes for the year 1908. I will be at the following places named below: Davis Mill, Thursday Oct. 1st. Faircloth, Friday Oct. 2nd. Pelham, Tuesday Oct. 6th. Also will give cotton mill from 10 to 12 okdock, J. W. Warren’s store, Thursday, Oct* 8th. Cotton, Friday Oct. 8th. Hinsonton, Tuesday Oct. 13th. Pebble City, Thursday Oct. 15th. Sale City, Friday Oct. 16th. Raiford, Monday Oct. 26th. Baconton, Tuesday Oct. 27th. Pelham, Tuesday Nov. 10th. Will be in Camilla court week and all the rest of the time. My books will close on Dec. 19th; Fi fa. will be issued on Dec. 20th. Get ready and pay your taxes and save the cost. D. W. Faircloth, T. C. M. C. Watched Fifteen Years. “For fifteen years I have watched the working of Bucklen’s Arniea and it has never failed to cure sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which was applied. It has saved us many doctor bill,” says A. F. Hardy, of Wilton, Maine. 25c at Hill 4s drug store. “Your money back or satisfaction any cost”—that is our motto. you like it? Everett Mercantile Co. Wood’s Liver Medicine in liquid for malaria, chills and fever, regulates the liver, kidneys and blad¬ brings quick relief to bilious¬ sick-headache, constipation. Pleasant to take. The $1.00 bottle contains 2)4 times the quantity of the 50c. size. First dose brings re¬ lief. Sold by Consolidated Clothing & Drug Co.